
After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

author:Leyi watches a movie
After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

In the Chinese Super League on May 24, Shanghai Port won 2-0 against Chengdu Rongcheng, but the internal conflict after the game attracted widespread attention and controversy.

The contradictions within the Chengdu Rongcheng team can be described as a farce, all of which have intensified because of the small contradictions after a game.

This kind of escalation of contradictions, netizens have a lot of discussions, some people say that this is because the players are too hot, and some people say that it is the negligence of the management.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

After the game that day, the Chengdu Rongcheng team was very lively.

Do you know? Captain Zhou Dingyang and foreign aid Timo Lechette started directly in the players' tunnel!

This is all because Lechett was a little dissatisfied with his teammate Wu Lei's mistakes, and there were not a few of him, but Zhou Dingyang jumped up as soon as he heard this, what are you doing? Don't talk nonsense!

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

Then the two men began to fist and kick each other, and they didn't stop until their teammates went up to pull the rack.

This scene was filmed by Du Liyan, a media boss, and after the result was exposed, netizens quarreled all over the world.

Some people say that this captain is too ungraceful, and he has to go into battle in person for this little thing; Some people say that this foreign aid is also too arrogant, and he jumps at the slightest thing; Some people even said that the management of this team was too poor, and this kind of thing could not be handled well.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

The whole fan circle is in a mess, maybe this topic will be hot for a few days!

A netizen named Football Little Shrimp said in the comment area: These two people don't look like mature players at all, they are just a group of children.

This is not unreasonable, after all, in the professional football world, this kind of thing is not common, everyone is an adult, can you say something good?

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

But there are also people who support Zhou Dingyang's persuasion, such as Football Peter Pan said: The captain is responsible for maintaining the stability of the team, and Lechette can't do it no matter how dissatisfied he is, which is harmful to the team.

It seems that everyone has different views on this matter and different positions.

The club's reaction has also attracted the attention of netizens.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

Some people think that the club's failure to come forward is an attempt to pressure the matter, but others say that it is a wise move to avoid a bigger storm.

Chengdu Rongcheng Club chose to remain silent in the face of this infighting, after all, if this kind of thing is handled publicly, it will indeed be a damage to the team's image.

However, the matter was still exposed by media person Du Liyan.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

This Du Liyan is not simple, he took a video of the infighting, in which Lechette and substitute Wei Shihao kept confronting each other, while Zhou Dingyang kept persuading, but unfortunately the situation was getting worse and worse.

Netizens have different opinions about the club's silent attitude.

Some people think that the club is doing this to avoid a bigger storm, but others think that this silence is irresponsible and that the club should have an attitude.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

A netizen named Football Comment Dog said: Why is this club so unhelpful?

This kind of thing can't be delayed, there has to be a result! Indeed, if this kind of thing is not handled well, it will have a great impact on the team.

As for the exposure of the video of infighting, netizens also had different reactions.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

Some people support Du Liyan's approach, believing that this kind of thing is beneficial to fans and society; Others feel that this is inappropriate, after all, it is an internal problem that should be solved within the club.

The outside world has different opinions on the club's cold treatment, and they have their own opinions.

Some fans expressed their understanding and support, believing that although this infighting has attracted some attention, it has not reached the point of serious fighting, so it can be resolved through internal mediation to avoid the escalation of the situation.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

A netizen called Football Spectator commented: What is this little contradiction, don't worry too much, the club's cold handling is very good, not too big.

There is also another group of people who question the way the club handles it, believing that it should be more strictly managed and dealt with to show a clear position.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

A netizen named Football Fan Expert bluntly said: Why is this club so soft? You have to give a clear attitude, otherwise the players will have to make inches.

This opinion has also resonated with some netizens, who believe that there should be certain norms and constraints on the behavior of players, and they cannot be left alone.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

In the analysis of events, you can see the positions and starting points of different players.

Outside players are usually win-seeking and demand more from themselves and their teammates, while captains are more focused on maintaining order and unity in the dressing room.

A netizen who claimed to be a football minibus commented: Foreign aid is the pursuit of victory, and the requirements are also high, and the captain's side is to stabilize the team atmosphere, which is also understandable.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

This difference in stance and starting point also reflects the presence of cultural differences in the world of sport.

Different cultural backgrounds can lead to different problems and reactions, which is one of the factors that need to be considered by the club's management.

A netizen who is a football lover said: Cultural differences, sometimes it is very difficult to deal with, and you have to find a balance.

Overall, the infighting in the Chinese Super League has given people food for thought, not only about club management and the atmosphere within the team, but also about cultural differences and the distribution of responsibilities.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

and Zhou Dingyang's grandfather story can be described as a legend across multiple regions and cultures, which has aroused heated discussions and discussions among many netizens.

Some netizens expressed their admiration and respect for this family history.

A netizen named a lover of literature and history said: This kind of family story that spans many places is really interesting, and you can see the courage and determination of the ancestors.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

This focus on family history has also struck a chord with more netizens, who believe that family inheritance is a valuable asset to be cherished and passed on.

There are also some netizens who have raised questions and discussions about this history.

Some people have been concerned about the grandfather's experience of moving from Shanghai to Taiwan and then to the United Kingdom, questioning the reasons and motivations.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

A netizen who claimed to be a reality observer commented: Is it just to live in so many places? There may be other reasons.

This skepticism also raises questions about historical context and personal choices.

In addition, some netizens expressed surprise and curiosity about the fact that their grandfather married a white woman.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

A netizen named Family Inheritor said: Such a marriage transcends race and culture, and there must be many stories worth exploring.

This focus on cross-cultural marriage has also sparked more discussions among netizens who want to know more about the story behind this marriage.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

Overall, Zhou Dingyang's grandfather story has sparked netizens to think and discuss family history, cross-cultural marriage, and personal choices.

This focus and discussion also reflects the importance that people place on their personal experiences and family legacy, and hope to learn more about the diversity and richness of life through stories like this.

After a day of infighting in Rongcheng! The contradiction escalated again, Wei Shihao was involved, and the cold treatment caused controversy!

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