
2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

author:Hakka iron head

During the New Year's Festival, chicken, duck and fish meat is certainly indispensable, generally in Guangdong, eating duck meat is the most favorite is a whole for eating, and when choosing ducks, like to choose a farmer's free-range duck, but also choose to raise at least 200 days of duck, such duck, meat texture is very good.

So in addition to duck, is there any other way to eat duck meat in Guangdong?

The answer is of course, today I come to share with you a more fragrant duck, and do not need to use a whole duck every time to make, half or a large duck leg can make one, simple and delicious.

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

Ingredients: two large duck legs, cooking oil, 2 star anise, 5 pieces of rock sugar, a little ginger slices, half a bowl of soy sauce, a bottle of beer, a little pepper, shredded green onion, etc.

The detailed procedure steps are as follows:

Step 1: Prepare two large duck legs, you can also prepare half a duck, if there are many people eating, you must prepare a duck. After the duck legs are cleaned, use kitchen paper to dry the water, and if you have enough time, you can put it in a ventilated place to dry the water.

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

Step 2: Prepare a deeper pot, pour a little more cooking oil into the pot, burn the oil to 60% or 70% hot, chopsticks will bubble up when you put it in, then put the duck leg in, adjust the medium heat and slowly fry the duck leg until it is yellowish, and use chopsticks to flip the duck leg from time to time, don't just fry one side, the skin must be fried a little better.

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

Step 3: Fry for about ten minutes, fry the duck skin until it is a little hard, you can clip it out, put it aside and drain the oil.

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

Step 4: At this time, we prepare a large bowl of spices, prepare a large bowl, put 2 star anise, 5 pieces of rock sugar, a little ginger slices, half a bowl of soy sauce, a bottle of beer, a little pepper, stir it well.

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

Step 5: Put the drained duck legs into the pot, the duck skin is down, so that the color is more beautiful, and then pour in the big bowl of sauce that has just been adjusted, cover the pot and adjust the heat to boil, turn the heat down and simmer for half an hour, simmer the juice until it is almost dry, about half an hour or so, in the middle to turn over the noodles a few times Oh, let the duck legs color well.

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

Step 6: Well, the juice in the pot is almost boiled dry, open the lid of the pot, adjust the heat, turn the duck leg while collecting the juice, do the last coloring, turn it to the juice in the pot, this step should be careful to paste Oh, if you don't grasp it well, you can adjust the small fire while turning it over and slowly cooking until it is dry, so that the color on it is more beautiful.

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

Step 7: After the juice is completely boiled, take the duck leg out and let it cool slightly, now it looks like drooling, it is really delicious, very tempting.

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

Step 8: Duck legs can be cut after a little cool, cut duck legs and cut white cut chicken is similar, novice words do not require too high, cut a few more times can be cut very beautiful, cut a good plate, add a little onion on the noodles to embellish it, eat it on the table, very appetizing right?

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple

This Cantonese fried sauce marinated duck is done, like friends try it, the aroma is full of delicious taste, the taste is more enjoyable than the roast duck to eat, the skin is fragrant and smooth, and it is very flavorful, super rice, every New Year's Festival to do this together with hospitality, especially with face Oh, not worse than the hotel chef.

2 big duck legs, this is too fragrant every New Year's Festival, the pot is full of color and fragrance, the method is very simple


To do this duck, you can choose a duck or a duck, like to eat with a little fat, you can choose a duck, and the duck in addition to the skin is all lean meat, suitable for friends who do not eat fat meat, these two kinds of ducks are very tasty, the taste and taste are great, chewing is more and more fragrant.

The original author of this picture: Hakka Iron Head

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