
Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

author:Journal of Marriage and Family
Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

Author: Ping Ping Editor: Lv Jing

Publisher: Marriage and Family Magazine



Lucky people are healed by childhood all their lives

"Ah Hui, how much is this?"


Although it is autumn, but the weather in Yuyao, Ningbo is still hot, Chen Hui pushed the car to find a shady place just stopped, and customers came forward to inquire.

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

"I can't believe you're still a writer." "Your writing is very grounded." In Liangnong Town, most people know Chen Hui, starting from her department store. Even Chen Hui did not expect that one day she would publish a book and be called a "writer".

Chen Hui, 44, lives in Rugao City, Jiangsu Province. Her parents have three daughters, one man and four children, and she is the third oldest, so everyone likes to call her "Three Three" or "Ah Hui". When she was 3 years old, her fertile adoptive parents adoptively adopted her.

Under the care of her adoptive parents, Chen Hui spent a carefree childhood. When she was a child, she still couldn't recognize all the words, so she held "Story Club", "Shan Hai Jing", "Dream of the Red Chamber", "Water Margin"... Read with relish. The extensive reading of her childhood laid a solid foundation for her future writing.

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

"Lucky people are cured of childhood all their lives, but unfortunate people spend their lives to heal childhood." The warm and happy childhood became the background of Chen Hui's life, and no matter what ups and downs she encountered later, she could calmly deal with it and face it positively.

At the age of 14, Chen Hui returned to live with her biological parents. They are strict and pragmatic, and often put "their own things to do" on their lips, which makes Chen Hui develop an independent character. Later, she understood that independence is the foundation of a woman's foothold in the world.


There may be a tiger in the heart, but there is absolutely no rose

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like. Chen Hui suddenly contracted an illness after graduating from high school and stayed ill for several years. With medicine all day long, she and her family quarreled more. Her marriage began with a hasty escape from her hometown.

She and her husband were introduced to each other, he was a native of Liangnong, his family was poor, 8 years older than her. At first, the two relied on correspondence, and the man's handwriting was neat and neat, so Chen Hui suddenly became fond of this man who had never met, and later, the two hurriedly entered the marriage.

Because of her poor health, Chen Hui offered not to pay the bride price. "Before getting married, I thought that the men under the sky were like my father, like a big umbrella covering this family, but after marriage, I found out that this was not the case..."

The husband lived in the county because of his work, returned home once a week, and the two became a weekend couple. The husband is not good at expressing, sometimes back home, two people upstairs and downstairs, but also use mobile phones to send messages to communicate. Chen Hui once wrote on the computer:

"A cat lives in the woman's subconscious. He didn't know that every time he came home, I cheekily tugged at his cuffs: 'Hug me.' He frowned and skimmed his lips. I stood there like a pantomime. ”

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

After marriage, Chen Hui opened a daily grocery store and worked as a tailor, but later had to close the store due to the birth of a child. However, her husband's income is not enough to spend, the family's life is often stretched, in order to subsidize the family, Chen Hui can only think of her own way.

When her son was 9 months old, she converted her stroller into a simple trolley to set up a stall in the vegetable market. "I have a tiger in my heart, but there are absolutely no roses, because at that time my only thought was survival."

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

However, the work of setting up a stall seems to Chen Hui's family to be a bit "down". Every time her husband came home, he saw her at the market and took a detour. At the dinner table, her father-in-law once directly advised her, "Ah Hui, can you go to a factory to work?" Setting up stalls in the wet market every day like you is too faceless. ”

Chen Hui, who was feeding the child, suddenly raised her head, and the tears fell down.

For a long time, Chen Hui's status as a daughter-in-law was not accepted by her husband's family. In the local area, it is not honorable to marry a daughter-in-law from a foreign country.

Once she went to the county town to buy goods, called her husband outside the industrial city, not only did not see anyone, but also received an inexplicable reprimand on the phone.

Chen Hui braved the rain to cry all the way home, and her husband told her: After you come, you will speak Mandarin, and people will know that I have married a foreign wife!

Husbands are becoming more and more like tenants in the house. Most of the time, Chen Hui took the child alone and rode a motorcycle to the county town to see a doctor. The motorcycle passed by Siming Lake next to the village, and Chen Hui always had to stop by the lake and stand for a while, feeling that she was "like an egg scattered yellow."

