
Taoist health, Chenshi health depends on breakfast, and the spleen and stomach are maintained!

author:Health Road Plue
Taoist health, Chenshi health depends on breakfast, and the spleen and stomach are maintained!

Chenshi is the time when the yang energy of heaven and earth is at its most vigorous, and it is easiest for people to digest and absorb breakfast during this time. Because there are spleen meridians and stomach meridians in the movement, you will not gain weight if you eat too much breakfast. Therefore, you must eat more and eat well for breakfast.

The stomach meridian is a very long meridian on the front of the human body, stomach pain is a problem of the stomach meridian, in fact, knee pain is also a stomach disease, and foot pain is also a stomach meridian disease, and these places are the stomach meridian route.

1. The stomach is the sea of the water valley, and the great source of the six intestines

Taoist health, Chenshi health depends on breakfast, and the spleen and stomach are maintained!

The "moon" below the word stomach indicates the texture of the stomach, and the "tian" above reflects the function of the stomach. The field is the place where food is planted and produced, and in the human body, this "field" is the place where various nutrients needed by the human body are produced, and it is the source of energy for the human body.

Therefore, the role of the stomach in the human body is mainly to accommodate and digest food, so that it can be converted into nutrients that the human body can absorb and utilize. To accept means to accept and to accommodate. The water valley that is accepted by the stomach, under the continuous peristalsis of the stomach and the evaporation of the yang energy in the stomach, makes the water valley into chyme, which is conducive to further digestion and absorption, and this process is called decay by medicine.

Without the normal operation of the spleen and stomach, the digestion and absorption functions of diet cannot be carried out normally, and the growth and development and metabolism of the human body will have no material source. The importance of the spleen meridian in the human body can be imagined, so Taoists call the spleen and stomach "the foundation of the day after tomorrow".

Second, the way of health preservation

Taoist health, Chenshi health depends on breakfast, and the spleen and stomach are maintained!

At this time, you should eat breakfast, and you should chew slowly when eating. One hour after eating, rubbing the stomach meridian can regulate the gastrointestinal function. After getting up for fitness, drink a glass of boiled water and comb your hair with a wooden comb more than 100 times, which has the effect of awakening your mind and brightening your eyes. Wash your face and rinse your mouth, breakfast. Breakfast should be porridge, light vegetarian, and full.

After eating, slowly walk a hundred steps, massage the abdomen with your hands while walking, the elderly have weak spleen and stomach, slight activity and massage of the abdomen can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and enhance digestion. If you feel that your spleen and stomach are very weak, you can go to the hospital for acupuncture, and the acupuncture point is called Zusanli.

3. Disease reminder

Taoist health, Chenshi health depends on breakfast, and the spleen and stomach are maintained!

Skipping breakfast at this time is more likely to cause several diseases if you don't fill it with something. It keeps secreting stomach acid. If you are hungry for a long time, you will be in danger of stomach ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis and so on! Excessively hot and dry food can also cause stomach fire, chapped lips, cold sores, etc.

4. Dietary advice

Taoist health, Chenshi health depends on breakfast, and the spleen and stomach are maintained!

Eat breakfast and warm food. For breakfast, it is advisable to eat cereal staple foods, not meat. Generally speaking, it is best to move for 30 minutes after waking up before eating breakfast, which should be served with hot porridge, hot oatmeal, hot bean curd, hot soy milk and sesame paste, etc., accompanied by a small amount of vegetables, bread, fruits, etc.

Fifth, the best way to eat

Taoist health, Chenshi health depends on breakfast, and the spleen and stomach are maintained!


Tatsuki eats ginger

We peel a whole piece of fresh ginger, cut it into shreds, soak it in vinegar (preferably rice vinegar) for five to ten minutes, then mix this ginger and vinegar in our cold vegetables or meat things, and eat them together when eating. What does it do?

Taoists believe that ginger belongs to the role of yang divergence, and the ancients believed: "Don't eat ginger in winter, don't eat ginger in night". So what is the correspondence? That is, ginger in the spring and ginger in the morning. In addition to the yang-generating effect, ginger also has a function called divergence. Divergent and yang-generating foods are suitable for waking up in the morning, through this kind of divergent and yang-generating food, to promote the erection of yang energy in your body.


Vinegar soaked black beans

For some middle-aged and elderly friends, some can't eat ginger, we also have a way to soak black beans in vinegar, first soak the black beans, cook it until five or six are cooked, scoop it up and soak it in vinegar for eight to ten days (you need to prepare in advance, because black beans are not easy to rot), until you eat it in your mouth and it will be rotten. Don't eat it all at once, this black bean can be used as a good accompaniment to our breakfast, usually take seven to 10 grains and eat it as a side dish. Its effect is to make us grow hair, strengthen teeth, and strengthen the kidneys.

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