
Breaking the Perception: CO2 is not an exhaust gas! Here's how it works in the human body......

author:Human health care
Breaking the Perception: CO2 is not an exhaust gas! Here's how it works in the human body......

The human lungs are a vital hub in the respiratory process. Oxygen in the air, which holds the "pass code", is recognized by the hemoglobin in red blood cells and enters the body's circulation. So, what about carbon dioxide? Is it what we often call exhaust gases? Is it a gas that the human body does not accept, the turbidity that the ancients said? Let's listen to the "Lung Squire" in simple terms.

Breaking the Perception: CO2 is not an exhaust gas! Here's how it works in the human body......
Breaking the Perception: CO2 is not an exhaust gas! Here's how it works in the human body......

Carbon dioxide, who are you

Breaking the Perception: CO2 is not an exhaust gas! Here's how it works in the human body......

Chinese name: carbon dioxide.

English name: CO2.

Flower name: Greenhouse gas, dry ice (when solid).

Attributes: Carbonaceous.

Physical characteristics: colorless and odorless.

Personality characteristics: stable in nature, can not burn by itself, does not support combustion, belongs to acidic oxides, reacts with water to form carbonic acid.

Through this introduction, we have a general understanding of carbon dioxide. Because it has the characteristics of stable properties, low melting and boiling points, and high thermal stability, it is widely used in daily life and industrial production. For example, it is used in the manufacture of refrigerants, food preservation, fire extinguishing and smoke effect manufacturing, and it is also used to make refreshing carbonated drinks that are loved by young people.

Industrially, carbon dioxide can be used as a gas source for a variety of refrigerated devices and an inert gas protective agent for instrument processing; Medically, carbon dioxide can be used in the production of carbon dioxide lasers, which are often used in dermatology.

The proportion of carbon dioxide in the air is 0.03%~0.04%, and we breathe air normally and will not be poisoned by carbon dioxide. However, in an environment with a high concentration of carbon dioxide, it is difficult to discharge carbon dioxide from the body due to the change of concentration difference, which may lead to carbon dioxide poisoning, dizziness, drowsiness and other symptoms, and even coma in severe cases.

All in all, carbon dioxide itself is not a harmful gas, and it plays an indispensable role in our lives and work.

Breaking the Perception: CO2 is not an exhaust gas! Here's how it works in the human body......

Hello CO2, please line up and leave the venue in an orderly manner

Since the body's metabolism is the process by which oxygen oxidizes and breaks down nutrients, releasing energy, and producing carbon dioxide and water at the same time, what happens to the carbon dioxide after the "cell factory" completes its work?

After carbon dioxide enters the bloodstream, most of it binds to hemoglobin and is transported in the body, and finally transported to the lungs, where carbon dioxide dissociates from hemoglobin into the alveoli and is then excreted through the respiratory tract.

Breaking the Perception: CO2 is not an exhaust gas! Here's how it works in the human body......

It can be seen that in the process of carbon dioxide expulsion, there is only a change in the dissolved form, and it does not carry other metabolites of the body. Throughout the process, carbon dioxide is non-toxic. If there is a disorder in the process of excreting carbon dioxide from the human body, such as bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc., the small bronchi will be narrowed, the carbon dioxide discharge will not be smooth, the carbon dioxide in the body will accumulate, and people will have symptoms of fatigue and fatigue, and even hallucinations, gibberish, and in severe cases, it will even develop into coma and other pulmonary encephalopathy.

So, is it easy for the human body to blindly excrete carbon dioxide? Not! In fact, carbon dioxide also plays an active role in maintaining acid-base balance in the human body. If we exhale incessantly and excrete excessive carbon dioxide, respiratory alkalosis (equivalent to a decrease in carbonic acid dissolved in the body) will occur, and symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, and even numbness and convulsions in the limbs will occur.

Breaking the Perception: CO2 is not an exhaust gas! Here's how it works in the human body......

Hearing this, do you understand a truth - carbon dioxide itself is not toxic, but only a metabolite of the human body. However, it is still necessary to maintain the appropriate pressure and content in the human body in order to maintain the normal acid-base balance of the human body, so that the "big machine" of the human body has a suitable environment to maintain normal operation.

Lung Department Samurai

Carbon dioxide is a metabolite of the human body, not an exhaust gas as we think it is! The human body is an "art of balance", "appropriateness" is love, and "lack" and "indiscriminate" are harmful.

Content Sources:

People's Medical Publishing House publishes "Learning to Breathe: Reinventing Your Health"

Editor-in-Chief of the book:

Xu Yinji, chief physician of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Tan Xinyuan, deputy chief physician of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Looking forward to seeing you



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