
To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: About the things we eat and drink

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To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

Braised pork is a delicacy suitable for all ages, which melts in the mouth, is soft and delicious, and is loved by the elderly and children. This dish is easy to make, but there are some skills to learn to make it delicious. When making braised pork, how can you make the color bright and attractive? How to make the taste soft and rotten? How can you be fat but not greasy? If you don't know yet, learn from me today.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

In order to make the braised pork have no fishy smell, it is estimated that everyone blanches the pork belly, and then adds water to stew it directly after adding sugar color, which is not right. If you want to make braised pork that tastes as good as a restaurant, remember not to blanch and stew with water.

Next, I will share with you the correct way to make braised pork, which I learned from the chef of the restaurant, to ensure that the color of the braised pork is bright and attractive after it comes out of the pot, and it tastes soft and fragrant and not greasy, and you can't stop eating it.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

【Homemade braised pork with dried plum vegetables】

The special braised pork I shared is a combination of umeboshi and pork belly, the pork belly absorbs the aroma of the umeboshi vegetables, and the umeboshi vegetables absorb the fat of the pork belly, which is really fragrant.

Prepare pork belly, dried plum vegetables, green onions, ginger, garlic cloves, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, and cooking oil.

1. The pork belly should be selected under the pork belly, that is, the piece of the pork belly, which is generally called high-quality pork belly in the supermarket, with more layers, and the braised pork is fragrant but not greasy. The more layers, the better, at least five layers or more, and the taste is the best.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

2. Wash the pork belly with water, many people cut it directly into pieces and start blanching, don't do it again. When the wok is hot, remember to use an iron pan to put the pork belly skin side down and rub it on the hot pan for a while until the skin is browned. This can remove the residual pig hair on the pig skin, and it can remove the fishy smell, and the pork skin is more likely to be stewed, and the taste is particularly good.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

3. Put the blanched pork belly into clean water, brush it with a steel wool ball, and drain the water. Put the pork belly on a plate and drizzle with some cooking wine for later use. Add water to the steamer and bring to a boil, add the pork belly and steam for 10 minutes, don't steam for too long. Steaming is effective in removing the smell and making the meat softer.

4. When steaming the meat, cut the green onions into sections, slice the ginger, and flatten the garlic cloves with a knife. Use whatever spices you have at home, such as peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, dried chili peppers, etc., and they are more fragrant.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

5. Take out the steamed pork belly and let it cool, and cut it into large pieces. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot and heat it, pour in the pork belly pieces, fry it on low heat for a while, fry it until the color is golden on both sides, and stir-fry the excess fat, so that the braised pork will not be greasy. The fried pieces of meat are served out first and set aside.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

6. Add a shovel of oil to the pot, put a handful of rock sugar in it, stir-fry for a while on low heat, wait until the color of the syrup turns brown-red, pour in the fried pork belly pieces, and quickly stir-fry for a while to coat the meat pieces with a layer of sugar.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

7. Add green onions, ginger slices, garlic cloves, star anise, cinnamon and bay leaves and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in cooking wine, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce and stir-fry evenly. Soak the umeboshi vegetables in water in advance to soften, wash them and chop them, pour them into a pot and stir-fry evenly to absorb the fat of the pork.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

8. Pour in an appropriate amount of beer to cover the meat pieces, don't stew pork with water in the future, replace it with beer, you can remove the smell and increase the flavor, remove the oil and relieve the greasy, and the stewed meat is more fragrant. After boiling on high heat, cover the lid, turn to low heat and simmer for about 40 minutes, if there is a pressure cooker, you can pour it in and cook for 20 minutes and it will be very soft.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

9. After the pork belly pieces are stewed, add some salt to taste, stir-fry evenly and turn to high heat to collect the juice, the soup can be out of the pot after it is thick, sprinkle with green onions to decorate after being put on the plate, and it can be served on the table.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

【Skill Summary】

1. Don't blanch the pork belly directly, burn the pork skin first, which can remove the fishy smell and make it easier to stew.

2. Don't blanch the pork belly, steam it instead, so that it can also remove the fishiness and make the meat softer.

3. Don't stew the pork belly directly, fry it first to remove excess fat and make it not greasy.

4. Don't stew the pork belly with water, replace it with beer, which can remove the smell and increase the flavor, remove the oil and relieve the greasy.

To make braised pork, remember not to blanch and stew with water, teach you the correct method, soft and fragrant but not greasy

Have you learned the delicious recipe of braised pork shared above? If you make it this way, it tastes really delicious.

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