
The seduction of the Tibetan food series of ghee steamed buns

author:A plum that wants to be a tree

Come and come, the gluttons look over. There is a Tibetan delicacy here that will definitely make the pasta lovers salivate. This delicacy is – ghee steamed buns.

The seduction of the Tibetan food series of ghee steamed buns

Ghee steamed buns can be sandwiched inside the meat

When searching for Tibetan cuisine on the Internet, I found that not many people introduced ghee steamed buns. But in Tibetan areas, at least in jiarong tibetan areas, ghee steamed buns are a popular and popular way to eat.

The seduction of the Tibetan food series of ghee steamed buns

As the name suggests, ghee steamed bun is ghee steamed bun. Let's start with ghee. Ghee is actually Western butter, a milk extract. Ghee contains a lot of trace elements such as copper, which is very good for human health. And the steamed bun is a bigger and thicker cake.

There are two specific methods of ghee steamed buns.

The first one --

Ingredients: wheat flour, barley flour, yogurt, ghee, fresh milk.

The seduction of the Tibetan food series of ghee steamed buns

Steps: First put the wheat flour and barley flour in a basin→ heat the hydrated ghee, yogurt and warm fresh milk→ then use your tender hands to combine the dough into a smooth dough→ and then put the dough in a warm place to ferment to 2-2.5 times larger→ take out the dough and knead it repeatedly until the surface is smooth→ then divide it into appropriately sized dough pieces→ and then roll out the dough into a cake shape→ and then ferment it for a second time→ fermentation for about 20 minutes before it can be baked in the oven.

In fact, the practice of steamed buns is much the same as in other regions. But the difference is that in Tibetan areas, steamed buns are fermented with yogurt, which can make them softer and have a faint sweet milk flavor. In addition, adding a small amount of barley flour to the steamed bun will make the steamed bun taste to a higher level, and there is a natural fragrance of barley.

The seduction of the Tibetan food series of ghee steamed buns

The second type, which is also the most popular one in jiarong tibetan areas -

The first step is to make a steamed bun using the first method inside, see above.

The second step is to cut the shell on top of the steamed bun, the shell can be cut a little thinner, and then smeared with ghee on the bun, and then put it in the oven to bake, wear the steamed bun shell crisp, the ghee melts and then take it out, you can cut the plate.

"Click", the crispy ghee steamed bun on the outside and the crispy bun on the inside and the fragrance of ghee burst out in the mouth with a pleasant feeling from the delicacy. Think about it, with the sunshine of the plateau, eat a bite of ghee steamed bun and then take a sip of butter tea... The beauty of the world is nothing more than that.

This kind of ghee and barley can be replenished with trace elements, which is a must-eat food for travel in Tibetan areas. If you love food, come to The Tibetan area to taste it.

Look, ghee bun waiting for you!

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