
Warm winter delicacies - nest mashed eggs

author:Nest food

Winter has arrived, the twilight is cold, the south is cold and rainy, and the north is cold and cold.

After work, sit in front of the coffee table with the family group, taste tea and listen to the snow, the tea is fragrant, and when you feel slightly hungry, your mother handed over a bowl of mashed eggs that she loved to eat as a child, half a mouthful, warm heart to drive away the cold, feel warm...

Warm winter delicacies - nest mashed eggs

Mashed eggs

Holding a bowl of mashed eggs, warm it, beautiful sweetness, refreshing lees mellow aroma can't help but remind people of a brand and egg story...

Mash is a rice wine brewed with glutinous rice and sake koji, which has the mellow aroma of natural grain and cellar wine, and also has a variety of health nourishing effects such as qi and blood, cold and accumulation, maternal lactation, women's breast enlargement, thirst quenching, yuan qi damage, depression and forgetfulness.

Eggs are a daily household food, and their nutritional content contains high-quality protein, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, amino acids and other elements. Egg protein belongs to whey protein, calcium is calcium carbonate, the human body is very easy to absorb; egg yolk contains riboflavin, lecithin, lecithin is an essential nutrient for the human brain. Therefore, the nutritional value of eggs is very high, and it also has the effect of tonifying blood and qi, moisturizing the lungs and throat for the human body.

Warm winter delicacies - nest mashed eggs

With mash and eggs in place, how do you make delicious, mouth-watering mashed eggs?

Xiaobian tells you that the key lies in the choice of mash, telling you that a big-name mash with high absolute taste and high quality, affordability and national patents is "nest mash", and only it can make an authentic taste of mashed eggs. Here are a few recipes for mashed eggs made with "nest mash":

Raw materials: "nest mash" (available in supermarkets), eggs (native or organic eggs preferred).

Method 1:

Ingredients: "nest mash" (available in supermarkets), eggs (preferred for native or organic eggs).

Warm winter delicacies - nest mashed eggs

Nest mash


1: Crush the eggs into a bowl and gently stir for use, mix corn or sweet potato starch with water to form water starch and boil in a pot, then slowly and evenly pour the egg liquid into the pot.

2: Pour three tablespoons of "nest mash" into the pot, add brown sugar or white sugar and stir to make a good rise.

3: Sprinkle a few goji berries on top of the bowl.

Warm winter delicacies - nest mashed eggs

Method 2:

Ingredients: 100 grams of eggs, 100 grams of "nest mash", 50 grams of white sugar, 5 grams of sugar osmanthus flowers.

1: Whisk the egg into a bowl and whip it into egg liquid, then cut the "nest mash" into small pieces with a knife and set aside.

2: Wash in a small casserole dish, put in water and "nest mash" and slow boil to boil immediately turn off the heat, quickly pour into the egg liquid bowl, and rinse the egg liquid into egg blossoms.

3: When the egg flowers are floating, add white sugar and sugar osmanthus flowers, mix well and drink.

The mashed eggs cooked with "nest mash" taste very good, and I'm sure you'll love her! Why does it have a unique taste among many brands? Taste it and you'll have the answer...

In this cold winter month, may you drink a bowl of hot winter delicacies every day.

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