
Cold wave is coming, in addition to keeping warm, you can also come to a pot of angelica ginger lamb soup

author:Dr. Chen Qingzhen of the Department of Orthopedics

Winter supplement "Angelica Ginger Mutton Soup" is just in time!

At the end of 2020, the strongest cold wave struck, "running all over" China's great rivers north and south, freezing through about 80% of the country, everyone called it "annual overlord-level cold wave". On December 31, the last day of 2020, Guangdong also ushered in the coldest morning of the year, with a record low temperature, Renhua minus 2.6 °C, Guangzhou 5.3 °C (urban), Shenzhen 6.3 °C, Shantou 5.1 °C, Zhanjiang 6.5 °C. Chilled!

Cold wave is coming, in addition to keeping warm, you can also come to a pot of angelica ginger lamb soup

Don't believe it, even the school has issued a notice in advance to remind children and parents to pay attention to cold protection and warmth!

Cold wave is coming, in addition to keeping warm, you can also come to a pot of angelica ginger lamb soup

For people with orthopedic diseases such as bone joint and waist and leg pain, special attention should be paid to keeping warm in this weather, so as to avoid acute onset of bone and joint pain due to cold.

So why is the cold wave coming, which can easily lead to the onset of diseases such as bone and joint pain?

The blogger gives you a science popularization of the "cold" evil, one of the factors of external infection and evil disease!

Traditional Chinese medicine refers to the six external diseases of wind, cold, heat, wetness, dryness and fire as the "six evils". The change of cold and heat in nature and climate change have certain laws and limits, but if the climate change is too abrupt (such as a violent cold and warm), exceeding a certain limit, it will lead to the occurrence of diseases when the human body cannot adapt to it, especially some elderly people with poor physical fitness and insufficient righteousness.

The "cold" evil has the characteristics of cold and condensation, and is the main qi of winter, from small snow, heavy snow, winter solstice, to small cold counting four solar terms, for the winter main qi, because winter is a cold qi, so winter is cold. Due to the sudden drop in temperature, the cold protection and insulation are not enough, and the human body is also prone to feel the cold and evil and become sick.

Cold wave is coming, in addition to keeping warm, you can also come to a pot of angelica ginger lamb soup

The nature and pathogenic characteristics of the "cold" evil are mainly cold, stagnant, and induced, which are mainly manifested in the following three aspects:

First, cold is easy to hurt yang: cold is yin, and its sex is yin! The yang of the human body can have made yin, but the yin and cold are strong, then the yang is not only not enough to drive away the cold evil, but is insulted by the yin and cold, so the cold evil is most likely to damage the yang of the human body, the yang is damaged, lost in the work of warmth, and the whole body or local can appear obvious cold signs.

Second, the main pain of cold condensation: cold evil has the characteristics of condensation and blocking. The operation of human qi, blood and liquid, and the gentle promotion of Lai Yang qi, can be unimpeded. Cold evil invades the human body, the meridian qi and blood are lost in the yang temperature, it is easy to make the qi and blood coagulated blocked, astringent, not through the pain, so that there are various pain symptoms, so pain is said to be an important feature of cold evil. Osteoarthropathy is mostly pain as the main symptom, belongs to the category of Chinese medicine "paralysis", the "cold paralysis" in the classification of paralysis is due to the severe cold evil, joint pain is particularly severe, so it is also called "pain paralysis", "Su Qing • Paralysis Theory" also said: "Pain, there are many cold, there is cold and pain." "When the cause of bone and joint disease cold evil onset, most of them will say that they are more afraid of cold, often because of cold and pain, the pain is reduced when the temperature is reduced, every cold increases, the temperature rises and the blood is dispersed, the blood and qi run unimpeded, so the pain is relieved or reduced, which is the most common clinical symptom of the cold evil caused by the bone and joint disease."

Third, in addition, another characteristic of cold evil is "cold absorption", that is, it means that cold evil has the characteristics of receiving and being urgent. Cold evil invades the human body, which can make the qi machine converge, the heart is blocked, and the meridians and veins contract and contract; if the cold guest meridian joints, the tendons and veins are contracted urgently, so that the cramps are painful, the flexion and extension are unfavorable, or the cold is not kind.

In short, cold is the main qi in winter, and cold and evil diseases are mostly caused in winter, but they can also be seen in other seasons. Cold evil is a disease, its pathogenic characteristics are: cold is yin evil, easy to hurt yang qi, so cold evil causes disease, the whole body or local there is obvious cold signs, and because the cold wins the pain, so pain is one of the important characteristics of the cold certificate, in the bone and joints of the patient may be severe pain, limb joints are in pain or flexion and extension unfavorable.

Therefore, remind everyone, when the winter cold tide comes, we must pay attention to the cold and warm, usually insufficient yang, bone and joint pain and cold patients should pay more attention, when necessary, you can wear autumn clothes and autumn pants, knee joints can also wear knee pads to keep warm, cycling or outdoor work can wear gloves, life as little as possible contact with cold water!

For the onset of bone and joint diseases caused by cold evil, in terms of treatment, in accordance with the treatment method of "Cold Heat" in "Su Qing Zhi Zhi", warm medicines are used for cold lesions, that is, cold is treated with heat, such as the table cold evidence with xinwen solution method, and the cold certificate with xinwen method. In addition, for patients with insufficient Yang Qi in Pingsu, they can appropriately use some wenyang Fuzheng drugs to supplement the lack of yang qi, and such people can also properly enter food to supplement the temperature in winter, such as the Angelica ginger mutton soup in the Han Dynasty physician Sheng Zhang Zhongjing's "Golden Essentials".

Cold wave is coming, in addition to keeping warm, you can also come to a pot of angelica ginger lamb soup

Dietary remedy: Angelica ginger mutton soup

Source: "Golden Essentials"

Ingredients: 20 grams of angelica, 30 grams of ginger, 200-500 grams of lamb, rice wine, salt and other condiments.

Cold wave is coming, in addition to keeping warm, you can also come to a pot of angelica ginger lamb soup
Cold wave is coming, in addition to keeping warm, you can also come to a pot of angelica ginger lamb soup

Method: Deboned lamb, remove fascia, blanch the blood in a pot of boiling water, remove the blood water, fish out and cool, cut into 5cm long, 2cm wide, 1cm thick strips; put water in the casserole, put the lamb, put the angelica, ginger, boil over low heat, remove the foam, simmer for 1.5 hours until the lamb is cooked and rotten, season for use. Eat meat and soup, 2-3 times a day.

Cold wave is coming, in addition to keeping warm, you can also come to a pot of angelica ginger lamb soup

Indications for function: warm blood nourishment, cold relief and pain relief

Suitable for the population: Most people can eat in winter, especially the elderly and weak people with insufficient yang qi, but it is not suitable for people with yin deficiency, heat, fire, and sore throat.

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"Chinese medicine says bone"!

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