
The real three realms of employing people: the king of the teacher, the overlord of the friend, and the death of the disciple!


The ancients once said it well: "The king who uses the teacher, the hegemon who uses the friend, and the one who uses the disciple dies." ”

"Using apprentices" makes oneself happy, "using friends" allows oneself to be restrained, and "using teachers" allows oneself to be suppressed. Therefore, today there are far more leaders who like "apprentices" than "teachers".

The real three realms of employing people: the king of the teacher, the overlord of the friend, and the death of the disciple!

"The king of the teacher" means that the leader is very humble and respects the truly virtuous person as the teacher, so that the "king of the world" becomes a great achievement.

For example, King Wu of Zhou used Jiang Taigong as a state teacher, and after the death of King Wen and the succession of King Wu, he also used Jiang Taigong and honored him as Shang Father. Tang used Yi Yin, Qi Huan used Zhongzun as Zhong's father, and King Yan Zhao used Guo Kui, all of whom were teachers.

"Using friends to dominate" means that leaders treat their subordinates like brothers and friends. For example, Liu Bang used Xiao He, Han Xin, Zhang Liang, Mr. Jian Jian used Wang Meng, Liu Bei used Zhuge Liang, and so on, all of which were friends.

"The disciple dies" refers to a person who obeys the words of the people, only promises, and conforms to people's preferences, which is bound to fail.

This is zengzi's principle of using people to examine historical experience and then explain the success or failure of history, and this is the ancient method of practicing the royal way and recruiting talents.

For a good leader, the most easily deceived people are those who obey their words, follow people's preferences, and only promises, and the more such people are around, the greater the chance of their career failure;

The real three realms of employing people: the king of the teacher, the overlord of the friend, and the death of the disciple!

And the kind of people who have a bad temper and real talent, for excellent leaders, the more people around you, the greater the chance of career success.

If a person can learn with an open mind, that is the biggest advantage of this person, but many people are not always able to learn with an open mind.

When we were first born, we didn't know anything to learn, and this spirit was very good, but as we got older and more and understood more and more, the momentum of learning became smaller and smaller.

Especially when a person climbs to a relatively high position, just like climbing a mountain, he is the first to climb to the top of the mountain, see if there is no higher above, and see that the pressure below is all people.

At this time, he will have a feeling of "heaven and earth, solipsism", feeling that he is already "climbing the mountain and small world", no need to learn anymore, on the contrary, others must learn from him.

So he began to go downhill. As the saying goes: "People are often not satisfied with their wealth, but often with their wisdom".

After climbing to the top, leaders also know that they continue to learn, make a little progress every day, and there is a powerful force in the depths of the soul that desires to be renewed day by day, which is the realm of "king".

The king seems to be supreme, but there are still people above him, and he has "teachers" above him, people for him to respect and learn from.

The real three realms of employing people: the king of the teacher, the overlord of the friend, and the death of the disciple!

If a leader cries bitter all day and says that he has no talents around him, the biggest possibility is that he is very proud and arrogant, rigid and self-conscious, that is, he does not respect talents, does not have the kind of mind and temperament that he takes his subordinates as teachers, and does not have the great wisdom of "using teachers". So the real talent doesn't run to him.

There is a saying that goes like this: "The wise man who is knowledgeable and knowledgeable is always gentle and humble; the fruitful branches of the trees; always bows down." ”

In general, leaders are in a position of great power and are in a more prominent position within the organization. He must pay more attention to the audience, and there must be more things to deal with. In this way, he will be able to spread a lot of time and energy on the circumvention and coping of many personnel.

If a person does not have time for quiet thinking, he has been in a prominent position for a long time to lead, manage, maneuver, and cope. Over time, time, energy, health, knowledge, wisdom, thinking... will be lost and lack of growth!

In this regard, this requires those in the position of leadership to avoid the focus of the crowd, avoid unnecessary complicated things, return to a more hidden position, leave a conspicuous position to subordinates, and raise the position of a truly virtuous person above himself.

In such a situation, a leader is conducive to his own self-cultivation and learning to think; it is conducive to his continuous reflection and adjustment, expanding the space of his own soul and strengthening the power of his soul; it is conducive to strengthening the centripetal force of subordinates to the personality charm of leaders.

In this way, when he is once again engaged in work, he will gain enough time, wisdom and energy to face it, plan strategically, take charge of the overall situation, and win a decisive victory.

History is often surprisingly repetitive. Only by understanding history can we gain insight into the future; only by embracing wisdom can we witness the true meaning of "using the master as the king, using the friend as the overlord, and using the disciple as the dead".

King Wen of Zhou honored Taigong Jiang as his father, and at the same time secretly sent a bribe to the traitorous minister Fei Zhong to corrupt the Shang Dynasty's imperial program, and helped the King of Zhou to abandon the government and indulge in wine-colored dogs and horses.

The remaining sages of the Yin Dynasty, such as Shangrong, Bigan, Weizi, and Jizi, were forced away, imprisoned, and maimed one by one, causing the whole society to darken and the people's resentment to boil.

Then, King Wu of Zhou, in line with the times and catered to the wishes of the people, led eight hundred princes to meet the alliance and defeated Yu Muye, the king of Yumuye, who "used the wealth of the world to satisfy his own selfish desires".

This historical ironclad evidence is a profound interpretation of this truth (this is also the truth that Li Shimin "takes people as a mirror and can know the gains and losses", and "Huangshi Gongsan Strategy" "The husband will refuse to advise, then the hero will scatter").

