
Chinese female writer Cheng Nobel Prize popular? I have responded: The gold content of the Nobel Prize is very low

Chinese female writer Cheng Nobel Prize popular? I have responded: The gold content of the Nobel Prize is very low

Results of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature

It will be announced on October 5, Beijing time

As of 23 September,

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It is currently ranked in the Nobel Prize in Literature winning odds list

The first place is Hunan writer Zhixue

Chinese female writer Cheng Nobel Prize popular? I have responded: The gold content of the Nobel Prize is very low

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Snow has been a regular on the Nobel Prize in Literature odds list in recent years, and this year is the first time it topped the list.

In 2019, she became the third candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature odds list, and in 2020 she was again in the top ten. In 2022, she is again in the top ten.

Regarding this matter, Yan Xue once responded: "This is just an award, and it hasn't been won yet, so you don't have to come to me." ”

She said: "Borges, Calvino, the two writers I admire the most did not receive the Nobel Prize until their deaths. Because their work was too niche before, but their impact was greater than that of some award-winning writers. ”

She believes that "the Nobel Prize in Literature is just a literary prize based on popular works, and the gold content is very low." ”

Chinese female writer Cheng Nobel Prize popular? I have responded: The gold content of the Nobel Prize is very low

Old photos of the writer. Photo: Chen Xiaozhen, editor of Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House

Yan Xue, whose real name is Deng Xiaohua, was born in Changsha in 1953 and is a native of Yunyang, Hunan Province.

After graduating from elementary school, he worked as a barefoot doctor, substitute teacher, and individual tailor. In 1985, she began to publish literary works, and in 1988 she joined the China Writers Association.

Lingxue is one of the representatives of Chinese avant-garde literature, and was called "China's Kafka" by Nobel Prize judge Ma Yueran. The famous American writer and critic Susan Sontag praised her as "China's best writer".

The reporter learned from Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House that the high voice of this year's residual snow may also be related to the fact that the Swedish version of Residual Snow's novel "New Century Love Story" was published in Sweden. "Love Story in the New Century" is translated by the famous Swedish translator Anna Chen, who has translated more than 40 works, including the Swedish translation of Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan's main works. After the publication of "New Century Love Story" in Sweden, it set off a wave of residual snow fever, and many Swedish media reported on it. The book was recently shortlisted for the Swedish Best Translation Literature Award.

Nobel Prize judge Mikaela Blomqvist, who wrote about the novel, praised the snow as writing in a "complex way of leafy and leafy," "where men and women find romance in a dreamer's world, where the dreamer's improved reality is the only eternal thing." ”

So far, there are 7 million words of works, and his representative works include "Barefoot Doctor", "Water Town", "Yellow Mud Street", "Wuxiang Street", "The Last Lover" and so on. Zhixue calls her narrative style "soul literature", and the active imagination and deep spiritual world she presents in her works have always been the focus of critics' attention.

Since Residual Snow was included in the Nolvin Literature Award odds list in 2019, "Who is Residual Snow" has become a hit on online tweets that year. In the following years, everyone became more and more familiar with the name of Residual Snow, her works were published in large quantities, many ordinary readers read her works, and Residual Snow also went from niche to public.

Source: Comprehensive Jiupai News, Changsha Evening News, Polar News

Editor: Jin Fei

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