
How to make clove duck legs

author:Food warriors
How to make clove duck legs
How to make clove duck legs
How to make clove duck legs

Clove duck legs

6 duck legs

Spice Pack Recipe:

10 g cloves, 8 g herbs and fruits, 5 g peppercorns, 3 g star anise, 3 g fragrant leaves, 3 g hawthorn slices.

Accessories: 20 grams of green onion, 20 grams of ginger slices, 30 grams of rock sugar, 50 grams of rice wine, 100 grams of salt, 200 grams of fried sugar.

Put the above spices into a gauze bag, tie the mouth, soak in warm water for 20-30 minutes, and set aside.

How to make a tool system:

1: Freeze the duck legs, put them in room temperature water to thaw, soak in the bleeding water, drain the water, marinate with a little salt and rice wine for 15 minutes, rinse and set aside.

2, put 100 grams of cooking oil in the wok, add shallots and ginger slices, sauté to make the aroma, add about 3.5 kg of boiling water, put in the duck legs, then add 200 grams of sautéed sugar, 100 grams of salt, 50 grams of rice wine, 30 grams of rock sugar; then put in the spice packet, boil on high heat, cook for 50 minutes, turn off the heat, simmer for 10 minutes, fish out, that is, the finished clove duck leg.

Note: Clove duck legs highlight the clove flavor, but different people have different tastes, you can adjust the appropriate amount.

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