
All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

Spring light to the suburbs to walk green, in the emerald green environment, relax the mood, broaden the mind, eliminate fatigue, invigorate the spirit? Take your own dry food to the countryside to breathe fresh air, clean and hygienic, nutritious and healthy.

【Carrot meal bag】Uses pure natural carrots to make the color of this bread extra bright! 【Carrot meal packet】One bite is quite satisfying, and it can also be cut open to make sandwiches or hamburgers!

Difficulty: Cut Pier (Beginner)

Duration: more than 1 hour

High gluten flour 300 g

Carrots 90 g

130 g of water

Yeast powder 4 g

Milk powder 12 g

Salt 4 g

Sugar 36 g

30 g butter

All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

1. Cut the carrots into pieces and water into the blender and whisk into carrot water.

All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

2. Knead the material other than butter into a smooth state, add the softened butter, knead into an expansion stage, and roll the dough into a round for basic fermentation.

All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

3. The dough is fermented on a base basis to about twice the original.

All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

4. Divide the dough into 16 portions and let loose for 15 minutes.

All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

5. Place the small dough in a baking dish for final fermentation.

All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

6. The small dough is fermented at room temperature to 2 times its original size.

All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

7. Place in a preheated 180°C oven on the mid-level and bake for 18 minutes.

All-natural nutrition meal pack carrot meal pack preparation steps

8. It must be noted:

1. The amount of water should be adjusted appropriately according to the water absorption of flour. The high gluten flour I use is a new bread flour purchased in bean fruit, which is highly absorbent.

2, the temperature and time of baking should be adjusted according to the oven.

Connie, an ordinary cooked woman, a working mother, loves life, loves food, welcome to pay attention to Connie's WeChat public account: Connie chen (WeChat: conniechan), share the beauty of life and food. Welcome to my friends.

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