
The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

By piggy's three meals a day

High gluten flour 250 g

Milk 155 g

White sugar 14

Resistant to high sugar yeast 2.5 g

Salt 3 g

Butter 10 g

Cooked sesame seeds 15 g

Corn oil 7 g

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

1. Prepare all the materials

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

2: Put in all ingredients except sesame seeds and water

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

3: Pour in water and stir into flocculents

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

4: Add cooked sesame seeds

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

5, knead into a ball, do not need to knead out the membrane

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

6, refrigerate overnight (can also be fermented at room temperature for 30-40 minutes)

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

7: Warm up for 20 minutes

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

8: Divide into 12 parts and knead into balls

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

9: Let the oven rise at 35°C for 40 minutes

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

10, sift powder, cut the package (I did not cut well)

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

11: Squeeze in the softened butter

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

12: Preheat oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes

The small meal package does this, and the relief is comparable to braised pork

13, then look at the degree of coloring, and then you can bake

⚠️ No need to knead out the membrane, the welfare ⚠️ of the novice Xiaobai can be kneaded every night and put in the refrigerator to ferment, the next day there is no need to rush and panic, but also save time

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, treat irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

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