
Preferred Recipe: Juice tenderloin, chili chicken, tempeh mud carp oil wheat vegetables, pine nuts to prepare

author:Three sisters home cookbook

Pine nut fish

Preferred Recipe: Juice tenderloin, chili chicken, tempeh mud carp oil wheat vegetables, pine nuts to prepare

Ingredients: a little tomato sauce for grass carp, a little sugar and vinegar for 2-3 tomatoes, a little soy sauce for 2-3 green peppers, a little salt for eggs, a little starch


1: Cut the tomato into cubes and dice the pepper and set aside

2: Cut the grass carp with the skin of the fish obliquely and cut it into pine nuts. Cut the side of the fish meat, can not cut the side of the fish skin, when cutting, be careful not to cut off the fish skin

3: Sprinkle a little salt and beat an egg evenly on the surface of the fish

4, sprinkle with starch, the fish pieces are full of starch, each gap should be full, and then pick up the fish and shake it, shake the excess starch out, shake the fish meat apart and shake it apart

5: Pour cooking oil into the pan, heat the pan for 8 minutes, add fish pieces and fry them until golden brown

6: Fish out the fish cubes and put them on the plate

7: Heat peanut oil in a pan, add tomatoes and a pinch of salt and sauté the tomatoes to soften. Add water, sugar, soy sauce, boil the tomatoes and add vinegar and tomato sauce to make a sauce. Add the green peppers

Tempeh mud carp oil wheat vegetables

Preferred Recipe: Juice tenderloin, chili chicken, tempeh mud carp oil wheat vegetables, pine nuts to prepare


500 grams of oil and wheat vegetables, half a box of canned tempeh mud carp, green onion, ginger, garlic, a little chicken essence


1: Wash and cut the oil and wheat vegetables into about 4 cm pieces; the tempeh mud carp is cut into 1 cm long thin strips.

2: Add the bottom oil to the pot, after the oil is hot, the onion and ginger will be fragrant, add the oil and wheat vegetables, stir-fry quickly, add a little salt, and wait for the oil and wheat vegetables to change color and then put out.

3: Put a little oil in the pot, when it is 50% hot, put the tempeh mud carp and stir-fry, stir-fry the aroma and then pour in the oil and wheat vegetables and stir-fry a few times to start the pot and plate.

Diced chili chicken

Preferred Recipe: Juice tenderloin, chili chicken, tempeh mud carp oil wheat vegetables, pine nuts to prepare

Ingredients: 250g of diced chicken, 50g of green and red peppercorns, 5g of peppercorns, 50g of ginger, minced pickled peppers

1. Cut the diced chicken into small cubes of 1.5 cm, marinate with salt, cooking wine, soy sauce and starch for 15 minutes, and cut the ginger and green and red pepper into dice slightly smaller than the diced chicken

2. Put the oil in the hot pot, put the chicken cubes and fry until 7 minutes cooked, the remaining oil in the pot is heated, put the minced pepper, minced garlic, peppercorns, ginger and stir-fry, then put the green and red peppers and stir-fry evenly

3. Finally, add the diced chicken and sauté until it is broken, add a little MSG and sugar before cooking

4. A plate of diced chili chicken with full color and flavor comes out of the pot

Juice tenderloin

Preferred Recipe: Juice tenderloin, chili chicken, tempeh mud carp oil wheat vegetables, pine nuts to prepare

Ingredients: Pork tenderloin 750 g, tomato sauce 100 g, lemon juice 75 g, salt 15 g, soy sauce 5 g, green onion 20 g, white sugar 35 g, vinegar 15 g, cooking wine 15 g, sesame oil 5 g, vegetable oil 150 g.

1. Wash the tenderloin, cut into thin strips with a knife and marinate in rice wine and soy sauce for a while.

2. Wash and put on the fire in the pot, put in raw oil, burn until 60% or 70% hot, fry the tenderloin, until the surface of the meat strip is hard and golden, then drain the oil.

3. Leave the remaining oil in the pot, sauté the green onion slightly, then fry the tomato sauce, then fry the meat strips, cook the rice wine, add salt, sugar and an appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat, change to a low heat to penetrate the flavor, switch to high heat to collect the juice, drop into the balsamic vinegar, and then put the lemon juice, when the marinade is thick and sticky, drop into the sesame oil, you can get out of the pot, cool and then put on the plate to eat.

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