
Qi begins at the winter solstice, the number nine cold days have come, recommend the first party of winter supplementation: angelica ginger mutton soup

author:China Clinical Nutrition Network

China Clinical Nutrition Network (lcyycc)

Author: Yang Cambridge (Deputy Director of Nutrition Center of Jilin Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Jilin Province/Pharmacist of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Contracted Nutritionist of China Clinical Nutrition Network)

Yesterday was the winter solstice


The ultimate hidden qi has reached this point and is extremely high

The twenty-second of the twenty-four solar terms

The fourth solar term of winter

The winter solstice has passed

Qi begins at the winter solstice, the number nine cold days have come, recommend the first party of winter supplementation: angelica ginger mutton soup

(Image source:

Winter Solstice And Three Seasons

It is recorded in ancient times| that earthworms are creatures that are yin and yang stretch, and although the yang has gradually grown, the yin is still very strong, and the earthworms in the soil are still curled up.

Erhou elk horn solution | elk and deer in the same family, but yin and yang are different, the ancients believed that the horn of the elk is born backwards, so it is yin, and the winter solstice is born of a yang, and the elk sense of yin qi gradually recedes and dissolves the horn.

The three springs of water are moving| and due to the initial birth of yang qi, the spring water in the mountains can flow and be warm at this time.

(Hou, that is, the Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into four seasons, twenty-four solar terms, and seventy-two hou.) Five days is one hou, three hou is one qi, six qi is one time, and four hours is one year. )

Qi begins at the winter solstice, the number nine cold days have come, recommend the first party of winter supplementation: angelica ginger mutton soup

Winter solstice and food maintenance

The winter solstice is the first of the twenty-four solar terms, and the ancients said: the solstice of the cathode, the beginning of the yang qi, the solstice of the sun, the solstice of the short day, the solstice of the long shadow, so it is called "winter solstice". The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and the longest night, at this time is also the time when the yin is the strongest and the yang is the weakest, since the winter solstice, the yang of heaven and earth begins to grow stronger, that is, the next cycle begins, the winter solstice is born, and the yang of heaven and earth rises.

Winter solstice health care should protect the yang and keep warm, prevent cold and evil from disturbing the yang; it is necessary to quietly keep the mind and let the yang qi be hidden; it is necessary to use moxibustion to help the yang to help the yang qi to sprout smoothly; to supplement the diet, nourish the yin and yang and resist the wind and cold.

【Go cold and warm】

Winter solstice to small cold, big cold, is the coldest season, suffering from myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease patients, bronchial asthma patients, half of the condition will be aggravated to varying degrees, most rheumatoid arthritis patients will have symptoms of increased pain at this time. Therefore, the winter solstice health should first go to the cold and warm, and pay attention to keeping warm when going out, especially the neck, shoulders, waist, legs, abdomen and other key parts. In the diet, it is prudent to eat cold and cold, mainly flat supplements and warm supplements, such as chicken, mutton, lotus seeds, mustard fruits, red beans, jujubes and so on.

【Appropriate amount of supplement】

"I Ching" has the "winter solstice Yangsheng" saying, that is, the winter solstice solar terms, cathode Yangsheng, the human body conforms to nature, Yang Qi grows and grows, at this time the body is easy to absorb foreign water valley subtle substances, therefore, before and after the winter solstice is a good season for food and nutrition, the body is weak, chronic damage or the general population can be supplemented in moderation at this time, increase calorie intake, resist cold, and improve the body's resistance. At this time, the supplement includes three categories: flat supplementation, warm supplementation, and adjustment supplement.

For those who are weak, it is advisable to use the warm supplement method; you can choose dried ginger, cinnamon, walnut meat, lamb, etc.

Elderly / long-term illness, or poor digestive function, it is advisable to use the tonic method; such as lentils, amaranth, yam, and mustard, and should not choose greasy, stagnant, cold, broken, big spicy hot products, in order to prevent damage to the spleen and stomach and qi and blood.

Those who are not sick or who have qi and blood deficiency after illness should use the flat supplement method; that is, choose the product with a sweet smell, its sex is peaceful, it is not hot and dry, the supplement is not stagnant, and the nourishing is not greasy.

【Maintenance of spleen and stomach】

The above appropriate amount of supplementation is provided that the physique is suitable and the individual has good spleen and stomach function. Spleen and stomach for the acquired nature, but also the source of qi and blood biochemistry, only the spleen and stomach transport function is good, in order to make food play the greatest role, otherwise eating the best things will also lead to the consequences of "can not make up", therefore, at this time, food should also pay attention to the maintenance of the spleen and stomach. The most important thing in the diet is to quit greasy, fried, high-fat foods, "cream thick taste" will unconsciously damage people's spleen and stomach function.

Qi begins at the winter solstice, the number nine cold days have come, recommend the first party of winter supplementation: angelica ginger mutton soup

Recommended meal: Angelica ginger lamb broth

1. Material preparation

Main ingredients: 100g of lamb, 30g of green onion, 15 ml of rice wine, 2 grams of salt.

Food and medicinal substances: Angelica 5g, ginger 10g.

2. Preparation method

1) Cut the lamb into chunks and blanch the water for later.

2) Wash the angelica in clean water, slice the onion and ginger and set aside.

3) Put lamb, green onion, ginger, rice wine, angelica in a casserole dish, add boiling water to an appropriate amount, boil over low heat and then change to simmer for about 1 hour and put salt to taste.

3. Effect: warm, blood replenishment, cold dissipation.

4. Applicable population: suitable for people with blood deficiency and yang deficiency constitution, often manifested as fatigue, dizziness, panic, cold intolerance and other symptoms.

Dietary comments: "Golden Hernia: Abdominal Full of Cold Hernia Eating Disease Pulse Diagnosis and Treatment Tenth" has "Cold hernia abdominal pain and flank pain, Angelica ginger mutton soup master." "The lamb is warm, the main wind is dizzy and emaciated, the children are eclampsia, the husband is five years old and seven injured, and the dirty qi is cold." Ginger, mildly warm, spicy, return to the five viscera, go to light (phlegm) under the breath, stop vomiting, remove the wind evil cold and heat. Rice wine, the most wet heat. Angelica ginger broth is most suitable for use as a daily food and health care for sub-healthy or healthy people at this time.

Editorial Board of China Clinical Nutrition Network


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