
Angelica ginger lamb broth

author:The world of food

Drinking mutton soup on the day of the winter solstice does not know when it spread. On this day of the year, lamb and its related foods become a bestseller.

Regarding the mutton soup, there is a very famous angelica ginger mutton soup, which seems to be Zhang Zhongjing's fangzi? However, the mutton soup I drank today is a little bit different from the classic mutton soup, and there is more than one party ginseng. It has the effect of tonifying blood and qi, and warming the cold.

The mutton in the soup contains protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamins, cholesterol and other ingredients; the sweet taste is warm, it can replenish blood and qi, warm the kidneys, and take it regularly, which can cure fatigue and thinness. Angelica is a blood tonic medicine, which can replenish blood and nourish the liver, activate blood through menstruation, and can moisturize the intestines and laxative, and cure the disease of blood deficiency and cold stagnation. Party ginseng tonify qi and spleen, so that the temper is healthy and transformed into yin blood, and when combined with angelica, the qi and blood are double supplemented. Ginger warms the cold, strengthens the stomach and in the middle, and removes the smell of the lamb. Combined into a soup, it has the effect of tonifying qi and blood, and warming the cold and relieving pain.

Although this soup is good, it is not for everyone to drink, and those with hot blood stasis should not be eaten.

Angelica ginger lamb broth
Angelica ginger lamb broth

Ingredients: lamb 250g, angelica 12g. Party ginseng 20g. 30g ginger, water to taste

Angelica ginger lamb broth

Wash and slice the ginger, wash the angelica ginseng and soak it slightly in water. Wash and slice the lamb, pour into a pot, add the right amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, remove the surface foam and continue to boil for 5 minutes

Angelica ginger lamb broth

Pour the boiled lamb into a stew bowl with the soup and add the angelica ginseng ginger. Add an appropriate amount of water to an electric saucepan and add to the stew cup. Low temperature stall, simmered in water for 2-3 hours, stewed here overnight. Peel off, the lamb and herbs are soft and rotten, put out, seasoned and eaten

Angelica ginger lamb broth
Angelica ginger lamb broth

Warm a bowl

Angelica ginger lamb broth
Angelica ginger lamb broth

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