
In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

author:Don't snow in the fog and rain

In the just-concluded 2023-2024 CBA finals, the Liaoning men's basketball team successfully defended its title and achieved three consecutive championships. As the biggest winners of the season, they undoubtedly reaped a huge prize reward. So, how exactly is this prize money distributed? Which players have benefited the most? This article will explain this interesting topic for you.

1. The championship bonus of the Liaoning men's basketball team

According to previous years, the CBA champion team usually receives four major parts of the bonus: league bonuses, team own bonuses, sponsor bonuses and local sports bureau bonuses.

In terms of league bonuses, CBA officials have made it clear that the champion team this season can receive 10 million yuan. This is a fixed bonus issued by the alliance.

In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

In addition, there are bonuses that are given out by the teams themselves. Liaoning men's basketball team, as a representative team of the big ball city, can get a higher team bonus for winning the championship in previous years. It is reported that they received a team bonus of about 20 million yuan last season. This number is likely to increase even further, considering the achievement of achieving three consecutive titles this season.

In terms of sponsor bonuses, as the champion team of the CBA League, the Liaoning men's basketball team will undoubtedly be able to get more sponsors. According to past cases, this part of the bonus is usually around 10 million yuan.

Finally, there are the rewards of the local sports bureaus. As a strong basketball province, Liaoning will give certain bonus support to the champion team in previous years. Last season, this part of the prize money was about 10 million yuan.

Based on the above, it is not difficult to estimate that the championship bonus of the Liaoning men's basketball team this season is expected to reach about 50 million yuan. This is undoubtedly a considerable amount of income, and it will also greatly motivate the morale of the whole team.

In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

2. Bonus distribution for players

With the "flatbread", the question comes how to distribute it. In the CBA League, this bonus distribution usually follows the principle of "appearance rate + contribution value".

In other words, not only the main players who participate in the playoff squad will receive bonuses, but even the substitutes and non-players will be able to share a certain share as long as they participate in the preparation of the season. This is not only an affirmation of the efforts of all parties, but also fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of the whole team.

According to the previous practice, we can roughly deduce that the specific distribution of Liaoning men's basketball players is as follows:

Team Mainstay - Get the most bonuses. Due to their playing time and relatively outstanding contributions, these players can often get about 10 million yuan. Among them, shooting guard Fogg and head coach Yang Ming may be at the top of the list.

In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

Substitute player - get a medium bonus. They don't play as long as the main team, but they are still in the playoff squad and usually get bonuses ranging from 5 million to 8 million yuan. Such as Zhang Zhenlin and Zhao Jiwei.

No Squad Players - Get a relatively small amount of prize money. Although these players participated in the whole preparation, they ultimately missed the playoff squad, and their prize money is usually between 1 million and 3 million yuan. For example, Allen Guo.

It should be noted that this is only a rough estimate, and the actual distribution needs to be combined with the specific playing time and contribution value of the players. But in any case, for the Liaoning men's basketball players, this is undoubtedly a huge extra income.

3. Interpretation of bonuses for key players

Looking further, what is the specific bonus distribution of the key players of the Liaoning men's basketball team?

Fogg - FMVP deserves it

As the FMVP of the Liaoning men's basketball team this season, Fogg has undoubtedly become the biggest winner in the prize distribution. He broke out in the finals in a row, averaging 30+ data per game not only helped the team sweep the championship, but also demonstrated his key value.

In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

As is customary in previous years, FMVP is usually able to get a prize of around 10 million. Moreover, as the main scorer of the Liaoning men's basketball team, Fogg's playing time and contribution value are the highest, and he is expected to get a bonus of 12 million to 15 million yuan.

Yang Ming - The value of meritorious coaches is highlighted

In addition to the players, Coach Yang Ming of the Liaoning men's basketball team also made great contributions. It was his excellent coaching that allowed the team to go all the way through the playoffs and finally win the championship trophy.

It can be said that without Yang Ming's tactical command, the Liaoning men's basketball team would not even be able to enter the finals. Therefore, Yang Ming should undoubtedly be the first beneficiary of this bonus distribution. According to the practice of previous years, he may be able to get a bonus of 15 million to 20 million yuan.

Zhao Jiwei - Outstanding performance of the core player

As the core player of the Liaoning men's basketball team, Zhao Jiwei also delivered a very bright performance in the finals this season. His 16-point-per-game scoring stats, coupled with his excellent three-point shooting percentage, contributed to the team's championship run.

