
"Alive" originally read for her son and gave her daughter away for her own good? It is also important for women to be educated

author:Read a book in a nutshell

Fugui, who lives at the bottom of society in the book "Alive", makes a decision: in order to let his son Youqing have money to study, he will give his daughter Fengxia to someone.

他对妻子‬凤家‬珍说“凤霞命苦,这辈子看来是要苦到底了。 Youqing can't be bitter for a lifetime, let him study, and only when he reads will he have a day to come out. You can't let two children be tied up, and one day you have to live better. ”

In the words of this original text, it can be seen that even if Fugui loves his daughter, he cannot match the importance of his son's study.

The son can study, can live a good life, and can shine the lintel is the most important. It is useless for her daughter to study, because she will marry in the future, and she is not a member of this family.

Feng Xia had never been to school, and Fugui felt that it was normal. 要把凤霞送人,好省下些钱供有‬庆读书,福贵也觉得是理所当然。 He even felt that choosing a good family for his daughter would make Fengxia's life better than it is now.

这年凤霞十二岁,已经是一个懂事、会‬思考‬的女孩了。 小时候的病让她变成了聋哑人,送人对她来讲是很残忍的一件事,而她却只能默默地哭,连说话‬请求‬都做不到。

Fugui's thought was a perfectly normal thing in that era. It shows that the bad habit of son preference for women in that era was already very common.


Fugui is kind, and he can't send the child away again. In the end, he decided that the whole family would starve to death and would not send Fengxia back.

In this paragraph of the book, I read it with tears in the corners of my eyes and a smile in the corners of my mouth.

"Alive" originally read for her son and gave her daughter away for her own good? It is also important for women to be educated

In real life, the bad habit of preferring sons to daughters still exists, and even some places regard the phrase "you have no son" as the most vicious insult in quarrels with people, and without sons, they will be poked in the spine.

But is it true that women are inferior to men?

There are poems

A five-foot gun in a heroic posture, the dawn of the first light on the training ground.

The sons and daughters of China do not love red clothes and love arms.

- "Seven Absolute Portraits for Female Militiamen"

这是我们的‬领袖‬在1961年为身边一位参加民兵训练的工作人员个人照题写的一首七言绝句诗。 It depicts the unprecedented cool and heroic posture of Chinese women and praises their heroism of not letting their eyebrows be shaved.


Li Lanjuan: A national soldier on the front line of the fight against the epidemic

In the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, 73-year-old Li Lanjuan took the lead in proposing the lockdown of Wuhan and did not hesitate to rush to the front line of the "epidemic".

"Alive" originally read for her son and gave her daughter away for her own good? It is also important for women to be educated

Chen Wei: "Dancing with Poison" Chinese female general

She is one of the top ten young female scientists in China, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, a Chinese expert in biohazard prevention and control, a chief biological and chemical weapons defense expert in China, and the director of the Institute of Biological Engineering of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

At the beginning of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, General Chen Wei led his team to go deep into the epidemic area, from January 26 to May 17, the whole team fought in Wuhan for 113 days, working day and night to develop the new crown pneumonia virus vaccine.

"Alive" originally read for her son and gave her daughter away for her own good? It is also important for women to be educated

Tu Youyou: The first woman to win the highest level of science and technology awards in China.

The British BBC issued the "Greatest People of the 20th Century" selection, a total of 28 shortlisted candidates, only four in the "Scientists" list:

They are Marie Curie, Einstein, and Alan Turing, and yes, Tu Youyou.

She is also the only living candidate in the field of scientists.

The BBC described Tu Youyou this way:

"Upholding scientific ideals in difficult times"

"Forge ahead and don't forget to look back"

"Its achievements span things".

In the BBC short film, the host, after listing the data on the life-saving effects of artemisinin, said with emotion:

"If the degree of greatness is measured by how many lives have been saved, then there is no doubt that Tu Youyou is the greatest scientist in history."

"Alive" originally read for her son and gave her daughter away for her own good? It is also important for women to be educated

Wei Xiaohui: China's first female trainee captain.

She started working for Huawei at the age of 23.

At the age of 27, she won the top ten in the China division of the Miss Universe Intercontinental Contest.

At the age of 28, he volunteered in Tibet.

At the age of 34, he became a doctor at Sun Yat-sen University and received a notice of enlistment.

Six years later, she became the first female captain in the history of China's naval aviation.

"Alive" originally read for her son and gave her daughter away for her own good? It is also important for women to be educated

These women have made great achievements in all walks of life in our country and reflect their self-worth.

In some areas of today's society, there are still many bad habits of preferring sons over daughters.

In some remote areas, many girls, they don't go to school for a day because they have a more "important" task: work, with their brother.

When they grow up, they go to the city to work, and the money they save is sent to the family to build a house for their brother or brother to get married. Even if they are married, because they are forced by the family to ask for a bride price to their mother-in-law's family, their life in the in-laws' family is still difficult.

This is a desperate circle in which the bottom women are struggling all their lives.

"Alive" originally read for her son and gave her daughter away for her own good? It is also important for women to be educated

I've heard of such a thing

A famous question from the Austrian Association for The Care of Girls: "If a family has a pair of children, but only one education fund, who do you invest in?" ”

"Vote for your daughter."


"Because by educating a boy, you educate only one individual; and by educating a girl, you educate a family, you educate a nation, you educate a nation."


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