
My mother, the youngest daughter of my grandmother, was also my titular mother, and she was gay, and although she married my father and gave birth to me, she ran away with someone else soon after. The writing is messy

author:Jade talks

My mother, the youngest daughter of my grandmother, was also my titular mother, and she was gay, and although she married my father and gave birth to me, she ran away with someone else soon after.

The writing is chaotic, but what I want to say is that without a parent with three views, the child will always have a high probability of growing crooked, such as my grandmother.

Uncle's first wife could not stand the abuse of grandma, ZS, at that time, aunt had just given birth to a cousin, she saw that it was a girl, in the ward she cried loudly, did not know, and thought that something unfortunate had happened in the family.

Later, the uncle married a second wife, as long as she saw her grandmother, she was an unreasonable, frightened grandmother did not dare to go to her house.

My mother was the youngest daughter of her family, the kind that was more difficult to manage since she was a child, married my father, and with me, when I was a few years old, she ran away with others.

My dad asked her what I wanted my mom to do? She said that my children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and I cannot sacrifice my happiness for her.

Just like that, she threw me away, Dad said, just like throwing garbage, throwing me and him.

My mother, the youngest daughter of my grandmother, was also my titular mother, and she was gay, and although she married my father and gave birth to me, she ran away with someone else soon after. The writing is messy

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