
The doctor reminds: Although these symptoms are not painful, they may be signs of serious illness, so check them as soon as they appear, "Doctor, I have always felt tired and have no strength recently, but there is no special discomfort

author:Mr. Liu talks about health

The doctor reminds that although these symptoms are not painful, they may be signs of serious illness, so check them as soon as they appear

"Doctor, I've been feeling tired lately, I don't have much energy, but I don't feel any special discomfort, is it okay?" Xiao Li asked with some confusion.

The doctor replied solemnly: "This situation cannot be ignored, it may be a sign of some potential serious illness, and it is recommended that you have a comprehensive examination as soon as possible." ”

Many people feel that small problems that are not painful or itchy are not worth worrying about, however, some symptoms, although not painful, can be a precursor to a serious illness. Fatigue and fatigue are a prime example.

Xiao Li is usually in good health, but he has been feeling tired lately, and no matter how long he sleeps, he doesn't get better. The doctor told him that the constant fatigue could be a sign of anemia, thyroid disease, or chronic liver disease, and eventually the test found that Xiao Li was suffering from hypothyroidism.

Unexplained weight loss is also a red flag. Many people think that losing weight is a good thing, but in fact, if you lose weight rapidly in a short period of time without significant changes in diet and exercise, it may be a sign of diabetes, hyperthyroidism or even malignancy. Xiao Li's friend Xiao Wang lost more than a dozen pounds in just a few months, and later it was found that it was early stomach cancer.

Discoloration or abnormalities in the skin are also signs that cannot be ignored. A yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, possibly jaundice, suggests a problem with the liver or biliary system.

pale skin, possibly anemia; Dark spots or irregular moles on the skin may be skin cancer. Xiao Li's neighbor, Aunt Zhang, noticed that her palms were yellow, and the doctor diagnosed her with cirrhosis of the liver after examination.

Prolonged cough or hoarseness is also a cause for concern. Many people think that coughing is a trivial matter and may just be caused by a cold or allergies, but if the cough persists for several weeks, especially coughing up blood, it may be a symptom of lung cancer or tuberculosis. Xiao Li's uncle recently had a cough and was diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer, but fortunately, his condition was brought under control due to timely treatment.

Abnormalities in the digestive system, such as persistent bloating, constipation, or diarrhea, can also be an early warning of a serious illness. Prolonged bloating or indigestion can be a sign of stomach cancer, bowel cancer or pancreatic cancer.

Prolonged constipation or diarrhea may indicate colon or rectal problems. Xiao Li's colleague Sister Liu always thought that she was just having a bad stomach, but the result was found to be colon cancer.

Changes in urine or stool are also of concern. Darkened or bloody urine, which may be a problem with the kidneys, bladder or prostate; Darkened or bloody stools can be a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding or bowel cancer. Xiao Li's cousin found that his urine was red, and after examination, it was found to be bladder cancer, but fortunately, it was detected early and he recovered well after surgery.

Difficulty breathing or chest pain, while not painful, can be just as dangerous. Persistent dyspnea, which may be a manifestation of heart disease or lung disease; Intermittent chest pain, especially worse with activity, may be angina or coronary artery disease.

Xiao Li's friend Lao Zhang, who often felt that he was not breathing, was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and needed long-term treatment.

Sudden changes in vision can also be a sign of a serious illness. Sudden blurred vision, dark shadows or flashes of light in front of your eyes may be a sign of retinal detachment or brain disorder. Xiao Li's classmate Xiao Chen suddenly saw blurry, and after examination, it was found that a brain tumor was compressing the optic nerve.

Chronic headaches or dizziness are also signs that should not be ignored. Persistent headaches, especially if accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or changes in vision, may be a brain tumor or cerebrovascular disease.

Frequent dizziness may be a sign of anemia, hypoglycemia, or ear disease. Xiao Li's father often had headaches, and as a result, a cerebral aneurysm was detected, but fortunately, the surgery was timely and the danger was avoided.

Prolonged mouth sores or an abnormal tongue can also be a sign of cancer. Canker sores that don't heal for more than two weeks can be an early symptom of oral cancer.

White or erythema on the tongue may also be precancerous. Xiao Li's uncle found that the ulcer on his tongue had not healed for a long time, and was diagnosed with tongue cancer, but fortunately he recovered well after surgery.

These seemingly minor symptoms often hide serious health problems. Under the advice of the doctor, Xiao Li underwent a comprehensive physical examination to detect and deal with potential health risks as early as possible. He sighed: "There are some symptoms that are not painful, and we must not ignore them, and it is really important to check them in time." ”

Paying attention to your body and paying attention to abnormal signs that are not painful can help you detect potential diseases early. Seeking medical attention in a timely manner and not taking chances is the key to protecting your health.

The doctor reminds that although these symptoms are not painful, they may indicate a serious illness and should not be ignored. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular check-ups, and timely attention to changes in the body can lead to a healthy future.


The doctor reminds: Although these symptoms are not painful, they may be signs of serious illness, so check them as soon as they appear, "Doctor, I have always felt tired and have no strength recently, but there is no special discomfort
The doctor reminds: Although these symptoms are not painful, they may be signs of serious illness, so check them as soon as they appear, "Doctor, I have always felt tired and have no strength recently, but there is no special discomfort
The doctor reminds: Although these symptoms are not painful, they may be signs of serious illness, so check them as soon as they appear, "Doctor, I have always felt tired and have no strength recently, but there is no special discomfort

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