
Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out

Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out

Ye Qing Football World

2024-05-23 16:20Posted in Hubei Sports Creators

On May 23, Italian "Milan Sports Newspaper" and other media continued to track the great changes in Inter. Zhang Kangyang was kicked out, and Oaktree Capital will take over Inter in full. On May 22, the relevant person in charge of Oaktree Capital met with Marotta and Antonello, the two giants of Inter, and a new era for Inter has arrived.

Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out

Two managers from Oaktree Capital, Alejandro Cano and Katherine Ralph, held informal talks with the club's two CEOs, Marotta and Antonello, on behalf of the new Inter club.

Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out

According to Milan Sport, Oaktree Capital wanted to know about the club's management model, short-term goals, etc. In addition, Oaktree Capital also hopes to promote Inter's commercial operations and allow Inter to earn more revenues. Next week, Kano and Ralph will be in Milan. Oaktree Capital is satisfied with Inter's results over the past few years.

Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out

8 years and 7 championships, the club is running well, all of this is the foundation laid by Suning and Zhang Kangyang. It's just that the results have been enjoyed by Oaktree Capital.

Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out

Oaktree Capital assured Inter fans that they would not rush to sell the club. At the beginning of June, the club will elect a new board of directors. As for Inter's current transfers, contract renewals and other competitive affairs, they are all handled by Marotta and Osiglio. Marotta's contract with Inter expires in 2027, at which point he will retire directly. With Marotta here, Oaktree Capital operates Inter, which is guaranteed for the next 3 years.

The shares of Suning (68.5%) and Rheinland Capital (31.05%) were all taken over by Oaktree Capital. This means that the Inter Board of Directors will undergo a radical restructuring:

Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out

The previous Inter board of directors had 10 members - Zhang Kangyang, Antonello, Marotta, and four others from Suning (Xu Yichen, Zhu Qing, Zhou Bin, Ying Ruohan), Jiang Jiaqiang (founder of Rheinland Capital), Marchetti (Oaktree Capital), Caraxe (Oaktree Capital).

Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out

With the exit of Suning and Rheinland Capital, the board of directors of Inter Milan has been reshuffled, and the five Suning departments led by Zhang Kangyang and Jiang Jiaqiang of Rheinland Capital will leave the board of directors. Marotta and Antonello remain to take the helm of the new Inter Milan's athletic affairs.

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  • Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out
  • Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out
  • Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out
  • Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out
  • Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out
  • Inter Milan changed overnight! 2 bigwigs met with the new boss: Zhang Kangyang and other 6 people were completely out

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