
Self-"parts" repair heart "valve" 12-year-old girl regained "heart" life

Henan Mobile News reporter Liu Xiaofan intern Pan Kerou correspondent Xing Yongtian

Recently, Professor Fan Taibing of the Children's Heart Center of Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital, Deputy Chief Physician Liang Weijie and other experts successfully performed a complete reconstruction of the aortic valve three-lobe for a 12-year-old patient using Ozaki technology, so that he regained his "heart".

Self-"parts" repair heart "valve" 12-year-old girl regained "heart" life

This is the second Ozaki operation in the province that Professor Fan Taibing's team successfully performed. Not long ago, Professor Fan Taibing led the team to successfully perform the first Ozaki operation in the province, and successfully performed a complete reconstruction of the three-lobed lobe of the aortic valve for a 6-year-old child.

Ozaki is an advanced cardiac surgery technique that uses the patient's own pericardial tablets, which are specially treated to make aortic valve lobes and reconstruct and repair the aortic valves.

Rarity is 12 years old and comes from Pingdingshan. 4 months ago, Rarity was in gym class at school when she suddenly felt palpitations. She covered herself and told the teacher, I can't get. ”

After the teacher informed her family, she was quickly taken to the local hospital. After the ultrasound, the experts gave a clear diagnosis: congenital heart disease, aortic stenosis, aortic valve insufficiency.

The child actually suffers from congenital heart disease?! This diagnosis startled Rarity's entire family. The doctor also explained that congenital heart disease has always existed, and the reason why it does not show symptoms is because the child is still young.

As your child's height and weight increase, the heart load becomes heavier and heavier, and the symptoms will slowly manifest. Now, your child's symptoms are so obvious that if you don't have surgery as soon as possible, you may be at risk of heart failure.

Experts immediately suggested that the child should be taken to a higher-level hospital as soon as possible. After many inquiries, the family learned that Professor Fan Taibing's team of Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Disease Hospital had strong technical strength, so they took the child to Zhengzhou.

Self-"parts" repair heart "valve" 12-year-old girl regained "heart" life

After receiving the diagnosis, experts such as Professor Fan Taibing and Deputy Chief Physician Liang Weijie found that the conventional treatment methods for pediatric aortic valve diseases were not suitable for Ruirui.

Due to the long-term large amount of reflux, the aortic valve has been abnormally thickened and contracted into a clump, which cannot play the role of valve closure and cannot be repaired on the original basis.

And the child's aortic valve ring has not yet developed to the size of a normal adult, if you want to perform artificial mechanical valve replacement, not only to anticoagulation therapy in the later stage, and as she grows older, the replacement valve will not persist in her growing into an adult.

In view of the complex condition, Professor Fan Taibing, director of the Children's Heart Center, organized a discussion of difficult cases for children. After in-depth research and discussion, everyone agreed that Ozaki technology is most suitable for Ruirui's situation.

At the heart of this technique is the complete reconstruction of a set of three-lobed lobes of aortic valve for the child. The material for reconstructing the leaflets is the child's own pericardial pieces, which are specially treated to make aortic valve lobes. This method has few postoperative complications, a low incidence of medium- and long-term adverse events, and a 10-year re-intervention rate of less than 10%, which can avoid and delay the time of aortic valve replacement.

Once everything is ready, the procedure is performed as planned. Professor Fan Taibing, Deputy Chief Physician Liang Weijie, Attending Physician Dong Haoju and other experts used Ozaki instruments to accurately measure the data of each aortic valve sinus, and then used the child's own pericardium treatment and then trimmed into three valves matching the child with a special mold.

Self-"parts" repair heart "valve" 12-year-old girl regained "heart" life

After more than an hour of precise sutures, a new aortic valve leaf was finally reconstructed. The newly made leaflets are tightly fitted at the tip of the leaflet at the same horizontal height, and the suture structure of the valve ring is stable, simulating the physiological morphology of the aortic valve.

After the surgery is completed, the small heart with the new "valve" beats vigorously. Intraoperative ultrasound tip: The reconstructed leaflet function is very good, the valve opening is unobstructed, there is no reflux, and the operation is successful!

After the operation, Rui rui had stable vital signs, and the next day he was transferred from the intensive care unit back to the general ward, and has now recovered and been discharged from the hospital.

Professor Fan Taibing introduced that the highlight of Ozaki's technology is the use of advanced surgical concepts to press a new "valve" on the heart with the "parts" on the child's own body. This "valve" will be safer and more durable! This method has few postoperative complications, a low incidence of medium- and long-term adverse events, and a 10-year re-intervention rate of less than 10%, which can avoid and delay the time of aortic valve replacement. Two consecutive successful Ozaki surgeries mark that this technique has been routinely carried out in Henan.

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