
Rolled buns in green onion oil

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Rolled buns in green onion oil

Ever since the steamed buns were successful, they were out of control! Today I made a roll bun in green onion oil, which is really fragrant!

by Cool Heart'

Regular flour 250 g

Salt 1.5 g

Yeast 2.5 g

Water 120 g

Sesame seeds to taste

Green onion to taste

Rolled buns in green onion oil

1. Prepare the ingredients you need in advance

Rolled buns in green onion oil

2, the yeast poured into the water mixed evenly, let stand for 10 minutes Pour the flour yeast water salt into the beko bake cook k6 stir floc in 2 gears and then stir in 4 stops for 5 minutes to make a smooth dough Wake up to twice as big Wake up and knead smoothLy roll out the dough into a dough about 3 cm thick

Rolled buns in green onion oil

3、 Apply a thin layer of cooking oil to the dough and sprinkle with pretzel and salt seeds and green onions! Fold up a third, fold down on top, gently press the exhaust dough to fit, cut into strips

Rolled buns in green onion oil

4, the two superimposed together, with chopsticks pressed down, and then stretched, the dough piece turned over the chopsticks put in the middle, twist the chopsticks in a circle, press down, the chopsticks can be pulled out!

Rolled buns in green onion oil

5. Secondary fermentation to the expanded state (turn off the hot water in the steamer and put it on the fermentation directly)

Rolled buns in green onion oil

6, boil the water on the pot and steam for 15 minutes, steam well, turn off the heat for 3 minutes and then open the lid

Rolled buns in green onion oil

7, green onion rolls and buns to make, while hot to start! The children at home are small, and I will do a little smaller, a child can just eat one, perfect!

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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