
Luohe Top Ten Historical Celebrities, Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters"

author:Triad World

Luohe City, located in the south-central part of Henan Province, was once an "inland special economic zone" and has now been rated as a "Chinese Brand City". There are many talents here, including Wang Jian, the founding emperor of Shu five generations ago, and Fan Zhen, a famous atheist. Now for everyone to take stock of the top ten historical celebrities in Luohe, they are Wang Jian, Fan Zhen, Xu Shen, Jia Biao, Wang Yan, Wang Chang, Wang Yuanyi, Wang Zongding, Wang Zongrui and Fan Huan.

Luohe Top Ten Historical Celebrities, Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters"

Wang Jian (847–918), courtesy name Guangtu, was a native of Wuyang, Xuzhou (present-day Wuyang, Henan), and the founding emperor of Shu during the Five Dynasties period. Wang Jian joined the Zhongwu Army at the end of the Tang Dynasty and became one of the generals of the Eight Capitals of Zhongwu, and became a general of the Shence Army for his meritorious service in rescuing Emperor Tang, and was later expelled from the dynasty and served as the assassin of Lizhou, and has since continued to develop his power and gradually grow. In the first year of Wende (888), Wang Jian defected to Chengdu, but was blocked by Chen Jingxuan, so he began to attack Xichuan. After three years of bitter fighting, Wang Jian captured Xichuan and was given the title of Envoy of Xichuan Jiedushi. After that, Wang Jian successively defeated Wang Jianzhao, the envoy of Qiannan Jiedu, Gu Yanhui of Dongchuan Jiedu, and Tuoba Sijing of Wuding Jiedu, occupied Liangchuan and Three Gorges, took the Western Province of Shannan, and was crowned the King of Shu, becoming the largest divided force at that time. In the seventh year of Tianfu (907), the Tang Dynasty fell, and Wang Jian established himself as emperor because he disobeyed Hou Liang, with the state name Shu and historically known as "Former Shu".

Luohe Top Ten Historical Celebrities, Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters"

Fan Zhen (c. 450 – 515), courtesy name Zizhen, was a Han Chinese, a Nanxiang Wuyin, a famous materialist thinker, a representative figure of Taoism, and an outstanding atheist during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Fan Jian was born in the Fan clan of Shunyang, lost his father at an early age, treated his mother to filial piety, and studied with famous teachers before the weak crown. After entering Southern Qi, he successively served as the master of Ning Man, the middle lang of the Shang Shu Temple, and the leader of the long history, and yidu taishou. After Xiao Yan established Southern Liang, Fan Jian served as Jin'an Taishou and Shangshu Zuocheng (尚書左丞), but was later exiled to Guangzhou because of Wang Liang's affair, and finally became the official Zhongshu Lang and Dr. Guozi. His philosophical work "The Theory of Divine Annihilation" inherits and carries forward the materialist ideas of Xun Quan, Wang Chong and others, and is an immortal work of epoch-making significance in the history of the development of ancient Chinese thought.

Luohe Top Ten Historical Celebrities, Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters"

Xu Shen (c. 58 – c. 147), courtesy name Shuzhong, was a famous scribe and philologist of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the past thirty years, Xu Shenli has compiled the world's first dictionary, "Shuowen Jiezi", so that the shape, sound, and meaning of Chinese characters tend to be standardized and unified, and those who study "Shuowen Jiezi" all call Xu Shen "Xu Jun", call "Shuowen Jiezi" "Xu Shu", and call chuanqi learning "Xu Xue". "Explaining Words in The Sayings" is the most heartfelt work of Xu Shen's life, which cost him half of his life before and after, and posterity honored him as "Character Sage".

Luohe Top Ten Historical Celebrities, Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters"

Jia Biao, Eastern Han Dynasty scholar, mingshi, and leader of the Tai students, victim of the disaster of the Party, Zi Wei Jie, Yingchuan Dingling (present-day Wuyang North, Henan) people. Jia Biaochu and Guo Tai were both leaders of the Tai students, and together with Li Bing and Chen Fan, they commented on the imperial court, praised and denigrated the figures, and were once the new governors, but later banned due to the "disaster of the party" and died at home. He had three brothers, all of whom were more famous, and he was the most prominent, when he said: "The Three Tigers of the Jia Clan, Wei Jie is the most angry."

Luohe Top Ten Historical Celebrities, Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters"

Wang Yan (256–311), courtesy name Yifu, was a native of Linyi County, Langxian County (present-day Northern Linyi, Shandong), and a major subject in the late Western Jin Dynasty. Wang Yan's appearance is clear and handsome, his style is serene and elegant, and he is good at the old Zhuang doctrine, which is quite famous. After entering the career path, he successively served as a yellow door waiter, a middle leader, a Shang Shu Ling, and a Shang Shu servant. In the first year of Guangxi (307), Wang Yan was promoted to Sikong. The following year, Wang Yan was again appointed as Situ. Wang Yan held a high position of power, but he did not think of serving the country, and in order to save himself, he also let his younger brother Wang Cheng and his brother Wang Dun be appointed to the posts of Jingzhou and Qingzhou, which were despised by the people of the time. When Wang Mi attacked Luoyang, Wang Yan led an army to resist. Later, he was transferred to the post of Tai Wei (太尉) and Shang Shu Ling (尚書令), and concurrently served as the Commander of the Tai Fu Army. In the fifth year of Yongjia (311), Sima Yue, the king of the Eastern Sea, died, and Wang Yan returned to the East China Sea with his coffin, and was captured by Shi Le on the way. When Wang Yan talked to Shi Le, he still shirked his responsibility and persuaded him to claim the title of emperor, but Shi Le was furious and buried him alive with the old ministers of the Western Jin Dynasty, at the age of fifty-six. Wang Yangong calligraphy, especially good at books, "Xuanhe Book Genealogy" has his work "Lady Zun Thesis".

