
Strictly control the food safety of the scenic spot, so that the holiday "eats whole food beauty"!

author:Yilong broadcast
Strictly control the food safety of the scenic spot, so that the holiday "eats whole food beauty"!

仪陇融媒(通讯员 郑玮)随着“五一”假期的临近,仪陇县内各景点提前开启了“备战”模式,为确保游客在享受美景的同时,能够品尝到安全、卫生的美食,仪陇县市场监管局马鞍市场监管所对朱德故里景区内的餐饮展开了“拉网式”的专项排查工作,筑牢食品安全防线,为游客的安心游玩保驾护航。

Strictly control the food safety of the scenic spot, so that the holiday "eats whole food beauty"!


Strictly control the food safety of the scenic spot, so that the holiday "eats whole food beauty"!


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