
In the New Year, as soon as the guests came to the house, they ate mashed eggs, and my mother said that it was the way of hospitality!

author:Ni Meizi's life VLOG




大家一定要切记:做醪糟的时候,装‬醪糟‬的‬器皿‬一定‬要是‬没‬沾‬生水‬和‬油‬的‬,不然做出来‬就会‬起‬毛‬,酒‬不甜‬且‬是‬酸‬的‬,就不是‬真正‬好吃的‬醪糟了‬,酒曲粉买的那种包装上面都有说明可以按照说明用量来放酒曲粉哦! 把‬这两点‬记‬好了‬,每次‬做出来‬都是‬零失败‬哦‬!

In the New Year, as soon as the guests came to the house, they ate mashed eggs, and my mother said that it was the way of hospitality!


醪糟‬鸡蛋‬,又称‬酒‬酿‬蛋‬,我们‬呢‬又叫‬开水蛋‬,是‬客家‬人‬的‬传统‬小吃‬,在我们‬南方‬地区‬尤为‬流行‬。 口味‬香甜‬,而且‬具有‬滋阴养颜‬、催乳丰胸‬等等‬功效‬。 哈哈‬我记得‬我生‬我‬宝贝‬的时候‬吃得‬相当‬的‬多‬,不知道为什么‬别人‬生了‬小孩‬吃了‬醪糟蛋‬后‬说‬以后‬都不想吃‬了‬,唯独‬我‬就对它‬情有独钟‬,即使‬生小孩‬坐月子‬吃了‬那么‬多‬我都‬不腻‬!

酒酿‬蛋‬甘甜‬芳醇‬,能‬刺激‬消化腺‬的‬分泌‬,增进‬食欲‬,有助‬消化‬。 glutinous rice

After brewing, the nutrients are easier for the human body to absorb, and it is a good product for the elderly, pregnant women and the weak to nourish the qi and blood.

In the New Year, as soon as the guests came to the house, they ate mashed eggs, and my mother said that it was the way of hospitality!

I remember when I was a child, when my family was relatively poor, how happy it was to be able to eat a bowl of mashed eggs! Whenever Grandma brought out a pot of mash from the bed, I would unconsciously dip my hand gently into the edge of the basin to slowly suck my fingers at that time, I felt that my fingers were fragrant, over and over again, and now I think about it is funny! But in the end, Grandma would still make me a bowl of mashed eggs, and I slowly blew the hot soup in the bowl while eating the eggs from my own chicken pen, thinking about how beautiful I was in my heart, not to mention how happy I was! 不过现在奶奶老了,做不动了,现在该换我给奶奶做醪糟鸡蛋‬了‬,她现在‬也是像‬我‬小时候‬那样‬吃着‬我做的‬醪糟鸡蛋‬,嘴角‬洋溢‬着‬幸福‬的‬笑容‬还‬时不时‬的‬夸我‬做得‬好呢‬? 真的‬是‬验证‬了‬那句话‬“你‬养‬我‬长大‬,我陪你‬到‬老‬“! 一碗‬甜甜‬的‬醪糟蛋‬勾起‬我对‬童年‬的‬满满‬回忆‬! 最后‬再跟大家‬说一句‬过年‬将至‬在这里‬祝大家‬新年快乐‬,万事如意‬‬,过年‬记得‬吃份‬醪糟‬汤圆‬,寓意‬团团圆圆‬,甜甜蜜蜜‬,幸福美满‬......

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