
1 hour before the Sino-US armistice, the US military suddenly bombed the volunteer army, but unexpectedly made a wrong calculation

The heroic volunteer soldiers left countless legendary stories that are still remembered today in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, whether it is the heroic and fearless Battle of Shangganling or the touching "Who is the Most Lovely Person", whether it is Huang Jiguang, who blocked the eye and was martyred by the fire, Qiu Shaoyun, who defended the country's security with their own lives. What many people don't know is that on the eve of the end of the war, the volunteer soldiers are still defending the dignity of the country, without the slightest relaxation.

1 hour before the Sino-US armistice, the US military suddenly bombed the volunteer army, but unexpectedly made a wrong calculation

About 15 minutes before the armistice, the Volunteers carried out a massive bombardment of American troops. Usually we think that the sense of ceremony is important to make such a major decision as signing an armistice, but the armistice should begin some time before the signing ceremony, but the US military is still fiercely attacking the volunteers an hour before the signing ceremony, and the volunteers are doing this entirely to protect the dignity of the country.

1 hour before the Sino-US armistice, the US military suddenly bombed the volunteer army, but unexpectedly made a wrong calculation

The United States was still attacking an hour before the armistice, mainly because it was not willing, after all, the US military at that time was far ahead of the volunteer army in materials and military equipment, and the US army was also composed of well-trained soldiers, and they were not willing to concede defeat in the case of so much military equipment. Another reluctance lies in the roundabout tactics of the volunteers, which often makes the U.S. military often scratch its head. In the case of not being able to fully confront the American army head-on, the volunteer army usually went deep behind the enemy at night, and the sleeping American troops often suffered heavy losses, so with the fire attack an hour before the armistice, the American army may think that the volunteer army will be immersed in the joy of victory and let down its guard.

1 hour before the Sino-US armistice, the US military suddenly bombed the volunteer army, but unexpectedly made a wrong calculation

Although it is impossible to change the situation of the war, but at least it can relieve the hatred in its heart, but the US military never expected that the heroic volunteer army was so excellent, for the honor of the motherland, for the tranquility of Korea, even an hour before the armistice, it was a state of high alert, and the US military's self-righteous wishful thinking was wrong. It is precisely because of such heroic and cautious volunteers that they were able to fight for every inch of land in the Korean battlefield and finally win the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

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