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

The cruelty of reality shattered her beautiful fantasies about marriage. Marriage like a one-man show, loneliness in a foreign land, financial pressure, stubborn diseases... In 2010, Chen Hui began to write some words in the QQ space to dispel the depression in her heart.

Every night after putting the children to sleep, Chen Hui wrote as she wished, "Like a lazy pedestrian, walking and stopping, no starting point, no direction, no purpose, and I did not think that they would eventually become a little glimmer in my life." ”

In 2017, 40-year-old Chen Hui underwent an operation, and when he needed the company of his relatives the most, her husband still went out early every day, rubbing mahjong everywhere and sneaking late into the night before returning home. She went to the doctor alone, most of the time lying alone at home.

For a while she couldn't get out of bed, and she relied on her husband for help with everything. At first it was calm, it lasted for a few days, and when he called out to his husband again, the man broke out and rushed from the living room to the room like a locomotive, "Why are you so annoying!" Rory's there's no end to it! "That time, the two men had a fierce quarrel.

Chen Hui was completely desperate for marriage, and although the two lived under the same roof, their hearts had long since drifted apart. During the argument, she tried several times to grab the door and leave. But when the child cried, her heart softened; when the mother came to persuade her, she calmed down again.

The oppressive life made her suffocate, "In fact, I only turned over a brick at a time, and I kept turning it over, just trying to see through some light and let the fresh air in." ”

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

Finally, one day, she simply pushed the wall. One morning, before her husband went to work, she got up and stopped him: I want a divorce.

The decision to divorce actually took only two days to implement.

She originally planned to take her children and computers and get back the 100,000 yuan of construction money she paid when she built the house that year, but her husband's attitude was clear: money could not be borrowed; children could not be taken away.

"Then I'll give you 100,000, and you'll go!" She cobbled together 75,000 yuan, and the rest of the money wrote an IOU to the other party.

Chen Hui will always remember that day, in front of the town's cash machine, she had a crossed heart, pressed the password, and 70,000 yuan disappeared from the account in an instant. Along with this money, she disappeared into a marriage that had long since existed in name only.


The people who cross you will come no matter how long they are

After ending a 13-year painful marriage, Chen Hui has lived alone with her son ever since. "When giving never sees hope, giving up is sometimes easier than having." For Chen Hui, divorce is a relief, and life has not been affected in any way.

She still gets up at 4 o'clock every morning, rides a men's motorcycle to the city to buy goods, and then goes to the Liangnong vegetable market to set up a stall. After selling until more than 10 o'clock in the afternoon, there were fewer people in the vegetable market, and she closed the stall and went home. In the afternoon, she spent all her time writing.

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

In the eyes of many people, setting up a stall in a vegetable market is not very decent, but Chen Hui likes this profession. "The market is very noisy and noisy, but there is a lively human touch in this noise, and there is a sense of reality and joy in the rumbling life." In the past 16 years, Chen Hui has gone from a foreign daughter-in-law who cannot understand the local dialect at all to a kind "Ah Hui" among the people of Lianglong.

"Mom, why do you walk down the street and so many people take the initiative to greet you?" Why do you have something that others are willing to help you with? What can I do to be like you later? ”

Chen Hui told her son: "The road you have walked steadily, the things you have done with your heart, and the words you have said sincerely, will surely return to you at a certain moment." ”

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

Chen Hui is grateful to all the Liang Lang people from the bottom of her heart, they are not only her food and clothing parents, but also the source of inspiration for her writing. Because of her gratitude and sincerity, many elderly people go around to her small stalls to buy things.

One year, Chen Hui returned to her mother's house, and when she came out of the stall again, the customers blamed her: "Ah Hui is not dedicated!" Why haven't I seen you for so long? When they heard that she was returning to her mother's house, everyone said, "Daddy is going to be urgent, that's a must!" ”

"Setting up stalls and writing are my life itself. The former guarantees the long flow of water of chai rice oil and salt, and the latter nourishes the coming and going of spring, summer, autumn and winter. "Although life is hard, Chen Hui is happy in it.

