
She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

When asked which era they most yearn for, many people will answer the Republic of China. Because they have not experienced the war of the Republic of China, they have not experienced the poverty of the Republic of China, they only know the wind and snow of the Republic of China. However, it is the most desirable wind and snow moon, and how many people's love can not be and asked for and can not be? The love of the Republic of China, nine out of ten sorrows, only one percent of which remains, has become our talking point for romance today.

Among them, the handsome and handsome Zhang Xueliang, the beautiful and amorous Miss Zhao Si, their love is the romanticism that many people never forget. But who knows that the other protagonist in this story, Yu Fengzhi, alone guards the deep affection of a person until death. Why did Yu Fengzhi have such a deep affection for Zhang Xueliang? Has she ever regretted it? Now, let's savor this passage together, the bitterness of love.

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

A letter of resignation was sent, breaking the love of half a life

1940 was an unusual year for Yu Fengzhi. Because of occasional pain, he went to the doctor, but was diagnosed by the doctor with breast cancer, Yu Fengzhi was struck by lightning, and he did not know how to deal with himself for a while. The medical conditions in China are limited, and she has no way to carry out good treatment, so the family has collectively sent Yu Fengzhi to the United States for higher treatment.

For this suggestion, Yu Fengzhi initially refused, because she could not put it down. She could not let go of her homeland, she had never left China, this was where she grew up; she could not let go of her family, without her care, how to get used to this big son; the most important thing was her husband, Zhang Xueliang, the man she used all her strength to love.

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

However, what was Zhang Xueliang doing at that time? At that time, Zhang Xueliang experienced the Xi'an Incident, and he has long ceased to be the spirit of his youth, and he is living with Miss Zhao Si, as if the two people are really husband and wife, and they are a pair of immortals who love each other. For the original Match Yu Fengzhi, he did not have much affection, and now that he is separated by two places, he cannot care about maintaining a relationship.

Yu Fengzhi, who is far away in the United States, has never been dead to Zhang Xueliang, and has been waiting, waiting for Zhang Xueliang to come to see her, waiting for her husband to come and take her home. After a long wait, what did Yu Fengzhi get? It's just a letter of resignation.

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

Zhang Xueliang sent a letter of resignation that read: "Because I have recently believed in Christianity, I have decided to follow the teachings of Christianity and fulfill the monogamous lifestyle." Now I am in love with Ms. Zhao, and because I have little affection for you, I decided to divorce you. For Yu Fengzhi, this letter of suspension is a thunderbolt on a sunny day, a bigger blow than the injury of the body.

When you are full of hope and looking forward to the future, suddenly a sword stabs all your hopes, which is Yu Fengzhi's truest feeling. She couldn't even accept such a result for a while, because she had loved Zhang Xueliang for so many years.

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

When they were young, they married each other and let their husbands have a good time

Yu Fengzhi and Zhang Xueliang met when they were teenagers, when the two families were good friends, so the two families often moved back and forth. As Zhang Xueliang's father, Zhang Zuolin's requirements for his daughter-in-law are very strict, and now he sees his friend's daughter, who is good-looking, talented, gentle and virtuous, and satisfied in his heart. Therefore, he discussed to his father that it would be better to let the two children contact each other, and if they could get together a family affair, it would be better.

With the contact between the two, Yu Fengzhi gradually fell in love with Zhang Xueliang. At that time, the young marshal, young and handsome, talented, courageous, resolute and courageous, every advantage of him, can make this little girl take out and taste repeatedly. After all, the people I met when I was young were too amazing, except for Zhang Xueliang, who else could get into Yu Fengzhi's eyes?

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

What is the attitude of That Zhang Xueliang? Neither sad nor joyful. Zhang Xueliang's father's requirements for his marriage were completely unacceptable to Zhang Xueliang, and the young rebellious young man always wanted to control his love. But the father promised that as long as he married a qualified wife, as for the other three wives and four concubines, he would not care at all. With his father's commitment, Zhang Xueliang no longer resisted his marriage to Yu Fengzhi.

After getting married, Yu Fengzhi took out twelve points of affection and carefulness to treat Zhang Xueliang, eager to show him his heart. For the Zhang family, Yu Fengzhi is also never slack, single-mindedly presiding over housework and taking care of the zhang family's large and small affairs.

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

But Yu Fengzhi's virtuousness could not change Zhang Xueliang's flow. He was still out picking flowers and weeds as before. Do you want to say that Yu Fengzhi doesn't care? How could she not care about her husband's dealings with other women. However, the shackles of female morality from childhood and the unconditional compromise with Zhang Xueliang made her unable to say anything accusatory at all.

This situation of superficial balance continues until the arrival of a woman.

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

Miss Zhao Si appeared, and the marriage failed

This woman, miss Zhao Si, is the most familiar woman in Zhang Xueliang's emotional life in later generations. And Zhang Xueliang, who had Miss Zhao Si, no longer paid attention to the warblers and swallows outside, and it can be said that he gave the care and loyalty that he should have for his wife to this Miss Zhao Si.

And Yu Fengzhi, after communicating with her husband fruitlessly, once again compromised with him, she clarified her husband's feelings for Miss Zhao Si, so she acquiesced to the existence of Miss Zhao Si. However, Yu Fengzhi had her own requirements, not allowing Miss Zhao Si to enter the door of the Zhang family in plain sight, nor allowing her future children to be surnamed Zhang. Zhang Xueliang felt deeply guilty about her and agreed to Yu Fengzhi's request.

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears

But this situation did not last long, and it was broken by the suspension mentioned at the beginning. After Zhang Xueliang sent the letter of suspension, he fantasized countless times about what kind of reply he would receive, and how he should reply. Until he really saw Yu Fengzhi's reply, he was so shocked that he could not speak, and finally burst into tears.

On that reply letter from Yu Fengzhi, there were only four words: Zhang Yufengzhi! The meaning of the expression could not be more obvious: even if you don't want me, I still love you, and my feelings for you are the last thing I can protect.

She waited for her husband for 50 years, only waiting for a letter of resignation, she generously returned 4 words to her husband but burst into tears


It is said that being loved is happiness, and being favored is the greatest happiness. What about giving love? Will simply giving love without asking for anything in return still be happy?

If Yu Fengzhi were to answer this question, she would definitely say, yes, it is also happy to give love! At least in their own world, there are full of strong feelings, and this feeling will fill the emptiness in the heart. Therefore, even after Yu Fengzhi's death, he still gave everything he had to Zhang Xueliang. And Zhang Xueliang's life has also been branded by Yu Fengzhi herself.

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