
Positive Energy Sharing: What is Good or Bad? Who knows? Help you judge the farmer story

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What is good or bad? Who knows. The following story can give you a broad understanding of luck. What is good luck and what is bad luck?

Farmer Stories

A farmer's story that he had a horse. He was wise enough to deal with the good and bad things that happened in his life. We can learn a lot from this farmer story.

Positive Energy Sharing: What is Good or Bad? Who knows? Help you judge the farmer story

Positive Energy Sharing: What is Good or Bad? Who knows? Help you judge the farmer story

Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a horse. He was very fond of his horses because it fed the farmer's family. It was his pride and joy because it could help farmers make money.

Until one day, the horse ran away. The community heard about it, and everyone was talking

Oh my God! Your favorite horse. You loved so much but ran away. That's too bad.

The farmer looked at them and said, "Well, maybe."

The next day, the horse returned with four wild horses.

The community heard it and they said, "Oh my God, we heard what happened and now you have 5 horses, it's so lucky, it's good".

The farmer looked back at them and said, "Well, maybe."

The next day, the farmer's son tried to train a wild horse. During training, the horse kicked him and his leg broke in three places.

After the news spread nearby, everyone visited the farmer and expressed it one after another.

Oh my God, these are stupid horses, look what they did to your son. That's too bad.

The farmer said, "Well, maybe."

A few days later, the army came to the farm in search of young recruits.

They looked at the farmer's son and said, "We can't choose him, his leg is broken."

Everyone in the community congratulated the farmer on having his young son.

Oh my God, you have your son, our son, they were drafted into the army, you're so lucky, so good.

The clever farmer still answered them in the same way: "Well, maybe".

The moral implications of the story:

When bad things happen to us, it's easy to have a negative mindset. But "good" or "bad" who knows. What is negative or positive? When you can't see the full image. Bad things can be good in the long run, who knows.

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