
Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

author:Mi Yue said
Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

Drink angelica ginger lamb broth, there are two times of year:

1. Around the winter solstice, especially three or nine days. At this time, the yin is cold and heavy, and the yang qi is just born, and it is necessary to cultivate righteous qi.

2. After the summer solstice, three volt days. At this time, the Yang Qi leaks out, and the cold hides in the back of the bladder meridian and the joints, and it is most likely to be driven out.

People who are easy to be afraid of cold and weak in winter,

On the summer solstice, you have to drink mutton soup

Yang deficiency, cold physique, cold drinks and too much friends, welcome to the summer solstice, welcome to the three volts?

Please forget about the ice cream, watermelon, Sashimi...

Mutton soup, this kind of medicinal soup in the warm tonic, is your heavenly dish.

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

When the weather is cold, it is easy to be tired and weak, the bad wind is afraid of cold, the dizziness and insomnia, the cold is easy to catch, the face is pale and other symptoms, and it is easy to be cold and painful friends.

Angelica ginger lamb soup to drink on the summer solstice, help drive out from last winter, last winter... It's lurking in your body.

The cold wind and rain that were accidentally blown before, the few pounds of ice cream that were eaten more, the spleen and stomach deficiency and coldness brought about, the cold pain in the lower abdomen and joints, all drove out.

"Angelica warms the liver blood, ginger warms the sun and scatters the cold, mutton warms the liver and yang, and nourishes the vitality in the wood to help rise to the top." Add ginger to make it cold, so all diseases are cured. ”

—— "Ancient Chinese Medicine of Circular Motion" says this side.

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

Luck this year: "wet + cold".

The wet and cool atmosphere between the weather can lead to people's middle qi and even weak vitality.

This is very unfriendly to people who have "accumulated cold and old cold" in the body, or who did not take good care of themselves last winter, and they must help it even more.

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

Angelica ginger mutton soup is the little sun that helps us cultivate our vitality and drive away the old cold.

Drink at this time, replenish yang qi, replenish blood deficiency, and remove the old cold accumulated.

This summer solstice:

Angelica ginger lamb broth recipe

The next recipe for angelica ginger mutton soup is adjusted according to this year's luck.

Because this year's yang qi is insufficient and the moisture is heavy, the soup square enhances the effectiveness of strengthening the spleen and stomach.

In addition, the amount of ginger is also adjusted, boiled out of the warm, but there is no spicy taste, the whole soup is better.

After the summer solstice, "yang qi":

【Angelica ginger lamb soup】

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

【Ingredients (2-3 servings)】Ginger 50g, Angelica/Angelica 10g, Lamb Shank 400g, Red Dates 15g, Ginseng 15g, Yam 15g.


1. Blanch the lamb and remove the red dates for pitting;

2. Dry pan (without oil) under the ginger slices, fry until both sides are golden brown, and then fry the lamb together, so that you can go to the fishy;

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup
Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

Stir-fry until there is no blood water, the aroma can be started ~ ☟

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

3. Finally, put all the ingredients in the pot and simmer for 3 hours, add salt to taste when drinking.

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

☟ The cooked soup is very fragrant, uncovering a room full of aroma, without a hint of lamb, very tempting.

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

Most of the ingredients in the soup are our Yuanqi family, the dried yam has not been smoked with sulfur, the natural raw sun is a little yellow, and the sweet smell of the yam is particularly strong.

Dried yam and ginseng stewed to powder and sticky, must be eaten.

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

Ginger is used as the "main coffee", and 50g is used here.

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

In the lamb soup recipe, ginger is used as a "medicine" and 50g is used.

With this amount, the strength and circulation of ginger can reach the old cold accumulation of the middle scorched horn. If you drink the soup, you can sweat a hairy sweat, indicating that the cold evil has come out. At this time, avoid blowing the air conditioner and eat raw cold.

Moreover, in case the lamb is greasy, ginger is here, and there is also a "transportation" effect, only when this amount is used, the strength is strong enough.

Angelica replenishes the blood value, and can also activate the blood, and draw blood into the liver meridian.

Angelica is both blood replenishing and invigorating blood - walking through the veins, paired with lamb, and attracting blood into the liver meridian.

How to cook lamb soup, how to match,

Only to make up for it in place is not to make evil fire?

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup
Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

Those who are weak in yang and spleen,

It is easy to feel sleepy, poor appetite, light mouth, at this time to eat lamb to add yam: strengthen the spleen and stomach, tonic qi.

Great make-up summer | After the summer solstice, "save the yang qi and attack the old cold": angelica ginger mutton soup

Give it to people who are deficient in qi and blood, or the elderly and infirm to drink, you can add party ginseng.

Party ginseng is flat, tepid, the role is peaceful, and there is no need to worry about overstatement.

And oh,

It is useless to drink only angelica ginger, you must add lamb to ignite the real fire of life.

Vegetarian friends, today may be a little sorry for you, but this truth I must say, everyone has the bottom in their hearts, and they know how to match.

[It is necessary to remind: lamb taboo]

People with skin diseases, allergic asthma and some tumors should not eat lamb, because the lamb in the square is a fishy hair, which may cause the recurrence of the old disease or aggravate the new disease.


Before you cook this soup,

You can observe the color of your tongue,

The tongue is pale and white, which is the most suitable for drinking;


Hot physique does not drink,

People with a reddish tongue, or even a particularly red,

The face is prone to fire acne, hot hands and siblings, and constipation

There may be heat in the body, or yin deficiency and fire, do not drink.

Do not drink on fire, colds, and do not drink during pregnancy.

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