
Gourmet look: Mapo tofu, radish kimchi, braised duck wings, tomato egg noodles to be prepared

author:Earth Diary

Europe has brioche bread, Japan has sushi caviar, Korea has kimchi rice cake, China has Full Han table... No matter how the world map changes, how the magnates and the heavenly arrogance call the wind and rain, every ordinary person can see the world from three meals a day and see a colorful world. If it is said that man's need for food is only instinctive, just to fill his stomach, it is no different from that of beasts. And the facts tell us that human beings have a complex for food, and this complex is not pure taste bud provocation, but more of a habit, a kind of nostalgia. Therefore, although the Chinese diet is broad and profound, the world diet is even more colorful, and what is difficult for us to give up is the earth under our feet, the noodle soup in the bowl and the comfort of our parents. Even if we go to the ends of the earth, the stomach and tongue must eventually recognize the ancestors, and every dietary man and woman has a warm home-cooked dish hidden in their hearts. Next, Xiaobian will continue to talk to you about today's home cooking.

Mapo tofu

Gourmet look: Mapo tofu, radish kimchi, braised duck wings, tomato egg noodles to be prepared

Ingredients: tofu, pork, bean paste starch, salt, sugar, soy sauce, dried chili pepper, pepper, green onion, ginger, garlic.

1. Cut the tofu into small pieces, chop the onion, ginger and garlic into small pieces, and chop the watercress in the watercress sauce and set aside. In this way, after the watercress is chopped, the taste will be better.

2. Cook in cold water, add a little salt to the pan and put the tofu in it. Wait until the water boils and remove the tofu for later.

3. Stir-fry the pan, pour in the oil after the pan is hot, then add the minced meat and stir-fry, stir-fry dry water. Then add the appropriate amount of watercress sauce, dried chili peppers, sesame peppers slowly stir-fry over low heat, and fry until the watercress sauce comes out of the red oil.

4. Put in the tofu blocks, pay attention to use a spatula to gently stir, otherwise it is easy to mash the tofu.

5. Pour in the right amount of water, soy sauce, blanch until the pot and start cooking. Cook on high heat for about five to six minutes.

6. Adjust the ratio of starch to cold water to 1:3 into water starch and pour it into the pot.

7. Wait until the soup is thick, collect the juice, sprinkle a little green onion, and the coriander will come out of the pot.

Gourmet look: Mapo tofu, radish kimchi, braised duck wings, tomato egg noodles to be prepared

Radish pickles

Ingredients: 2 white radish, 1 green onion (you can add some coriander when eating), 1 head of garlic, 1 small piece of ginger, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 spoons of white vinegar, 2 tablespoons of Korean paprika, fish sauce, 1 teaspoon each of shrimp paste;

Directions: 1. Finely chop ginger and garlic, cut green onion into segments;

2. Shrimp paste, fish sauce, paprika, appropriate amount;

3. Cut the radish into pieces and marinate for about 1 hour, drain the water and set aside;

4. Mix all the ingredients well, seal for 48 hours and eat;

Tomato egg noodles

Gourmet look: Mapo tofu, radish kimchi, braised duck wings, tomato egg noodles to be prepared


Tomatoes, eggs, noodles, shallots, salad oil, salt, chicken essence, stock, tomato sauce


1) Wash the tomatoes and dice them.

2) Beat the eggs into a bowl and stir well.

3) Cook the noodles in a pot of boiling water and half-cook, remove and let cool.

4) Add oil in a wok and scramble the diced tomatoes and eggs until the egg liquid solidifies.

5) Add broth (water), tomato sauce, salt and noodles to cook.

6) Turn off the heat, add chicken essence to taste, put in a bowl and sprinkle with green onions.

Braised duck wings

Gourmet look: Mapo tofu, radish kimchi, braised duck wings, tomato egg noodles to be prepared

Ingredients: Duck wings 300 g.

Ingredients: 2 star anise, 2 small pieces of cinnamon, 4 dried chili peppers, 1 grass fruit, 2 cloves of garlic, about 10 peppercorns, ginger, dark soy sauce, chicken essence, oyster sauce, cooking wine.


1, remove the duck wings after cleaning the residual hair, wash and drain, cut from the joints, the middle wing part of the two knives to taste; star anise, cinnamon, pepper washed; dried pepper washed and cut into two pieces, remove the seeds; grass and fruit washing with a knife to break; ginger slices, garlic peeled;

2, put oil in a hot pan, add star anise, cinnamon, peppercorns, and light heat to burst the aroma;

3, down into the duck wings, turn the heat, the duck wings flat on the bottom of the pan, fry one side after turning the surface, the two sides of the duck wings fried until slightly browned;

4、 Add two small spoons of cooking wine and stir-fry well;

5: Add ginger, garlic, grass fruits, dried chili peppers, soy sauce, sugar, salt, oyster sauce and chicken essence, and fry well until the duck wings are colored;

6, add the appropriate amount of hot water (to completely drown the duck wings), heat to a slight boil when the foam is scooped out with a spoon;

7: Cover the pot and reduce the heat to cook for about 30 minutes;

8: Open the lid and thicken the soup.

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