
These organs are not well maintained, no matter how many health products you eat, it is useless, don't wait for them to be damaged before maintaining them

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician (TCM) Physician

In my medical practice, I met Mr. Lee, a 60-year-old retired engineer whose story was a wake-up call for many. Mr. Li used to believe that as long as you take supplements regularly, you can stay healthy. However, an unexpected physical examination revealed that there was a problem with his heart function. This was a huge shock to Mr. Lee, who had always thought he was in good health. After an in-depth examination and treatment, Mr. Li realized that although he regularly supplemented with health supplements, he had neglected the most important thing – lifestyle adjustments and maintenance of key organs.

This story is not unique. Many middle-aged and elderly people rely on health supplements to maintain their health, while neglecting the maintenance of key organs in their daily lives. In fact, there is no health supplement that can completely replace healthy lifestyle habits and timely organ maintenance. This leads to an important issue: the need for critical organ care.

These organs are not well maintained, no matter how many health products you eat, it is useless, don't wait for them to be damaged before maintaining them

Core Discussion: The Necessity of Critical Organ Maintenance

Heart: The guardian of the source of life

The heart is one of the most industrious organs in the body, and it is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. However, unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as a high-fat diet and lack of exercise, can take a toll on the heart. Studies have shown that moderate aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking and swimming, can effectively enhance heart function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. At the same time, a balanced diet that reduces the intake of saturated and converted fats is the key to protecting the heart.

Liver: Silent scavenger

The liver does more than just detoxify, it is also responsible for metabolizing and storing nutrients. Long-term poor eating habits and excessive alcohol consumption can cause damage to the liver. The key to maintaining liver health is to eat a balanced diet and avoid alcohol. Natural antioxidants in food, such as vitamins C and E found in vegetables and fruits, have a positive effect on protecting the liver.

Kidneys: The strainer in the body

The main function of the kidneys is to filter waste products and excess water from the blood. A diet high in salt, sugar, and long-term use of certain medications can cause damage to the kidneys. Simple ways to protect your kidneys include maintaining adequate water intake, limiting salt intake, and having regular blood pressure and blood sugar levels checked.

Gastrointestinal: the center of digestion

The gastrointestinal tract is the site of nutrient absorption and an important part of the immune system. Maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal tract means improved nutrient absorption and a reduced risk of disease. Fiber intake is essential for maintaining gut health, and it can not only help prevent constipation but also reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Prebiotics in foods, such as onions, garlic, and bananas, are also beneficial for gut health.

These organs are not well maintained, no matter how many health products you eat, it is useless, don't wait for them to be damaged before maintaining them

Practical advice: Everyday practice of guarding organs

Heart: A protective strategy for the source of vitality

Moderate exercise: At least 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking or swimming, promotes cardiovascular health.

Eat a balanced diet: Increase your intake of vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and reduce your consumption of salt and unhealthy fats.

Regular check-ups: Blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol should be checked at least once a year.

Liver: A maintenance manual for the life detoxifier

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption: Limit alcohol intake to prevent hepatitis virus infection.

Medication caution: avoid long-term use of drugs harmful to the liver unless necessary, and appropriate amount of health care products.

Eat lightly: Reduce greasy foods, increase your intake of high-fiber foods, and keep your weight within a healthy range.

Kidneys: A Guide to Cleaning Body Filters

Adequate hydration: Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day and avoid holding urine for long periods of time.

Less salt and less sugar: Reduce the intake of salt and high-sugar foods to reduce the burden on the kidneys.

Regular check-ups: Keep an eye on your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and have regular kidney function tests.

Gastrointestinal: Digestive system maintenance cheats

Split meals: Eat small, frequent meals to avoid excessive hunger or overeating.

High-fiber diet: Increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to promote gut health.

Moderate exercise: Regular physical activity can help promote gastrointestinal motility and improve digestion.

These organs are not well maintained, no matter how many health products you eat, it is useless, don't wait for them to be damaged before maintaining them

Common Misconceptions and Popular Science: Breaking the Myth of Health Care Products

Myth 1: Health supplements can replace medicine or a healthy lifestyle

Popular science explanation: Although health care products can assist health, they cannot replace drug treatment or healthy lifestyle habits. The key is to eat a balanced diet and exercise moderately.

Myth 2: All health supplements are safe and have no side effects

Popular science explanation: The excessive use of health care products may lead to an increase in the burden on the liver and kidneys, and the intake of each health care product should be carried out under the advice of a doctor.

Myth 3: Once there is a problem, health products can be quickly repaired

Popular science explanation: Organ damage is mostly a long-term process, and it is unrealistic to rely on health care products for "quick repair". The key is to take long-term, sustained measures to live a healthy life.

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