
Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

It is rare to get off work early, just make a broccoli fried shrimp to reward yourself, just mrs. Happy vegetable fresh seasoning, original fresh soy sauce also arrived, the following to share my approach.

By kaka is a Super Invincible Libra girl


Broccoli 300 g

150 g fresh shrimp

Garlic 20 g

Fresh seasoning of "Tai Tai Le" vegetables 2+3 g

"Mrs. Le Original Fresh" head dish soy sauce 15 grams

Dry starch 5 g

Salt to taste

Oil to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

1, prepare the materials, shrimp is the market to buy live shrimp

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

2, buy it back and put it in the basin to soak

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

3. Remove the head of the shrimp

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

4. Shell the shrimp

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

5: Cut the back of the shrimp with a knife and remove the shrimp line

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

6. Processed broccoli, minced garlic and shrimp

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

7: Add some oil, salt and tai ta le original soy sauce to the shrimp

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

8: Stir well and marinate for 5 minutes

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

9: Boil water in a pot, then pour in the fresh seasonings of broccoli and Mrs. Le vegetables and cook for 1-2 minutes

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

10: Blanch the water and remove for later

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

11: Heat the oil and sauté the minced garlic

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

12: Pour in blanched broccoli

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

13: Then pour in the marinated shrimp and stir-fry together for 1 minute

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

14. Pour in the fresh seasonings of Mrs. Le's vegetables

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

15: Pour in the original fresh soy sauce of Tai Tai Le

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

16: Stir-fry together

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

17. Finished product

Do #Cook at home! Dear #Broccoli fried shrimp, better than what you bought

18, shrimp is very Q talk, broccoli is very fresh, delicious

<h2>Nutritional benefits of broccoli</h2>

1. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Broccoli is probably the most significant is its anti-cancer and anti-cancer effect, especially in the prevention and treatment of stomach cancer and breast cancer. When suffering from stomach cancer, the level of serum selenium in the human body decreases significantly, and the concentration of vitamin C in gastric juice is also significantly lower than that of normal people, and cauliflower can not only supplement people with a certain amount of selenium and vitamin C, but also provide rich carotene, which plays a role in preventing the formation of precancerous disease cells and inhibiting the growth of cancer.

2. Enhance the body's immunity

Broccoli is also rich in ascorbic acid, which can enhance the detoxification ability of the liver and improve the body's immunity.

3. Good products for weight loss

Cauliflower has a water content of up to 90% or more, while the calories are low, and for people who want to lose weight, it can both fill their stomachs without making people fat.

4. Promote growth

Eating cauliflower often can promote growth, maintain normal teeth and bones, protect vision, and improve memory.

5. Enhance the toughness of blood vessels

The vitamin K in cauliflower can maintain the toughness of blood vessels and is not easy to rupture. The flavonoids contained in it are not only to prevent infection, but also to be the best vascular cleanser.

6. Clear heat and quench thirst

In the hot summer, thirst, urine is golden yellow, stool is hard or not smooth, with cauliflower 30 grams of decoction, frequent drinking, there is a heat to quench thirst, diuretic laxative effect.

7. Anti-aging

Often eat broccoli can also be anti-aging, prevent skin dryness, is a good beauty product; the medical community also believes that broccoli has a good effect on the brain, vision, is a nutrient-rich comprehensive health vegetables.

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