Luohe Top Ten Historical Celebrities, Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters"

Wang Chang (?) ~36), courtesy name Yanqing, was a native of Wuyang County, Yingchuan County (present-day Wuyang County, Henan), a general in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and one of the Thirty-two Generals of Yuntai, but not among the Twenty-Eight Generals. In the last year of Wang Mang's reign, Wang Chang avenged his brother and fled to Jiangxia, and later joined the Green Forest Army as a partial general and attacked neighboring counties. In 23 AD, Emperor Gengshi ascended the throne, and Ren Wang was often appointed as a court lieutenant and a great general, and was given the title of Marquis of Zhiming. Emperor Jian established the capital Chang'an, and Ren Wang Chang concurrently managed the affairs of Nanyang Taishou, ordering him to kill and reward and punish him on his own, and to give him the title of King of Deng and give him the surname of Liu. After the defeat of Emperor Gengshi, Wang Changgui attached himself to Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu, Ren Zuo Cao, fengshan Sanghou, and was ordered to attack Deng Feng and Dong Xin, and pacify the various tunju armies. In 31 CE, Emperor Guangwu appointed Wang Chang as a general of Yokono, a higher rank than other generals. Wang Chang divided his troops to defeat the Kui general Gao Jun, and forced the Qiang people to surrender the armed forces. In 33 AD, he went north to defend Against Lu Fang. In 36 AD, Wang Chang died in Tunshou and was given the title of Marquis of Jie.

Luohe Top Ten Historical Celebrities, Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters"

Wang Yuanyi (892 – August 13, 913), male, character Changmei, original name Wang Zongyi, Chinese five dynasties and ten kingdoms era figure, the second son of Wang Jian of the former Shu Gaozu, born to Zhang Guifei, initially as a secretary and junior supervisor, because his brother Wang Zongren was disabled, he was regarded as the heir by Wang Jian.

Wang Zongding (?–926), a Chinese figure of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era, was the seventh son (the eighth son) of Wang Jian of the Former Shu Gaozu Dynasty, born to Chu Ji. In the third year of Wucheng (910), Wang Zongding was given the title of King of Peng by his father. At that time, after the former Shu and Later Lords ascended the throne, all the brothers also served as military envoys, and Wang Zongding told his brothers that they should not be strong and powerful, resigned from the military envoys, and ran a bookstore to entertain themselves by planting pine and bamboo. In the sixth year of Qiande (924), Wang Zongding was renamed king of Lu. The following year, Later Tang Zhuangzong Li Cunxun sent Li Jiquan and Guo Chongtao to lead an army to destroy Former Shu. When Emperor Jingjin told Emperor Zhuang to remove Wang Yan, Emperor Zhuang killed Wang Yan and his relatives, and on March 18 (May 2, 926), Wang Zongding, Wang Zongrui, Wang Zongji, Wang Zongzhi, Wang Zongze, Wang Zongping, Wang Zongte, and Wang Yan's brothers died together in Qinchuanyi and were buried in Sanzhao Village, Chang'an County.

Wang Zongrui (?-926), a Chinese figure of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era, was the third son (fourth son) of Wang Jian of the Former Shu Gaozu Dynasty, born to the Song clan. In the third year of Wucheng (910), Wang Zongrui was made the King of Ya by his father. After the death of his second brother Wang Yuanyi, Wang Jian looked like himself with Wang Zongrui, and Wang Zongjie had a keen talent and wanted to choose one to be crown prince, but in the end he ended up fruitless. Wang Jian's youngest son, Wang Yan, took the throne as the Lord of Former Shu. In the sixth year of Qiande (924), Wang Zongyuan was renamed the King of Ying. The following year, Later Tang Zhuangzong Li Cunxun sent Li Jiquan and Guo Chongtao to lead an army to destroy Former Shu. When Jingjin told Emperor Zhuang that Wang Yan should be removed, Emperor Zhuang killed Wang Yan and his relatives, and on March 18 (May 2, 926), Wang Zongji, Wang Zongzhi, Wang Zongze, Wang Zongding, Wang Zongping, Wang Zongte, and Wang Yan's brothers died together in Qinchuanyi and were buried in Sanzhao Village, Chang'an County.

Luohe Top Ten Historical Celebrities, Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters"

Fan Huan (137-169), also known as "Eight Gu" along with Guo Linzong, Zong Ci, Ba Su, Xia Fu, Yin Xun, Cai Yan, and Yang Zhi, was also known as "Eight Gu" along with Liu Biao, Chen Xiang, Kong Yu, Fan Kang, Tan Shi, Zhang Jian, and Cen Yu. Fan Huan was recommended as an envoy of Ji Prefecture (冀州) as an envoy to The Four Lines of Filial Piety and Guanglu (光禄四行), serving as the chief of Guanglu Xun (光禄勋), and was later recruited by the taiwei Huang Qiong (黄琼). Emperor Taishou had heard of Fan Huan's reputation earlier, and hired him to serve as a gongcao in the county government, leaving him with political affairs. In the ninth year of Yanxi (166), the prison practitioner framed the "party members" for forming a party, and Fan Huan was convicted and imprisoned in the Huangmen Beisi Prison, and later released and returned to his hometown after the trial. In the second year of Jianning (169), the Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong killed the Party in large numbers, and Fan Huan immediately went to prison to surrender, heroically and righteously, and died at the age of three Chinese New Year's Eve.

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