
The infected people in this round of epidemic in Dongguan are all in Dalang Town, which belongs to the same chain of transmission

According to Guangzhou Daily, on the morning of December 17, Dongguan held a press conference to report the latest progress of the epidemic situation in Dalang for the fourth time.

The infected people in this round of epidemic in Dongguan are all in Dalang Town, which belongs to the same chain of transmission

Luo Xiaoyong, deputy director of the Municipal Health Bureau, informed: As of now, the infected people found in this round of epidemic in Dongguan are all in Dalang Town, and the continuing cases are transmitted in a confined space, which belongs to the same transmission chain, and the transmission chain is clear.

The activity trajectory of confirmed case 9 was announced

Confirmed case 9, male, 42 years old, currently residing in Jiudun District, Caibian Village, Dalang Town, Dongguan City. On December 14, the nucleic acid test result of the new crown virus was negative, and on December 15, as a close contact, he was included in the centralized isolation management, and the nucleic acid test result was positive again, and he was transferred to the designated hospital for isolation and treatment, and was diagnosed by experts as a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia (ordinary type).

The investigation shows that the confirmed case was active in The town of Dalang from 5 to 14 December, involving the following venues:

From December 5th to 14th, the main activities are residence and Caibian Village Shajing Street, and I have visited Jiahe Boiled Meat Powder Breakfast Restaurant, Shuikou Village Cultural and Sports Park, Tmall Shop (Caibian Village Qiaotou Street), Caibian Market, Fortune Apartment and other places.

On December 15, those who were judged to be close contacts were included in centralized isolation management, and then transferred to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment.

The 9 confirmed patients are all in Dalang Town

According to the epidemiological investigation and the comprehensive analysis of the results of viral gene sequencing, the epidemic in Dalang Town is associated with the epidemic in other provinces, and the viruses belong to the Delta variant. At present, the infected people found are all in Dalang Town, and the continuing cases are all transmitted in a confined space, belonging to the same chain of transmission, and the transmission chain is clear.

The infected people in this round of epidemic in Dongguan are all in Dalang Town, which belongs to the same chain of transmission

The High Viral Load, Fast Transmission Rate, Short Onset Time, and Short Intergenerational Transmission Interval of delta variants make it essential for citizens to do a good job in personal protection. At the press conference, Luo Xiaoyong called on the general public to:

First, we must continue to do a good job in personal protection. Take the initiative to do a good job in health monitoring, adhere to the "three-piece set" of epidemic prevention, and keep in mind the "five alsos" of protection: continue to insist on wearing masks, maintain social distancing, and pay attention to personal hygiene; remember that masks should be worn, social distancing should be retained, coughs and sneezes should be covered, hands should be washed frequently, and windows should be opened as much as possible. Once there is fever, cough and other uncomfortable symptoms, under the premise of personal protection, promptly choose the nearest medical institution for fever clinic. Please pay attention to the trajectory of new cases announced by the official media in time, if there is a time and space intersection with the announced cases, please be sure to report to the local community or the ju (village) village committee as soon as possible.

The second is to actively cooperate with nucleic acid testing. The general public is invited to be highly conscious, actively cooperate and actively participate, and go to the designated sampling point in an orderly manner according to the time of the community notification or take the initiative to contact the community personnel. During the sampling period, personal protection should be done, masks should be worn throughout the process, the temperature test should be taken actively and the distance of more than 1 meter should be maintained, so as to avoid gathering and talking to each other, and effectively prevent cross-infection during sampling. After sampling is complete, leave the sampling point in an orderly manner as soon as possible.

Edited by Chen Yuanyuan

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