
Qiqi, a little girl injured in the spontaneous combustion incident of the "7.18" battery car in Hangzhou, unfortunately passed away this morning

author:Nine Schools of Observation

On December 11, Tianmu News reporter learned from informed sources that the little girl Kiki who burned in the explosion of electric vehicles in Hangzhou died on the morning of the 11th, only 8 years old. Many netizens have left messages: The child is good, may there be no pain in heaven.

Qiqi, a little girl injured in the spontaneous combustion incident of the "7.18" battery car in Hangzhou, unfortunately passed away this morning

At about 11:00 a.m. on July 18, Hangzhou Yuhuangshan Road, Master Wei rode an electric vehicle to take his daughter to travel, and the explosion of the electric vehicle on the way caused serious burns to the father and daughter, according to the preliminary investigation of the Hangzhou Fire Rescue Detachment, the cause of the accident was related to the failure of the lithium battery of the electric vehicle. After the incident, Master Wei and Qiqi were sent to Zhejiang Second Hospital and Zhejiang University Children's Hospital for rescue, in order to save the father and daughter, the medical staff did their best, and countless care was sent from all walks of life. A few weeks ago, Kiki was transferred to the hospital, but because her injuries were too serious, she still couldn't save her life.

Qiqi, a little girl injured in the spontaneous combustion incident of the "7.18" battery car in Hangzhou, unfortunately passed away this morning

【Source: Tianmu News】

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