
The apple and it are boiled in water to help you replenish your qi and blood, which is more suitable for health than eating it raw~

author:Health Road Plue

Apples have always enjoyed the reputation of "king of fruits", and their nutritional value and medical value are very high, and they are called good fruits by more and more people. We also often hear the saying, "An apple a day, the doctor stays away from me".

The apple and it are boiled in water to help you replenish your qi and blood, which is more suitable for health than eating it raw~
The apple and it are boiled in water to help you replenish your qi and blood, which is more suitable for health than eating it raw~

There are many benefits to eating apples cooked

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that apples are cold and return to the spleen and lung meridians. It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, eliminating food accumulation, quenching thirst, aperitizing and sobering, removing annoyance and relieving heatstroke. There are also many benefits to eating apples cooked.

Strengthen the spleen and stomach, eliminate food accumulation

Cooked apples have a stronger effect on strengthening the spleen, nourishing the stomach and eliminating food. And after cooking, the fiber of the apple softens, which is less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract of middle-aged and elderly people.

Protects blood vessels

When apples are heated, their polyphenols do not decrease, but increase. It helps to protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, help lower lipids and blood pressure.

Prevent diarrhea

After heating, the pectin in apples becomes soft, not easy to diarrhea, and is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach.

Nourish the lungs

The polyphenols in apples can also antioxidant, help prevent diseases, and nourish the lungs.

Today, I will share with you a healthy way to eat apples, so that the effect of eating apples is doubled, and if you eat it like this, your face will be ruddy, and there will be fewer wrinkles on your face.

Let's talk about the method first: (1) Prepare an apple and wash the apple with water.

Apples are low in calories and low in sugar, while being rich in minerals and vitamins. "Wisdom Fruit" and "Memory Fruit" are both good names for apples, and it can be said that apples are the fruits with the closest nutritional value to perfection among all vegetables and fruits.

The apple and it are boiled in water to help you replenish your qi and blood, which is more suitable for health than eating it raw~

Apples are rich in pectin, which can clean up the "bad" cholesterol in our blood and laxative; Rich in potassium can help prevent high blood pressure, potassium ions can also dilate blood vessels.

A new study from Harvard Medical School shows that more flavonoids can slow down the deterioration of cognitive ability, which means that flavonoids are known to have rich antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory effects, which can help your body prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other effects, it can also delay brain degeneration. This powerful nutrient is abundant in apples alone.

Apple peels are also rich in nutritional value, so it's best to eat apples with them when eating them, wash them and then cut them into thin slices.

At the same time, with the addition of fruit acids and antioxidants in apples, it can remove free radicals in the body, delay aging, and make the skin more delicate and shiny.

The apple and it are boiled in water to help you replenish your qi and blood, which is more suitable for health than eating it raw~

(2) Next, prepare a few more longans and take out the flesh of the longan.

Longan is rich in protein, minerals, glucose and other nutrients, which has the functions of strengthening the brain and intellect, eliminating fatigue, calming the heart and calming the nerves, nourishing qi and blood, and beautifying the skin.

Eating some longan in moderation can improve hematopoietic function, enhance memory, anti-aging, anti-cancer and prevent cancer. It can also improve the elasticity of the skin, so longan meat is also known as the "elixir" in traditional Chinese medicine.

(3) Next, prepare a few more red dates. Wash the dates thoroughly.

As the saying goes, a solar eclipse of three dates leads to immortality. As a tonic for civilians, jujube has a high nutritional value. Jujube is rich in vitamins and iron, which has a very good blood tonic effect.

(4) Then pour all the prepared ingredients into the casserole, and then add an appropriate amount of water. Cover it and cook on high heat for 10 minutes.

(5) After ten minutes, open the lid, skim off the foam on it, put the apple in the pot and boil, its structure will change, and the polyphenols and antioxidants in the apple will increase, which can remove free radicals in the body, have a good cardiovascular care, and delay aging.

Therefore, apples are especially suitable for red dates, and longan is also very good for replenishing qi, blood and calming the nerves.

This apple and red date soup is sweet and sour, especially delicious, and some elderly people and children with weak spleen and stomach are not suitable for eating cold. At this time, you can boil apples to eat, which can promote intestinal health and relieve constipation, which has many benefits to the body.

Female friends should eat more apple and red date longan soup, which can reduce wrinkles, delay aging, and eat ruddy and shiny for a long time, making you look many years younger.

The apple and it are boiled in water to help you replenish your qi and blood, which is more suitable for health than eating it raw~

How to pick a good apple

1. Look at the color and exterior

Apples that are uniformly colored, red and yellow, and have a small amount of "pockmarking" are more delicious, and apples that look more delicate in appearance are of better quality. Apples with darker surfaces and cyan stripes are not as ripe.

2. Smell the smell

When buying apples, you can smell the smell, if there is a distinct fruity aroma and not pungent, it is a good apple, if the taste is bland, it is a sign that the taste is not good or not ripe.

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