
How can world fortified immunity | strengthen children's immunity?

How can world fortified immunity | strengthen children's immunity?

Vaccination uses vaccination methods to prevent infectious diseases for a long time. Vaccination, similar to the body to import some specific soldiers, these soldiers after training, will not have a bad effect on the body, but can be specifically to remove a certain type of germs that invade the body, when the body is infected by such bacteria, soldiers against such bacteria immediately come out to fight, remove germs, maintain good health.

Taking sugar pills has eliminated polio, vaccination against hepatitis B has reduced the incidence of hepatitis in China, and vaccination against DTP has reduced the risk of pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus disease in children... Therefore, all kinds of immunization vaccines after the birth of the child must be vaccinated on time! For non-immunization vaccines, parents should also consider vaccinating their children.

A balanced diet At every stage of life, follow a healthy dietary pattern to ensure all the nutrients the body needs, so as to strengthen immunity.

Exclusive breastfeeding is advocated for the first 6 months of life. Breast milk, especially colostrum, contains many immune substances that can strengthen your child's immunity. Vitamin D supplementation should be given immediately after birth.

Infants and young children aged 6 to 24 months, while scientifically adding complementary foods, encourage mothers to continue breastfeeding, while increasing the intake of nutrient-rich complementary foods. When infants can eat complementary foods, there is no need to avoid foods that are prone to allergies in infants, and pay attention to providing them with foods rich in iron and zinc, especially for breastfed infants.

Throughout the life cycle, follow healthy dietary patterns to meet nutritional needs, achieve a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. At the same time, pay attention to ensuring the diversity of food. Reduce your intake of foods and beverages that are high in added sugars, saturated fatty acids, and sodium, and limit your intake of alcoholic beverages.

Ensuring sleep Sleep is a very important way to give the body a full rest and improve immunity. Children between 3 months and 13 months of sleep are guaranteed; children aged 4 to 11 months are guaranteed to sleep for at least 12 hours; children aged 1 to 2 years are guaranteed to sleep for at least 11 hours; children aged 3 to 5 years are guaranteed to sleep for at least 10 hours.

Moderate exercise Early physical activity levels in children are closely related to their bones, cardiorespiratory health, motor and cognitive development, social mental health, and overweight and obesity, and will continue to affect adult health throughout life. Whether it is medical experts, exercise experts, or education experts, the consensus formed by everyone is that children should strengthen physical activity, preschool children should exercise at different intensities of no less than 3 hours a day, moderate intensity and above exercise time should not be less than 1 hour, reduce sedentary time, try to ensure eating and moving balance, prevent and reduce children's overweight and obesity. In particular, it is recommended that when the weather is sunny, take your children to outdoor activities, which can not only expose children to the outdoor environment, improve physical immunity, but also have benefits for children's vision development.

【Warm tips】: Enhance children's immunity, in addition to vaccination, exercise, diet and sleep are the three elements of natural parenting of children 24 hours a day. That is to say, to improve the child's immunity, we must start from the child's daily life.

How can world fortified immunity | strengthen children's immunity?

Source: Healthy China

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