
Harry was so poor that he couldn't even afford to eat meat, so why did he marry three wives and take two concubines?

Hai Rui is a famous Qing official in history, with the name of "Hai Qingtian", of course, the world's evaluation of Hai Rui, in addition to thinking that he is a clean official, has done a lot of things for the people, there is also a feeling that Hai Rui is paranoid and unkind, which is reflected in his career as an official, but more is reflected in his family life.

Harry was so poor that he couldn't even afford to eat meat, so why did he marry three wives and take two concubines?

Hai Rui's family life mainly revolved around seven women, namely Hai Rui's mother Xie Shi, Hai Rui's three wives and two concubines, and one of Hai Rui's daughters. There is not much record of these women around Hai Rui in the main history, basically a word, but in various wild histories and note novels, they are regular customers.

The world usually attributes the paranoid side of Hai Rui's personality to his original family, and he briefly introduces his mother Xie Shi in "Begging for Final Nourishment" and "Book with Mr. Qiongxiang Zhu". Hai Rui lost his father at the age of four, the Xie family was only 28 years old at the time, and since then the mother and son have relied on each other for their lives, and the Xie family is determined to keep the festival and support Hai Rui by doing needlework.

Moreover, Xie Shi is not an ordinary woman, he wants Hai Rui to be able to get ahead, so when Hai Rui was very young, he began to teach Hai Rui "Filial Piety", "Learning", "Yong", etc., and after Hai Rui read, he strictly required Hai Rui. Xie's personality should be relatively strong, and she has planned Hai Rui's life early, she does not allow Hai Rui to play like ordinary children, but instead uses adult standards to ask him.

Harry was so poor that he couldn't even afford to eat meat, so why did he marry three wives and take two concubines?

But on the other hand, Hai Rui is everything about Xie's family, her life seems to be for Hai Rui, including emotionally, the two also seem to be different from the average family, such as Hai Rui is almost forty years old, Xie Shi is still "sleeping with Rui day and night", such a mother, her feelings for her son are very complicated, if Xie Shi is a mother-in-law, you can imagine how difficult the situation of the daughter-in-law is.

It is also true that the daughter-in-law of the Hai family is not good. Hai Rui had three wives and two concubines in his lifetime, and this configuration was generally only available to rich families in ancient times, but we know that Hai Rui was very poor.

The salary treatment of officials in the Ming Dynasty is not very friendly to officials, if you rely solely on that meager salary, it is difficult to have a good life, so most officials have other income to maintain a more comfortable life, and Hai Rui does not have this part of the income, his income only comes from the salary of that Weibo, and therefore, Hai Rui is very poor.

Harry was so poor that he couldn't even afford to eat meat, so why did he marry three wives and take two concubines?

There are two examples that can be taken out to illustrate, one is that when Xie's birthday, Hai Rui bought two pounds of meat to wish his mother a birthday, which became a big news at that time, to know that the Hai Rui family usually can't afford to eat meat. The second example is that when Hai Rui died, Wang Yongji saw that Hai Rui's home was full of Ge Shuai that han people were reluctant to use, and Wang Yongji had to pool money to handle the funeral for Hai Rui.

So the question arises, why can Hai Rui, who is so poor, still marry three wives and take two concubines? First of all, Hai Rui is very poor, but not poor enough to support his family, his original family is a lot of fields, although the Life of the Hai family is poor, wearing coarse cloth clothes, eating coarse tea and light rice, but there is no problem in having more people in the family to eat, but the more people, the quality of life will definitely decline.

But even so, Hai Rui also wants to marry a wife and a concubine, and has married three wives and two concubines, which is actually related to Hai Rui's filial piety, which is also reflected in two points, one, Hai Rui is extremely filial to the Xie family; second, there are three filial pieties, no queen is great, Hai Rui in order to leave the Hai family, but also really did his best, helpless to do not fulfill people's wishes.

