
How to make fried meat with sauce? Add 1 more seasoning, the nutritional taste exceeds the back pot meat, and 1 large plate is not enough to eat

author:Food in Bayu

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How to make fried meat with sauce? Add 1 more seasoning, the nutritional taste exceeds the back pot meat, and 1 large plate is not enough to eat

In the hot summer, in terms of our diet, everyone attaches great importance to it, because a little carelessness may lead to bad stomach and low appetite. In addition to eating more fruits and vegetables and light ingredients in the summer diet, we should also pay attention to a reasonable and appropriate amount of edible meat, so that the halo vegetarian collocation and balanced nutrition are conducive to human health. Some friends can't help but ask how to eat meat? What meat do you eat? In fact, in addition to eating seafood, kebabs and other meat ingredients in the summer, we should also pay attention to eating some pork in moderation to supplement the nutrition and physical fitness of the human body. Because the high temperature in the summer leads to increased sweating and faster physical energy consumption, so eating some pork in moderation can play a role in supplementing protein, fat, vitamins, carotene, phosphorus, calcium, iron, amino acids and other nutrients necessary for human health.

How to make fried meat with sauce? Add 1 more seasoning, the nutritional taste exceeds the back pot meat, and 1 large plate is not enough to eat

So how do you make a delicious and nutritious pork dish? Today, I will share with friends a fine dish of Sichuan cuisine - sauce fried meat. Stir-fried meat with sauce belongs to the category of hui pot meat, but it is slightly different from the method of hui pot meat, and has an irreplaceable position in Sichuan cuisine. This dish is still based on three-line meat (pork belly) or two and a half fat lean meat, green and red peppers, garlic seedlings as the main ingredients, its method in the back pot meat, more sweet noodle sauce this seasoning, so called sauce fried meat. Sweet noodle sauce with flour as the main raw material, processed by special fermentation methods, rich in maltose, glucose, amino acids and other nutrients, can increase the delicious taste of food and reduce the greasy effect of food, moderate consumption has the benefits of increasing appetite, appetizing and aiding food. This sauce fried meat color is bright and clear, the taste is delicious and refreshing, spicy and not dry, very suitable for serving wine and rice, it is a very good Sichuan-style home cooking. How to make fried meat with sauce? Add 1 more seasoning, the nutritional taste exceeds the back pot meat, and 1 large plate is not enough to eat.

How to make fried meat with sauce? Add 1 more seasoning, the nutritional taste exceeds the back pot meat, and 1 large plate is not enough to eat

【Sauce fried meat】

Required ingredients

About 150 grams of pork hind leg meat, 100 grams of green and red peppers, and 50 grams of garlic sprouts.

The required seasoning

10 grams of sweet noodle sauce, 10 grams of red oil bean paste, 10 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of ginger and garlic, 20 grams of vegetable oil, 5 grams of cooking wine, and chicken essence can be added according to personal taste.

How to make fried meat with sauce? Add 1 more seasoning, the nutritional taste exceeds the back pot meat, and 1 large plate is not enough to eat


1. After the pork is cooked, soak it in warm water and clean it, blanch the pot under cold water, add a little ginger slices and cooking wine to the pot to remove the fishy smell. Boil the water for about 25 minutes, and use chopsticks to poke through the skin of the meat to scoop it up and rinse it with cold water. The pork for cooking this type of dish is preferably cooked in 8 minutes when blanching, and it is easier to form a roll shape when stir-frying later, and the taste is chewy. Then cut the pork into thin slices with a thickness of less than 3 mm and set aside.

2. Cut ginger and garlic into thin slices, cut garlic seedlings into segments with a length of about 3 cm, and cut green and red peppers into thin slices with a slanted knife or hob blade for later use.

How to make fried meat with sauce? Add 1 more seasoning, the nutritional taste exceeds the back pot meat, and 1 large plate is not enough to eat

3. Heat the wok, pour vegetable oil into the pot in a circle, the oil temperature is about 50% hot, turn the heat into the medium heat and stir-fry the meat slices. When the fried meat slices are rolled in oil, the red oil bean paste, light soy sauce, sweet noodle sauce, ginger and garlic slices are added in turn to taste, and the red oil and aroma are quickly stir-fried, so that the meat slices can fully absorb the fusion aroma of these three sauces. Then add the green and red pepper slices and garlic seedlings, add the appropriate amount of chicken essence to taste, stir-fry evenly over high heat, the green and red peppers and garlic seedlings can be discolored and can be put on the plate, and a delicious and nutritious sauce will be ready.

How to make fried meat with sauce? Add 1 more seasoning, the nutritional taste exceeds the back pot meat, and 1 large plate is not enough to eat


1. The meat slices should be slightly fried and dried, the flavor is better and the excess fat can be exploded.

2. The sugar content of sweet noodle sauce is high, so people who should not eat more sugar should be cautious.

3. Since the 3 sauces added to this dish contain salt, there is generally no need to add salt when cooking.

How to make fried meat with sauce? Add 1 more seasoning, the nutritional taste exceeds the back pot meat, and 1 large plate is not enough to eat

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