
The "Nanjing Female College Student Graduation Murder Case" will be heard on the 17th, and the father of the party concerned: the family spent nearly 200,000 yuan to fight the lawsuit

author:Nine News

Tomorrow will be the official opening of the court, and for this day, Li Sheng and his wife have been waiting for more than five hundred days and nights. They have paid nearly 200,000 yuan for air tickets from Nanjing to Yunnan, of which 100,000 yuan was borrowed from relatives and friends.

"We don't need anything, we don't need any apologies and compensation, just ask the court to sentence him (Hong Mou) to death." On December 15, Li Sheng, the father of the victim Li Mouyue, told Jiupai News that he only hoped that the court would severely punish the murderer, and he had no other appeals.

The case will be heard on December 17 at the Xishuangbanna Prefecture Intermediate Court in Yunnan Province, in the presence of the victim's relatives and lawyers.

On August 4, 2020, the police of Menghai County, Xishuangbanna Prefecture, issued a notice saying that Li Mouyue, a female college student in Nanjing who had been missing for nearly a month, confirmed that she had been killed. After careful investigation, the police found that Li Mouyue's boyfriend Hong Mou (male, 24 years old, from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province) and three other people were suspected of committing major crimes. On August 3, after the arrest of the above-mentioned suspects, the police found Li Mouyue's body in the mountain forest on the outskirts of Menghai County.

The "Nanjing Female College Student Graduation Murder Case" will be heard on the 17th, and the father of the party concerned: the family spent nearly 200,000 yuan to fight the lawsuit

Source/Menghai Police.

The circular said that the criminal suspect Hong Mou conspired with Zhang Mouguang (male, 21 years old, Suqian, Jiangsu) and Cao Mouqing (male, 20 years old, from Nanjing, Jiangsu) in Nanjing, and under his instructions, Zhang and Cao went to Menghai County and lured Li Mouyue to the mountain forest on the outskirts of the county on the evening of July 9 to kill and bury his body.

Li Sheng told Jiupai News that he had met with Hong before his daughter disappeared. At that time, the daughter took Hong to the house to play, introduced him to his father, and said that the two were in a relationship. Since that was the only time they had met before the incident, Li Sheng did not perceive Hong's abnormality. "They told me that I was in love, but as a father, I didn't care too much about it, so I didn't ask him about his personal situation at that time." He said that he really did not expect Hong to do what happened after that.

"He was very good at concealment and anti-reconnaissance, including he deceived us, said that my daughter quarreled with him, took his fifty thousand pieces and left." And he also accompanied us to the mobile phone store to apply for positioning, accompanied us to the police station to call the police. Li Sheng told Jiupai News that he was very suspicious that Hong had premeditated the murder of his daughter, because "before the incident, he let Yue Yue go to Yunnan, and contacted her through online games along the way, rather than using a phone or social software, just to escape the subsequent investigation." ”

After Li Sheng went to Menghai County, Yunnan Province, to look for his daughter, Hong also told him on the phone that Li Mouyue might have smuggled himself to Myanmar and suspected that she was in contact with drug dealers and others. Later, Li Sheng informed the local police of the content of this conversation, and the experienced criminal investigation police immediately said that Hong had a very serious suspicion of committing a crime, and suggested that Li Sheng reflect the situation to the public security department to investigate whether Hong had been to Yunnan before and after his daughter's disappearance. "This investigation found that he had been to Yunnan before his daughter disappeared, but he always hid this from us."

This time, Mr. and Mrs. Li Sheng hope to take their daughter home and bury her.

The following is the conversation with the person.

[1] On the 6th day after the daughter got her graduation certificate, she was lured by her boyfriend and others to the mountains and forests to be killed

Nine Faction News: When did you find out that you can't contact your daughter?

Li Sheng: In the accident on July 9, she got her graduation certificate on the 3rd. At that time, I was still holding my diploma at the entrance of the school, taking a photo and sending it to us.

The child's mother chatted with her on WeChat every day before, and girls, who have a topic with their mother, ask each other every day. On the morning of the 9th, she was still chatting with her mother, and on the 10th, she found that she did not reply to the message, and on the 11th, she called her and turned off the phone. On the 12th, we went to Nanjing to find the child.

Jiupai News: Does my daughter live alone in Nanjing?

Li Sheng: Sharing a room with other people in a certain neighborhood in Nanjing. Before knowing Hong, she lived in a shared house, and then she lived in Hong's house.

Jiupai News: Before that, you didn't know that she would go to Yunnan?

Li Sheng: We have no idea, if we knew that she might be in Yunnan, we would not have been until the 17th, waiting for the public security organs to notify us, we would not know that the last trace of our daughter disappeared in Yunnan.

Nine Faction News: At that time, I went to Nanjing to find my daughter, what did Hong say?

Li Sheng: He deliberately misled us from the beginning. When accompanying us to report the case, he told the police that my daughter did not contact him after arguing with him, and took away his fifty thousand yuan, probably going out to play.

Nine Faction News: Hong Mou and you went to report the case?

Li Sheng: Yes, he accompanied us to the mobile phone store and said that he wanted to help find my daughter's mobile phone location. When he finally needed to enter the password for his phone, he said he didn't know. After that, he accompanied us to the police station to report the case. In fact, he already knew that my daughter had been killed, but he always accompanied us and cooperated with us in our search.