Harry was so poor that he couldn't even afford to eat meat, so why did he marry three wives and take two concubines?

According to the records of Liang Yunlong of Hairui Township in the "Hai Zhongjie Gongxing", Hai Rui had three wives and two concubines, namely: Xu, Pan, Wang, Han and Qiu. The first wife was Xu Shi, who after marrying Hai Rui, gave birth to two daughters successively, and was suspended because he did not give birth to a son and was likely not to be liked by Xie Shi.

Then Hai Rui married Pan again, and interestingly, Pan was suspended after only one month. As for the reason for being suspended, no one knows, but it may also be that Xie's eyes are not pleasing to the eye, from Xie's personality and her experience, it is difficult for her to tolerate Hai Rui's wife, always feel that they are all here to rob her son, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law must be sword-rattling, and as a filial piety, Hai Rui naturally stands on xie's side, so it is not surprising that this wife is suspended one by one.

After Pan was suspended, Hai Rui soon married Wang, who was also called Wang Gongren because he was given the title of Gongren. Wang Gongren bore hai rui two sons, the eldest son was named Zhongliang, and the second son was Zhongliang. Watching his two sons grow up day by day, Hai Rui felt that he had a queen, but what he did not expect was that when Hai Rui was imprisoned, his 11-year-old eldest son and 9-year-old second son died.

Harry was so poor that he couldn't even afford to eat meat, so why did he marry three wives and take two concubines?

This was a considerable blow to Hai Rui, and in July 1568, Hai Rui lost another wife and a concubine, first the concubine Han Died on July 15, and his wife Wang Gongren died on July 24. The 56-year-old Hai Rui "mother is old in the church, the knee is still lost, and the wife and concubine are dead." ”

No one knows whether there is a shadow of Xie in the deaths of Han and Wang Gongren, but the blow to Hai Rui by this incident is huge, and he himself said: "Every time you think about it, a hundred thoughts are gray." ”

Perhaps because he wanted to open up, or maybe for other reasons, after Wang Gongren's death, Hai Rui did not marry another wife, and at this time he only had the concubine Qiu Shi by his side. In Hai Rui's later years, Qiu gave birth to a son, named Mid-Term, which gave Hai Rui great hope, but this son died at the age of three.

Hai Rui did not stay until his death, this is his greatest pain, not only did not stay after, he has married three wives, took two concubines, Hugh's Hugh, died, so that many people feel that Hai Rui is not close to people, so that they also slander Hai Rui. Shen Defu recorded in the "Wanli Ye Harvest" that Wang Yuanjing and Deng Lian said of Hai Rui:

"This old man is probably very different, he does a lot of things that are not close to human feelings, he marries nine at home, and he changes his wife and hangs his daughter for no reason, which is an abnormal thing."

Harry was so poor that he couldn't even afford to eat meat, so why did he marry three wives and take two concubines?

It is obviously an exaggeration to say that Hai Ruijiu married Yi, in fact, he only married three wives in his lifetime. And to say that he was a woman for no reason is even more involved in a story that is only recorded in the history of the wild, and Yao Shilin recorded this story in "See only editing".

It was said that Harry saw her five-year-old daughter eating pastries, so he asked her where the cake came from, and when he knew that the cake was given to her by a servant in the family, he was very angry and said to her: "How can a girl accept the servant's cake for no reason?" It's not my daughter, my daughter would rather starve to death than do it. ”

These words were deeply imprinted in the heart of the five-year-old girl, who never ate or drank, no matter how much she persuaded, she refused to eat, and as a result, she died seven days later, and Harry forced her own daughter to die. This story is widely circulated, but it is difficult to say its authenticity.

Hai Rui is straight, a little paranoid, but not to force the death of a five-year-old daughter, an official who does not even love his family, will he really love the people? Besides, this story is only a record of wild history, which is difficult to convince, and the four girls are completely unbelieving. It's just that combined with Hai Rui's personality, many people are willing to believe that Hai Rui can do such a thing.

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