
New energy vehicle charging and battery maintenance

author: Longnan Wen County released

Source: Rim Car Market

Recently, I have received many inquiries from friends around about the charging of new energy vehicles, and there are two core problems, one is whether new energy vehicles are often fully charged to 100% will cause greater damage to the battery; One is what is the best way to charge the battery.

New energy vehicle charging and battery maintenance

In response to the first question, the answer can be that whether it is a pure electric vehicle or an extended-range hybrid vehicle, it will not cause any damage to the battery every time it is charged to 100%, and there is no such thing as battery bulging damage caused by overcharging.

The principle of battery charging and discharging is a process of chemical reaction, when the charge is catalyzed by an external current, the lithium ions are separated from the positive electrode and enter the negative electrode; When discharged, the lithium ions are separated from the negative electrode to the positive electrode;

New energy vehicle charging and battery maintenance

Demonstration of lithium battery charging process

New energy vehicle charging and battery maintenance

Demonstration of lithium battery discharge process

Therefore, charging and discharging is a free process of ions, and there is no harm from overcharging.

In response to the second question, the answer is not to unplug the charging cable immediately after it is fully charged, if conditions permit, such an operation is beneficial to the battery pack.

The power battery pack can be understood as the barrel effect in the actual use process, that is, in the process of charging and discharging the battery, the individual monomer is reduced by the loss of active substances such as lithium ions by itself, and these individual monomers will be fully charged in advance during the charging process, and the voltage threshold will be reached after being fully charged, and the control unit will default to the battery pack has been fully charged according to this instruction and then stop the charging of the battery pack. So there will be a scene that everyone sees, which clearly shows that it is 100% fully charged, but it can't run for kilometers, and the power loss is particularly bad. At this time, what needs to be done is to balance the battery pack, to put it bluntly, it is to repair the battery with a single undervoltage, and the easiest way is to charge it all the time.

New energy vehicle charging and battery maintenance

The vehicle has been charging after the display is fully charged, which is to start charging and activating the undervoltage monomer, which is very effective for vehicles with more power loss, and you can repair and calibrate it yourself without going to the 4S shop. Of course, the premise of implementing this method is that there is a slow charging pile at home. As for the public charging pile, it cannot be completed, after the vehicle shows that it is fully charged, the public charging pile will automatically power off, and continuous balanced charging repair cannot be realized. Therefore, it is recommended to charge and repair it with a slow charging pile every half a month, which can effectively reduce the battery attenuation rate and improve the efficiency of new energy vehicles.

New energy vehicle charging and battery maintenance

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