Thinking about it now, I feel more and more that this man is thoughtful, very calm, and very capable of anti-reconnaissance.

Nine Schools News: What do you say?

Li Sheng: He was very good at using deceptive means, he asked my daughter to go to Yunnan, instead of using the form of telephone or WeChat chat, he communicated with my daughter through something called a room in an online game, and told her to go to a certain place. So the police did not find the call records after the 9th.

Moreover, the tools he used to commit crimes were to direct others to steal and then use them to commit crimes. As far as I know, he refused to admit it after he arrived at the case, and wanted to push the responsibility on the other two people, saying that it was not his business, and that the other two people wanted to kill.

[2] The suspect was meticulous and calm, and the lawyer had applied for a psychiatric evaluation

The "Nanjing Female College Student Graduation Murder Case" will be heard on the 17th, and the father of the party concerned: the family spent nearly 200,000 yuan to fight the lawsuit

Image source/Li Sheng Weibo.

Jiupai News: Before you said that the opposing lawyer had applied for a psychiatric evaluation of Hong?

Li Sheng: Yes, I didn't understand it at the time. Because Hong Mou, a person with meticulous thinking and calm handling, really does not look like he has a mental illness. Although I respected their right to propose a psychiatric evaluation, I did not believe that he could direct two normal people to kill people without being mentally ill. This is counterintuitive.

Nine Schools News: What was the result of the application?

Li Sheng: As far as I know, this application should be unsuccessful. On October 21, I learned from the relevant personnel of the court that the psychiatric application had not been approved. I don't know if it passed in the end, it should be impossible to pass in these days.

Nine Faction News: Hong has been behaving normally in front of you, have you ever had doubts about him since then?

Li Sheng: Yes, we also reported the case at the Ta Luo Town police station in Menghai County, Yunnan Province, which is the last port in China to rely on Myanmar. At that time, we told the police about Hong's past performance, especially when he guided us to find people abroad, and also told the police about my daughter's connection with drug dealers and other people.

The police officer who handled the case clearly pointed out at the time that this person had a very serious suspicion. Then he told us to go to the public security bureau to investigate again, and it was found out that he had been to Yunnan before the accident, and he had been hiding this matter from us before.

Nine Faction News: Remember when you first met Hong?

Li Sheng: Remember, it was June 21, 2020. We met once before my daughter had an accident. He came to our house as my daughter's boyfriend.

Nine Faction News: How did you feel about him at the time?

Li Sheng: It felt like he was a very normal child, and since his father was a public official in the judiciary, we didn't expect that he would conspire to kill my daughter later. Looking back now, he must have been good at disguise and never showed his true face in front of us.

[3] Nearly 200,000 yuan has been spent, refusing to accept compensation from the other party, and only seeking severe punishment

Nine Faction News: The trial is about to begin, how are you feeling lately?

Li Sheng: Our sad mood will certainly not be alleviated much, and we are still very worried, afraid that the court's judgment will not meet expectations, and we will not be able to give our daughter an explanation.

The "Nanjing Female College Student Graduation Murder Case" will be heard on the 17th, and the father of the party concerned: the family spent nearly 200,000 yuan to fight the lawsuit

Li Shengfa Weibo said that the first-instance trial of the case began on the 17th of this month. Image source/Li Sheng Weibo.

Nine Faction News: Has the other party ever approached you and said anything?

Li Sheng: I looked for them, but I didn't see them. Every time I called to say it was them, I hung up. I don't need compensation, and I don't need their apology. I just want a serious verdict.

I think what they say is very hypocritical, and the purpose is not to make us show understanding and obtain a letter of understanding. We cannot forgive them for the sake of compensation.

Nine Factions News: I heard that you filed an incidental civil lawsuit?

Li Sheng: Yes, because it was inconvenient for us to appear in court in criminal cases, we submitted an application for civil compensation attached, so that we could attend the trial, not for the 150,000.

We are now asking only for the death penalty, and as long as there is such a result, we can not make any compensation.

Nine Factions News: Can the family's financial conditions still support the lawsuit?

Li Sheng: It's more difficult, we have now spent almost 200,000. Another 100,000 of these 200,000 miles were sponsored by relatives and friends.

Her mother is now so sad that she can't work, and every time her daughter's birthday and her birthday remind her of the old days, the first person to say birthday wishes was always each other. I was running around for this matter, and I could only take leave many times at work. Everyone knows that this happened in my house, so they can also understand me.

The "Nanjing Female College Student Graduation Murder Case" will be heard on the 17th, and the father of the party concerned: the family spent nearly 200,000 yuan to fight the lawsuit

The mother could not let go of her self-blame for the murder of her daughter. Image source/Li Sheng Weibo.

Nine Factions News: What would you do if the defendant appealed?

Li Sheng: It is his right to appeal, but if the verdict of the first instance does not meet our expectations, we will definitely appeal.

We are very adamant that we do not accept any apologies or compensation other than the death penalty. We've been waiting for this for too long, too long, so long that it's a kind of mental torture for us. Hopefully, this time we can make up our minds and hear the verdict we want.

Nine Factions News: What are you going to do after the trial?

Li Sheng: If we get the desired results smoothly, we plan to take our daughter's body home for burial and give her an explanation.

Nine Factions News Reporter Liu Meng

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