What kind of virtue was the overthrown King of Shang, who spent seven years building a large number of civil engineering conscripts for labor, building a "Lutai" that was several miles in circumference and more than a thousand feet high, and building a "wine forest meat lake" with all kinds of fine wine and meat, and using all kinds of wealth to satisfy his own selfish desires.

He demanded that his ministers must obey orders and punish anyone who disobeyed, and the minister Bigan was a relative of king Ling, and he was loyal to king Yi at the expense of his own life, but the king dug up Bigan's heart, supposedly to see what tricks Bigan's heart really had.

In the fifth year of Jian'an, after Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao at the Battle of Guandu, in the eleventh year of Jian'an issued a "Request for Words Order", requiring his subordinates to write down his strengths and weaknesses at the beginning of each month, hand them over to him for self-examination and self-examination, and recruit many talents from them, laying the foundation for his future struggle for the world.

Thirteen years after Jian'an, after Cao Cao's army defeated Chibi, he was bitterly determined, and once again put Guangluo talents and rewards for battle achievements in an important position.

In the fifteenth, nineteenth, and twenty-second years of Jian'an, he successively issued the epoch-making "Order for Seeking Merit", "Order for The Emperor to Take The Order not to abolish partial shortness", and "Order for The Virtuous not to be inhibited", which highlighted the importance of talents and fully demonstrated his broad mind of attaching importance to the wisdom of the group and being humble and accepting advice.

Cao Cao wrote in the "Short Song Line": "The mountains are not tired of height, the water is not tired of deep, Zhou Gong spits and feeds, and the world returns to the heart." With this allusion, Cao Cao said that he should be humble and cautious in treating talented people, so that people throughout the country will truly obey.

After King Yan Zhao ascended to the throne of the ruined Yan Dynasty, he was humble and respectful, and recruited the world's talents with generous gifts and heavy gold, in an attempt to rely on them to avenge the shame. One day, he consulted the sage Guo Kui and asked for advice on the great plan of rejuvenating the country.

Guo Kui said: "The monarch who has achieved the cause of the king takes the sage as his teacher; the monarch who achieves hegemony takes the sage as his friend; the monarch who destroys the country takes the sage as his slave."

If you condescend to serve the sages and be taught by an open-minded teacher, then those who are more talented than a hundred times themselves will come;

Before others to work, then others to rest, before others to ask for advice, others have not asked for advice, they have not asked for advice, then, more than ten times more talented than themselves will come;

If they act arbitrarily and dictately, then those who do chores and serve hard labor will come; if they are tyrannical and rude to people, and if they are angry and cursed, then the prisoners and slaves who only promise and obey will follow.

These are the ancient methods of practicing the royal way and recruiting talents. If the great king can widely select domestic talents and personally visit the door, and the people of the world hear that the great king personally visits the sages, the sages of the world will definitely rush to the Yan kingdom. ”

Later, King Yan Zhao built an official residence for Guo Kui and honored him as a teacher. Soon, Le Yi came from the State of Wei, Zou Yan came from the State of Qi, Ju Xin came from the State of Zhao, and talented people rushed to gather in the State of Yan.

King Zhao mourned the dead, comforted the living, and shared the weal and woe with the common people. Twenty-eight years later, the Yan kingdom was rich, the soldiers lived comfortably, and they were willing to fight for the country.

As a result, King Zhao appointed Le Yi as a general and conspired with Chu, Qin, Zhao, Wei, and Han to rebel against the State of Qi. The State of Qi was defeated, and King Min of Qi fled abroad. The cities of the State of Qi were not captured, only Ju and Jimo.

The real three realms of employing people: the king of the teacher, the overlord of the friend, and the death of the disciple!

Zhang Zuolin wanted to raise troops to make a big move, but suddenly and for no reason cleared his chief of the general staff from his camp.

Zhang Zuolin's subordinates asked Zhang Zuolin incomprehensibly: "What is the fault of the chief of the general staff, and why is the marshal like this?" ”

Zhang Zuolin replied: "The chief of the general staff did not make any mistakes, his mistake was that he never bumped into me once, but it was because he never bumped into me that he asked him to leave." ”


Throughout history, we can find a law: "The ancient and the mighty, the good beginning is prosperous, and the end is widowed." The way to cover the heavens and the earth will move in the middle of the day, the moon will lose when it is full, and the full will overflow. The way of man, Tai is proud, Yi is luxurious, arrogance and luxury arise, evil follows, so it summons disasters.

Blessings are the opposite, so the accumulation of goodness is long-lasting. Cover the nature of people, in the midst of hardships, do not hesitate to be cautious. If you have the ambition, you will indulge in indulgence. Therefore, in the ancient times, the good starters are prosperous, and the ones who are dead are widowed. The overlord of Wu is poor, and the deceased Wu is also poor.

The king who uses the master, the overlord who uses the friend, and the one who uses the disciple dies, but how can the king be passed on to all generations after the king? Few people in history have been able to achieve hegemony from generation to generation, and in the final analysis, there is no establishment of a complete system, a system of employing people that can always use talents and talents.

Those enterprises abroad that can survive for more than a hundred years all have their own set of excellent systems. With the change of the times, the system is constantly updated and improved, adapting to the changes of the times.

This is also a strong reference for domestic enterprises.

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