
Care for the liver, start with diet! If you eat these 5 foods regularly, you may be able to restore liver function

As the saying goes, liver is not good and people are easy to age, these words indicate that the liver and health are closely related, because the liver is like a large cleaning machine, undertaking the work of detoxification and detoxification, while also being able to store blood.

Once the liver has health problems, mild indigestion, abdominal distension, facial skin deterioration and other problems, accumulated over time, and even easy to induce hepatitis, cirrhosis and other diseases.

It is precisely in this way that everyone should do a good job of maintaining the liver, such as insisting on eating the 5 foods mentioned below from the diet, and the liver will be healthier than others.

Care for the liver, start with diet! If you eat these 5 foods regularly, you may be able to restore liver function

1. Tomatoes

As we all know, tomatoes are the most common vegetables in life, it not only has a good taste, but also very rich in nutrients, in addition to the vitamin C required by the human body, there is also lycopene, direct raw eating or stewed soup stir-fry in daily life, can achieve a good role in nourishing the yin and tonifying the liver.

Vitamins, in particular, help to fight oxidation, scavenging free radicals, and accelerating the metabolism of junk toxins, thereby reducing the burden on the liver.

Care for the liver, start with diet! If you eat these 5 foods regularly, you may be able to restore liver function

2. Strawberries

For people who want to maintain the liver, eating strawberries is also a good choice, because strawberries not only have a sweet taste in the acid, but also a cool fruit that can eliminate liver fire.

At the same time, strawberries also have more vitamin components, which can nourish cells and absorb iron, thus achieving a natural anti-inflammatory effect.

Care for the liver, start with diet! If you eat these 5 foods regularly, you may be able to restore liver function

3. Carrots

Carrots have a good taste and attractive shape, so they have won the favor of consumers.

And carrots have a high edible value, in addition to protecting vision, they can also nourish the liver and protect the liver, because carrots are mild in nature, and there is more carotene in them, which helps to repair damaged liver cells.

At the same time, carrots also contain an ingredient called glycosulphide, which can restore the effect of the antioxidant substance vitamin E, on the one hand, to prevent cells from being damaged by free radicals, and also to accelerate the detoxification of cells, and ultimately promote liver function to return to normal.

Care for the liver, start with diet! If you eat these 5 foods regularly, you may be able to restore liver function

4. Figs

Figs are also one of the most common fruits, although compared with fruits such as apples and bananas, the frequency of use is relatively low, but it has to be said that its nutritional value is very high;

Among them, not only lipids, which help to moisten bowel movements, but also rich in a variety of organic acids and active enzymes, which play a vital role in promoting the detoxification of the liver.

Care for the liver, start with diet! If you eat these 5 foods regularly, you may be able to restore liver function

5. Mung beans

After the arrival of summer, the daily life with mung beans to cook soup to drink, on the one hand, can clear the heat and relieve the heat, on the other hand, can also protect the liver, because mung beans contain more polysaccharides and globulin, the role of these two substances is to promote bile secretion, reduce the absorption of cholesterol substances in the small intestine.

In addition, there is a substance called trypsin inhibitor in mung beans, which can help cholesterol break down in the liver, which is very suitable for people with reduced liver function.

Care for the liver, start with diet! If you eat these 5 foods regularly, you may be able to restore liver function

All in all, if you want to maintain your liver, starting with a diet is really a good choice, such as the mung beans, carrots, figs, strawberries and tomatoes mentioned above, which are not only common, but also able to repair damaged liver cells.

Of course, the maintenance of the liver requires a number of measures to cooperate, including regular work and rest, insisting on exercise, regular physical examination and so on. At the same time, remind people who drink alcohol regularly, for the sake of liver health, please change this habit.

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