
Food recommendation: dry pot crispy dog, salt and fire bureau beauty clams, sauce fried meat preparation method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: dry pot crispy dog, salt and fire bureau beauty clams, sauce fried meat preparation method

Dry pot crispy dog

Features: Spicy taste, smooth meat.

Ingredients: 1500 g of dog meat with skin, 250 g of dried incense.

Seasoning: green and red pepper blocks a total of 150 grams, dried peppers, garlic, star anise, millet pepper, Pixian watercress 50 grams each, onion 80 grams, sesame, soy sauce, cooking wine, Golden Palace brand monosodium glutamate, chicken essence 10 grams each, oyster sauce, salt, sugar 20 grams each, green onion segments, peppercorns, chives, coriander, ginger slices 30 grams each, salad oil 250 grams.


1: Cut the dog meat into 2.5 cm cubes, add cooking wine, green onion, salt, sugar and ginger slices to the pot and marinate for 30 hours.

2: Cool water under the pot, bring the dog meat to a boil over low heat, after the water is boiled, scoop up the meat, rinse and set aside.

3, the pot into the salad oil to burn until five ripe, under the star anise, peppercorns 10 grams, ginger slices 10 grams, Pixian watercress, dried pepper 10 grams stir-fry incense, put the dog meat on low heat and stir-fry for 5 minutes, out of the pot poured into the sand pot, add 2500 grams of water and simmer for 30 minutes on low heat, take out the dog meat, pick out the star anise, peppercorns, dried peppers, green onions, ginger.

4, into the pot into the salad oil, burned to 70% hot time into garlic, peppercorns 20 grams, dried pepper 40 grams, millet pepper burst fragrance, into the dried, dog meat, original soup 200 grams of low heat for 5 minutes, with oyster sauce, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, soy sauce, green and red pepper pieces after two flips can be put into the hot pot with onion shreds, sprinkled with stir-fried sesame seeds, chives, coriander, the bottom of the pot can be lit with alcohol lamp.

Food recommendation: dry pot crispy dog, salt and fire bureau beauty clams, sauce fried meat preparation method

Salt Fire Bureau Beauty Clam

Features: The meat of the sea clams is fresh and tender, and the sea clams slowly open their mouths to mature on the table, which is more dynamic and increases the atmosphere.

Ingredients: 600 grams of fresh beauty clams.

Seasoning: 500 g of refined salt, 50 g of aged vinegar, 10 g of Mitamar soy sauce, 10 g of ginger rice.

1. Raise the fresh beauty clams in clean water for 1 day, so that they spit out the sediment, fish out the drainage and set aside.

2: Heat the salt in a wok until 30% heat, sauté to about 120 degrees, pour into a dish covered with tin foil, insert the beauty clams into the hot salt face down, and serve immediately.

3: Put the aged vinegar into the saucer, mix the soy sauce and ginger rice into a sauce and put it into another saucer and serve it.

Production key:

1, the salt used in the dish is best refined salt, because the coarse salt is not selling well, and clams are not easy to push open the salt grains during the ripening process.

2, two-thirds of the clams into the salt, so that the clams will slowly open their mouths after heating, and push the salt next to them away, there will not be a lot of salt in contact with the clam meat, there is contact, when eating the dipping dish will also remove the excess salt taste.

3, the heat of the salt must be high, generally more than 120 degrees, so as to ensure that the clams are cooked.

4, to be on the table in time, do not wait for the clams to all open the mouth and then on the table, otherwise the taste is very old, the process of the salt and fire bureau is moved to the front of the diners, so that the diners can feel the process of clams ripening, the atmosphere is very good.

Comments: The final dipping sauce of this dish will be better to change to white burning juice, the preparation method of white burning juice: 20 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 4 grams of vinegar, 3 grams of shredded green onion, 3 grams of ginger shredded, 3 grams of coriander segments, 2 grams of dried pepper shreds, mix well, pour 5 grams of salad oil that is burned to 60% hot. In addition, it is recommended to sprinkle liquor on the table and light the liquor on fire, generally 1-2 minutes when the clams are ripe, it is almost just finished burning, which can increase the aroma of the wine and play a role in sterilization.

Food recommendation: dry pot crispy dog, salt and fire bureau beauty clams, sauce fried meat preparation method

Stir-fried meat with sauce

raw material:

Pork two knife meat 250 grams, garlic sprouts 30 grams, ginger 15 grams, dried chili peppers 15 grams, black bean paste 20 grams, local sweet sauce 5 grams, monosodium glutamate 1 gram, sugar 2 grams, cooking wine 10 grams.


1, ginger washed, half broken, half cut into ginger rice, garlic seedlings cut into horse ear shape, dried pepper cut into barrel chili peppers, set aside;

2, wash the pork meat, put it into the soup pot, add water, cooking wine, ginger pieces and cook until cooked thoroughly, fish out and cool, cut into long 5 cm, 5 cm wide and 0.2 cm thick slices, set aside;

3, the wok on the high heat, into a little oil to 40% hot, under the barrel of chili fried until brown-black, put in the black bean paste, ginger rice, local sweet sauce fried until fragrant, into the meat slices stir-fried to a lamp nest, add sugar, MSG seasoning, into the garlic seedlings stir-fry evenly, from the pot to plate.

Comments: The color is slightly black, the fragrance is moist, the sauce is fragrant, and the aftertaste is sweet.

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