Therefore, as an important pillar of the team, Zhao Jiwei is expected to be able to receive a bonus of 8 million to 10 million yuan. This is not only an affirmation of his outstanding performance this season, but also reflects his core position in the Liaoning men's basketball team.

In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

Han Dejun - The legend of the veteran continues

For the 36-year-old Han Dejun, this season's playoff performance is undoubtedly amazing. His average of 15 points and 8 rebounds per game is enough to prove that he is still an excellent interior player.

This is undoubtedly a perfect footnote to Han Dejun's career. As a veteran of the Liaoning men's basketball team, his prize money is expected to be between 500-8 million yuan, which is enough to reflect the team's attention to him.

Allen Kwok - Regret for not being on the list

In contrast, Allen Guo was not so lucky. As an outstanding scorer for the Liaoning men's basketball team, he ultimately failed to make the playoffs, which means he missed the prize money distribution.

However, even so, Guo Allen can still get 100-3 million yuan

Fourth, the meaning behind the distribution of bonuses

The generous championship bonus of the Liaoning men's basketball team undoubtedly reflects the status and influence of the team in the CBA league. But more importantly, this prize money will have far-reaching implications for the team and the basketball community as a whole.

In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

First of all, this will help stabilize the core lineup of the Liaoning men's basketball team. For the players, the generous prize money is undoubtedly a huge incentive for them to continue playing for the team in the future. Such stability is conducive to the team's long-term strategic planning and lays a solid foundation for the defense of the title next season.

At the same time, these bonus proceeds will also promote further investment and construction of the team. As a CBA giant, the Liaoning men's basketball team will inevitably give priority to using the proceeds to introduce high-quality foreign aid, improve training facilities, and strengthen youth training. This will undoubtedly help the team continue to improve and consolidate their position as the leader of the league.

More importantly, the distribution of these generous bonuses can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole team. Not only can the main players get high returns, but even the substitutes and non-players can share a certain amount of income as long as they put in the effort. This will inevitably further strengthen the cohesion of the whole team and make everyone work hard for a common goal.

In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

It is worth mentioning that these bonus earnings will also have an important impact on the entire CBA league. As the flagship team of the league, the success of the Liaoning men's basketball team will surely attract more funds and attention to enter the CBA market. This will drive the commercial value of the entire league, create more business opportunities for other teams, and promote the overall strength of the league.

Therefore, the rich bonus income of the Liaoning men's basketball team not only reflects their dominance in the CBA league, but also will become an important source of power to promote the development of the entire basketball industry. This will not only benefit their own long-term development, but also inject new vitality into China's basketball industry.

5. Future development prospects

Looking forward to the future, we have reason to believe that the Liaoning men's basketball team will create a new basketball dynasty with the brilliant achievements of this three consecutive championships.

First of all, this generous bonus will definitely inject strong impetus into the future development of the team. With sufficient financial support, the Liaoning men's basketball team will be able to make large-scale investment in the introduction of players, the improvement of training facilities, and the upgrading of the youth training system, so as to further enhance its strength and consolidate its dominant position.

In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

At the same time, this continuous momentum of winning the championship will also drive the rapid increase of the team's commercial value. More and more sponsors and investors will surely favor this championship team and bring more business cooperation opportunities for it. This will undoubtedly inject lasting impetus into the subsequent development of the team.

More importantly, the achievements of the Liaoning men's basketball team for three consecutive championships will undoubtedly inject new vitality into the entire CBA league. As the leading team in the league, their success will surely become a learning object for other teams, and promote the overall level of the entire league to continue to rise.

At the same time, this will also greatly stimulate the enthusiasm of basketball in Liaoning and even the whole country. As a business card of Liaoning sports, the glory of Liaoning men's basketball team will further drive the enthusiasm of local youth to participate and inject new vitality into the future development of China's basketball industry.

In the championship prize money ranking, Guo Allen is at the bottom, Han Dejun is 6th, Zhang Zhenlin is 4th, and the first place is unexpected

In short, the considerable championship bonus of the Liaoning men's basketball team has undoubtedly opened up brighter prospects for their development. With sufficient financial support and huge commercial value, they will further consolidate their status as kings in the future and inject lasting impetus into China's basketball industry. This is not only about the fate of a team, but also about the development direction of the entire basketball circle.

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