
The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect

The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect

Ting Ma Alan

2024-05-20 18:22Posted in Guangdong parenting field creators

Hello everyone, I'm Ting's mother

Since Tingting entered junior high school, her temper has become like a firecracker, just a little bit.

Sometimes when I say something very common to her, she will also get angry, and close the door of the room with a "bang", leaving me at the door to feel inexplicable, I don't know where I made her unhappy.

The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect

This made me realize that Tingting had entered puberty.

Adolescence is a period that makes countless parents both worried and full of expectations.

Children are like a difficult book to decipher, and their emotions are like unpredictable weather, sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy.

Parents often feel powerless and frustrated when communicating with their children, and even wonder if they are doing something wrong.

So, what's the most effective way to get along with your adolescent? And the answer is only two words - and that is "respect".

Respect seems to be a simple two words, but it contains profound educational wisdom.

It means giving full understanding and support to the child's personality, choices, and privacy.

During adolescence, children are experiencing great physical and psychological changes, they crave independence and want to be seen as mature individuals.

1. Respect is the cornerstone of a good parent-child relationship

After neighbor Zhang Mei's daughter Xiaomin entered puberty, she became sensitive and suspicious, and often had arguments with her parents. Zhang Mei tried a variety of methods, including harsh discipline and gentle persuasion, but to little avail.

The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect

Until one day, she decided to change her strategy and started trying to really respect her daughter. She no longer peeks at her daughter's diary, no longer questions her daughter's friends for no reason, but gives her enough personal space and trust.

Gradually, Min began to take the initiative to share her thoughts and feelings with her mother, and the relationship between the two improved significantly.

2. Respect does not mean laissez-faire

It is a positive attitude towards education that requires us to give appropriate guidance and help based on a full understanding of the child.

When children are struggling with their studies, we should encourage them to find solutions on their own, while providing the necessary support, rather than simply telling them the answers. This not only cultivates their independent thinking ability, but also allows them to feel the joy of growth.

3. Respect is also reflected in the importance of children's opinions

In the family decision-making process, we should involve our children in discussions and listen carefully to their views, even if the final decision does not take their advice into account. Doing so will help your child feel worthy, boost their self-confidence and sense of responsibility.

The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect

In practice, the specific practices of respect also include the following:

1. Keep communication open

At all times, provide a safe, stress-free environment for your child to communicate and let them know that home is their strongest support.

2. Pay attention to children's interests and needs

Knowing their hobbies and supporting their dreams will lead to a better emotional connection with them.

3. Learn to listen and wait

When your child expresses himself, listen patiently, without interrupting or rushing to give an answer, and give them enough time to organize their thoughts.

The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect

4. Express love and concern

While being respectful, don't forget to show your children your love and care, which is a source of their sense of security.

5. Set an example

As parents, our actions have a direct impact on our children. Therefore, we need to lead by example and show respect for others.

Respect is a two-way interaction, and when you respect your child, he will learn to respect you.

This respectful relationship can help parents and children grow together and navigate the challenges of adolescence.

The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect

Adolescence is a challenging but also a valuable time for a child's development. Through respect, we are not only able to help children get through this stage, but we also teach them how to be responsible, empathetic adults.

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I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.

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  • The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect
  • The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect
  • The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect
  • The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect
  • The most effective way to get along with adolescent children: 2 words, it is recommended to collect

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