By chance, Shen Chun'er, the literary community moderator of Yuyao News Network, discovered Chen Hui's literary talent. Shen Chun'er was touched by Chen Hui's words and was also infected by her optimism, and the two soon became good friends. "Obviously life is not easy, but she doesn't seem to pay attention to it."

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

When Shen Chun'er first read Chen Hui's words, she saw that she wrote her life in a lively and lively way, and felt that she must be very happy. Unexpectedly, in reality, she was a single mother who set up a stall in the vegetable market. Chen Hui regarded Shen Chun'er as a ferryman in her life, and it was under Shen Chun'er's recommendation that the vice chairman of the Literary Association took a fancy to her writing, and the government funded her to publish books.

In 2018, Chen Hui's first book, "The Person Who Crossed You Will Come For a Long Time", was published. The protagonists in the book are ordinary people in small towns:

Uncle An Qing, who is laughed at and called a fool in front of his face, Lao Chen, a father who is still called a trickster by his daughter, Wan Hongqi, a neighbor who directs his life into a farce, and Xiang Beini, a foreign daughter-in-law who constantly runs away in the name of a fugitive wife...

Stories with rough texture but temperature have touched many readers. After the book was published, it was reprinted twice in 3 years.

"Don't be wiped out by chicken feathers, and don't be afraid of life to face the future."

"Live out the sense of ritual without losing the pyrotechnic gas."

"Tie the life of a chicken feather into a beautiful duster."

Netizens have commented.

"Perhaps in their expectations, a three-way dealer with a handful of words in his heart can be beautiful." But when they were in the noisy and crowded wet market, and they saw the dark-skinned me counting the 5 yuan 10 yuan bills in my hand with a murderous look, they had to return disappointed..."

Chen Hui's text is lively like a slippery naughty doll, happily jumping in the reader's eyes and heart.

Long-distance marriage, divorce, illness, hard work to earn a living... Chen Hui's life was not easy, but she kept her inner peace with clear and warm words.

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

In April this year, Chen Hui's second book, "Children of the World", was published and appeared on the list of good books in Zhejiang recommended by the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee in May. Set against the background of Chen Hui's childhood in the Plains of Central Suzhou and the small town of eastern Zhejiang where he was married, the book depicts the fate of his adoptive father, adoptive mother, neighbors, etc., as well as the fate of various people who met in the world when setting up stalls in the small town's vegetable market, recording the helplessness and solemnity, humility and preciousness of life.

Some book editors call her a "wild writer", and Chen Hui also likes to use "mixed vegetable farms for many years" to describe her life status. Her words, like her state of life, were real and a little rough, but with a sense of vitality. It was a glimmer of light that was desperate, from the inside out, stubborn and unyielding.

In the new book, Chen Hui talks about the original intention of her writing: it is more like recording, using the input of five flavors and miscellaneous life, using unadorned text output, recording a wisp of tenderness to make up for the shortcomings on the old road, recording a little bit of moving, for me to warm up on the way forward.

She did not dare to call herself a writer, "My loose and disorderly writing is nothing more than a perfumer for regulating myself, using a more decent way to dispel the loneliness and loneliness of being alone in a foreign land, so that my gray-headed life is not so boring." ”

"Setting up stalls and writing, balancing my life and spirit", mixed with Yuyao Vegetable Market for more than ten years, she used writing to iron the chicken feathers that were upturned in the days, soothing the occasional overwhelmed mood. As she said in her book: You, a child of the world like me, once the soul is open, the ordinary life has a bright light and strength.

Married to a foreign country, divorced from the family, single mother set up a stall for 16 years to become a "wild writer": even if life makes you pierce your heart, you still have to live a glorious life

As Beauvoir said in The Second Sex: "One day, a woman may be able to love with her 'strong', not with her 'weak', not by escaping from the self, but by finding the self, not by self-abandonment, but by self-affirmation." ”

Even though life sometimes makes you feel like a thousand arrows, every woman has to live a radiant life.

As Chen Hui writes in his book: "On many sunny afternoons, I sat like a black mushroom in three houses by the creek, slowly writing what I wanted to write, a day, a month, a year, and then several years." ”

With the passage of time, this woman with an interesting soul is as fragrant as ever.

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