
This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!

author:Human health care
This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!
This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!

A short story

Xiao Wang: Doctor, I'm only in my 30s now, I'm still young, is it okay to maintain my blood vessels when I'm old?

Doctor: That's wrong. In fact, plaque hyperplasia in blood vessels accelerates from the age of 30 onwards. Due to the improvement of living standards, some people eat big fish and meat, stay up late every day or reverse day and night, lack of exercise, long-term smoking and drinking, resulting in the accumulation of "garbage" in the blood vessels and the increase of plaque. In the long run, it will accelerate the aging of blood vessels and cause irreversible damage to blood vessels. Therefore, the maintenance of blood vessels should start at a young age.

This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!

Rational feasting

What to eat:

(1) The staple food is mainly cereals, especially whole grains, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, etc.

(2) Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.

(3) Consume appropriate amounts of high-quality protein, such as eating more fish and lean meat, eating legumes, nuts, and animal offal in moderation, and eating less processed meat products.

(4) Light diet, reduce the intake of saturated fatty acids, and control the intake of salt.

(5) Drinking more water can not only reduce blood viscosity and the incidence of thrombosis, but also accelerate the body's metabolism, reduce the retention of blood endotoxins, and make blood vessels healthier.

This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!

What to eat without or less:

(1) Avoid big fish and meat.

(2) 1 egg yolk per day.

(3) Excessive intake of animal offal.

(4) Eat less or no fried foods and desserts.

(5) Control salt intake.

(6) Drink less or no alcohol.

(7) Do not drink unfiltered cooked coffee.

This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!

Quit smoking

Smoking can cause serious damage to the cardiovascular system, which in turn induces myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, lower limb arteriosclerosis obliterans and other vascular diseases. Therefore, young smokers should actively quit smoking.

This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!

Exercise moderately

Exercise can create a healthy body and mind, but you must pay attention to the method and moderation. Each person must decide to formulate an exercise plan according to their own situation, which must be personalized and scientific. Young people are advised to do more aerobic exercises, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, jumping aerobics, etc.

This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!

Sleep on time and ensure sleep time

Staying up late and reversing day and night can disrupt the biological clock of blood vessels. Most people over the age of 30 are the mainstay of society and family, and it is inevitable that they will become "late-night people" due to various factors. And 11 p.m. to 4 or 5 a.m. is the time to ensure the metabolic blood flow of the liver. When staying up late, the biological clock of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels will be disrupted, resulting in excessive secretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the body, which will cause blood vessels to constrict, blood flow to slow down, and blood viscosity to increase. Studies have shown that people who don't have a regular sleep schedule and wake up time, or who sleep a different amount each night, have almost several times the risk of cardiovascular disease than people with more regular sleep patterns. Therefore, it is necessary to sleep on time and ensure sleep time to protect blood vessels.

This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!
This vascular maintenance list is for young people, and it is recommended to collect it!

Two tips for maintaining your blood vessels

1. Alternate bathing method with hot and cold water

When a person's skin is exposed to cold water, the blood vessels in the skin constricts violently, and a large amount of blood will enter the internal organs and deep tissues of the body, dilatating the blood vessels of the internal organs; When the skin comes into contact with hot water, the blood vessels dilate and blood flows from the internal organs back to the blood vessels on the surface of the body. Alternate between cold and hot water, which can promote blood circulation and enhance the elasticity of blood vessels.

【Method】 Alternate shower with cold and hot water before going to bed every night, with the hot water temperature of 40~44°C and the cold water temperature of 12~16°C. Alternate 5~10 times of cold and then hot, each lasting 2~3 minutes, and finally end with a hot bath.

2. Ankle pump exercises

This exercise can enhance blood circulation in the lower limbs and prevent thrombosis.

【Method】Stretch your knees naturally, hook your feet with all your strength for 10 seconds, then stretch your feet with all your strength, repeat as many times as you want without causing pain, the more the better. Each time you hook your feet and stretch your feet, you should try to achieve the maximum scale, and the movements should be as slow and soft as possible, and the effect is better if you do both feet at the same time.



Massage can unclog clogged blood vessels, right?


Mistake. If you don't feel comfortable in your shoulders or neck, you may need to massage it. If it is to unclog blood vessels, the effect of massage is minimal. Arterial blood vessel blockage and lipid plaque formation is a long process, whether it is massage, patting, acupuncture, cupping, etc., it cannot make the blood vessels become unobstructed. It's okay if the massage doesn't work, but the scary thing is that it can be dangerous in some cases. For example, when a vein thrombosis in the lower extremities is blocked and blocked, massage not only does not "unblock" the blood vessel, but may cause the blood clot to fall off. These blockages flow with the blood, and if an important blood vessel (such as pulmonary blood vessels, cerebral blood vessels) is blocked, it will cause ischemia in the critical area, and the consequences are very serious.

Content Sources:

People's Medical Publishing House published "The Wisdom of Less Sickness: Making Blood Vessels Healthier"

Editor-in-Chief of the book:

Chen Zhong, Chief Physician of Beijing Anzhen Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University

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