
Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary


Near the snow festival, many people are snapping up beautiful pork, go home to pickle bacon, fill sausages, "small snow pickles, big snow cured meat", this old saying is right, the more the elderly are more active, in our here is a saying, no wax flavor is equivalent to the New Year, wax flavor can entertain relatives and friends, but also take relatives, this thing cost is not low, a pound of meat dozens of dollars, my family in addition to cured bacon, sausages, will also get some bacon legs, duck legs, choose sunny weather processing, drying for about half a month, Duck leg meat has become chewy, salty and delicious, without a little fishy taste, especially suitable for entertaining friends, the face has a lot of face, this duck leg meat, there is very little sold outside, homemade more put a little, no little additives, if you also want to eat, then learn from me.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

Yesterday shared the practice of chicken legs, in fact, duck legs are also the same, are local materials, with peppercorns, large ingredients, cumin, dried peppers, salt, and sprayed with white wine sterilization and disinfection, has been drying until the meat is tight can be, duck legs drying, try not to lean too close, leave space to avoid deterioration, duck leg fat layer is relatively thick, before marinating can cut off some fat oil, so more conducive to the later taste, want to eat, cut pieces steamed on it, this season is the most suitable for all kinds of sausages, bacon, bacon, duck legs, Chicken thighs, easy to learn, salty and delicious, hurry up and act.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > wax duck leg</h1>

Ingredients: Duck leg, ginger, high liquor

Seasoning: Peppercorns, star anise, dried chili peppers, cumin, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, salt

1, prepare 10 duck legs, you can buy fresh best, not frozen duck legs, soak in water for 3 hours, soak off the blood water, halfway to change the water twice, and then use a toothpick to prick a small hole in the duck leg, convenient for pickling.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

2, when the time comes, take out the duck leg, dry the surface moisture, start to fishy the duck leg, smear ginger, and then apply a layer of high liquor, marinate for a while, completely remove the fishy smell of the duck leg.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

3, the next is to prepare the accessories, add in the blender, peppercorns 10 grams, star anise 10 grams, dried peppers 10 grams, cumin 10 grams, fragrant leaves 2 grams, cinnamon 5 grams, turn a turn into minced.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

4, beat a little better, I am a bit sloppy, boil the pot, do not put oil and water, put the spices into the pot, and then pour 50 grams of salt, stir-fry incense.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

5: Sauté until the salt grains are slightly yellow, the spices release the aroma, you can turn off the heat, in the pot to cool and set aside.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

6, at this time, the duck leg is also almost pickled, the fishy smell has been removed, and the seasoning powder is smeared on the duck leg.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

7, all corners do not let go, so that every inch of the skin of the duck leg is evenly applied, the more even the better, this step to be a little patient, the salt particles massage melt, so that the duck meat is fully absorbed.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

8, after all done, put the duck meat into the basin, cover with a layer of plastic wrap, put into the refrigerator refrigerator marinade, it takes three days, every day to turn the noodles, if there is blood water, but also the pickled blood water poured out.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

9, wait until the third day of the time, blood water has been very little, take out the rope to dry, about 3 days or so, the duck meat will have a transparent feeling, it is best to put in the sun can be ventilated, and pay attention to the spacing between the duck legs, drying for a week can be bagged for preservation.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

9, dried duck legs, when you want to eat it is also very simple, first use water to soak for an hour, wash off the above spices, cut into small pieces, steamed on the pot can eat, chewy, rich taste, salty just right.

Love to eat wax duck legs to collect, more than ten years of old recipes, duck leg meat chewy, no fishy wax duck leg skills summary

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > skill summary</h1>

1, duck legs must pay attention to fishy, duck meat has a fishy taste is essential, there are ginger and liquor can be well eliminated.

2, if the duck leg is too much, then the amount of salt should also be increased or decreased, please decide according to the actual situation.

3, pay attention not to dry too dry, to ensure the taste of the duck, 5-7 days can be, can be frozen preservation.

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