
Which is stronger in the Republic of China humor? Zhang Taiyan was conceited, and if Guo Mo was witty, Shi Liang had backbone

Which is stronger in the Republic of China humor? Zhang Taiyan was conceited, and if Guo Mo was witty, Shi Liang had backbone


Shi Liangcai once said, "The state has a national character, the newspaper has a newspaper style, and there is a personality," and he believes that "newspapers are the mouthpieces of the people, and in addition to the oppression of special forces, they must always speak for the people to stand firm." ”

Once, Chiang Kai-shek talked to Shi Liangcai.

Jiang said, "Set me on fire, I have a million soldiers under me!" ”

Shi replied coldly, "I also have a million readers. ”

It's a conversation between the barrel of a gun and a pen.

On the afternoon of November 13, 1934, on the Shanghai-Hangzhou Road, Shi Liangcai was assassinated at the age of 54.


Sun Chuanfang was the commander-in-chief of the five southeastern provinces during the Beiyang warlord period. At that time, Sun Yat-sen initiated it, and Yuan Shikai carried it forward, saying that he wanted to be a servant of the people. Sun Chuanfang read the newspaper and almost laughed. He said that those who strive to be servants of the people are actually liars, and he should be the parents of the people and not the servants of the people. For there is no good thing in being a servant, either by kidnapping the master's little wife or by stealing the master's money, and there is not a single parent in the world who does not love his children.

How do you feel about that?


An innovation in the Tokyo trials compared to the Nuremberg trials was that the passive inaction of the main responsible persons was included in the scope of conviction and sentencing. This is because during the mass killings and looting in Nanjing, China, Manila, the Philippines, and other places, the top commander of the Japanese army did not explicitly issue orders with the word "execution", which on the surface was not very different from the massacre of Jews in Germany. However, the Tribunal held that when the slaughter and ill-treatment of prisoners of war and even civilians had become widespread and the leading commanders were clearly aware of it, failure to do so effectively could be considered acquiescence or connivance and should also be held liable.

Which is stronger in the Republic of China humor? Zhang Taiyan was conceited, and if Guo Mo was witty, Shi Liang had backbone


At a party in Chongqing in 1945, Guo Moruo was introduced to Brother Liao Bing. Brother Liao Bing told him that because his sister's name was Liao Bing, he was called Brother Liao Bing.

Guo Moruo made

Suddenly enlightened, he said, "Oh. I know, that Shao Lizi's father must be Shao Li, and Yu Dafu's wife is Yu Da! ”


On the question of whether to pursue Emperor Hirohito's war crimes, MacArthur wrote to President Truman after much deliberation: "Prosecuting the Emperor would undoubtedly cause great unrest among the Japanese people, and its impact should not be underestimated." The Emperor is a symbol of the unity of the Japanese people, and if the Emperor is overthrown, Japan will surely collapse. At that time we will have to garrison an army of 1 million people here, and we will be troubled indefinitely to maintain stability. ”


Before the September 18 Incident, Honjo Wataru wrote a letter to the then Japanese Minister of Land, Nanjiro, explaining the importance of invading northeast China to Japan: "Familiarizing ourselves with the existence of the Empire and enriching its status as a first-class country, it is bound to take advantage of the decline of world finance, the failure of the Soviet Union's five-year plan, and the failure to achieve the reunification of China, and indeed occupy Manchuria and Mongolia, which I have been operating for 30 years... Then the foundation of our empire can be established in the present world. ”


On December 15, 1945, Fumimaro Konoe committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide at his mansion. He wrote in his suicide note: "Many political mistakes have been made since the Japan-China Incident and I feel deeply responsible, but it is intolerable for me to be tried as a so-called war criminal in a US court." ”


Class A war criminal Hideki Tojo once said: "Sometimes we have to have the courage to do something extraordinary — like jumping down from the platform of Kiyomizu-dera Temple, just close your eyes." ”


According to the "Crane Forest Yulu" record, the Northern Song Dynasty power minister Cai Jing lived a very luxurious life. After he was raided, a concubine in his house was exiled to the capital and bought by a scholar. The scholar asked the concubine, "What are you doing in Cai Jing Mansion?" The woman replied, "I am a person in the bun room of Master Cai's mansion." The doctor then ordered her to make buns. She replied that she would not do it. The scholar asked incomprehensibly, "Since you are a person in the bun room, why don't you make buns?" The woman replied, "Concubine is also the one who cuts scallions in the bun kitchen!" "Even the onion wire used to make buns has been engraved by a special person, which shows the fine division of labor." This bun is really exquisitely made to the extreme. This shows how luxurious Cai Jing's life is.


At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Huguang, opened the "Two Lakes Academy" in Wuhan, which included analects, Zhou Li, and Shangshu, as well as mathematics, geography, surveying, chemistry, and gymnastics. The treatment of students is particularly generous, each dormitory has two rooms, a study, a bedroom; you can receive a monthly anointing silver four two, every month in the examination, the score of "super", you can get a bonus of twelve yuan, even "equal" can also get eight yuan bonus. Student Zhang Zhiben recalled that "at that time, rice was only sold for hundreds of yuan, so the student's life was extremely rich, and he could even support his family." The scoring system of the examination is the most unique, with the highest score of four, because Zhang Zhidong agrees with the Song Dynasty scholar Shao Yong's evaluation of Sima Guang's "Junshi Nine Points Of People", believing that students can reach half of Sima Guang, "that is, enough to be a contemporary Jasper".


Many people know that John Tolkien is through his novel The Lord of the Rings, but many people don't know that writing novels is only his side hustle, occasionally. His main profession is to teach linguistics, and he has been a scholar since he was a child. His mother taught him English, French, Latin, and Greek from an early age, and In middle school, Tolkien was the pillar of the school's debate team, and he could also perform ancient Greek dramas with an authentic Greek accent. After attending university, Tolkien delved into Old English, Finnish, Icelandic, and Middle Welsh, and his Glossary of Middle English is an important work in linguistics. In 1918 he participated in the writing of the Oxford English Dictionary, exposing him to various myths and folktales in England and Northern Europe. Two years later, Tolkien became a senior lecturer in English at the University of Leeds, returning to Oxford in 1925 to become the youngest professor in the history of the university, when he was only 32 years old.

Which is stronger in the Republic of China humor? Zhang Taiyan was conceited, and if Guo Mo was witty, Shi Liang had backbone


Zhang Taiyan was born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, according to the "Yuhang County Chronicle", the Zhang family knew medicine for three generations, and they all hung up on the villagers and practiced medicine to save people. Under this influence, Zhang Taiyan buried his love and interest in Chinese medicine as a child. He had heard about Mr. Yu Fan, and he had been involved in medical classics, and he had also benefited a lot. In his later years, he devoted a lot of energy to the field of medical research. Someone asked Zhang Taiyan: "Is Sir's learning the first in classics or the first in historiography?"

He replied, "I'm the first in medicine."


In the 1940s, after Zhang Ailing published a number of novels, Luoyang paper was expensive, and Hu Lancheng wrote a "On Zhang Ailing", praising her "the blood of the nobility". This kind of ostentation aroused the envy of another female writer at the time, Pan Liudai, who wrote "On Hu Lancheng and Zhang Ailing", which satirized the "blood of the nobility": "This relationship is like the distance between a chicken drowning in the Pacific Ocean and the Shanghainese eating tap water from the Huangpu River, saying that they are "drinking chicken soup". The irony is wonderful.

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