
Summer is coming, remind the middle-aged and elderly not to worry too much about money, eat more 3 kinds of meat, and nourish enough energy to enter the summer

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician (TCM) Physician

On an ordinary spring morning, Uncle Liu, a retired teacher, walked into the community infirmary as usual. His face was pale and he faltered. Uncle Lau has always been known for his frugality, especially when it comes to diet, and he believes that as he ages, he should reduce his meat intake to maintain his health. However, in recent months, he has gradually felt fatigue and low energy. After a series of tests, doctors found that his hemoglobin level was lower than normal and signs of malnutrition were obvious.

The seventy-year-old man thought he was making healthy choices, but he didn't realize that he was invisibly depriving himself of the necessary nutrients. Uncle Liu's case is not an isolated case, which is a common misunderstanding among middle-aged and elderly people. His story reminds us that, especially in the days of summer, the right amount of meat intake is essential for middle-aged and older adults to maintain their health and vitality.

Summer is coming, remind the middle-aged and elderly not to worry too much about money, eat more 3 kinds of meat, and nourish enough energy to enter the summer

Meat plays an important role in the diet of middle-aged and older adults

As we age, the body's metabolic rate gradually slows down, and muscle mass and strength gradually decline. In this process, proper meat intake is particularly important for middle-aged and elderly people. Not only is meat a major source of high-quality protein, but it also contains a range of nutrients that are beneficial to the body, such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins.

Importance of Protein: Protein in meat is an important component in building and maintaining muscle. As we age, maintaining adequate muscle mass and strength is essential to maintain daily vitality and prevent accidents such as falls.

Iron and other minerals: The iron in meat is key to making hemoglobin and transporting oxygen to all parts of the body. For middle-aged and elderly people, moderate iron intake can prevent anemia and improve fatigue.

Vitamin B12 and other vitamins: Meat is a natural source of vitamin B12, which is essential for nervous system health and red blood cell production. In addition, meat also contains vitamin D and vitamin E, which are good for bone health and immunity.

On this basis, middle-aged and elderly people need to pay attention to the choice and intake of meat. Choose low-fat meats, such as chicken, fish, and lean beef, to meet your nutritional needs while avoiding excessive saturated fat intake. At the same time, appropriate combinations of other food sources, such as legumes and dairy products, can ensure a complete and balanced nutrition.

Summer is coming, remind the middle-aged and elderly not to worry too much about money, eat more 3 kinds of meat, and nourish enough energy to enter the summer

Three types of meat: a treasure trove of nutrients and a source of summer energy

Chicken: The source of lightness and strength

Chicken, as a common poultry meat, has a delicate meat and a delicious taste. For middle-aged and elderly people, its low-fat and high-protein properties are particularly suitable. Chicken is high in protein, which is beneficial for maintaining muscle mass, especially in the summer when physical exertion is high. At the same time, it also contains essential amino acids that help to boost the function of the immune system. In addition, chicken is also rich in phosphorus and iron, which are beneficial for bone and blood health.

Serving suggestion: 100-150 grams 2-3 times a week. Recommended cooking methods include stewing, steaming, roasting, etc., and try to use less frying.

Beef: Solid energy reserves

Beef is an excellent source of red meat, which is not only high in protein, but also rich in iron and B vitamins, especially vitamin B12, which is especially important for blood health. Iron is a key component in the production of red blood cells, which is effective in preventing anemia and maintaining vitality and energy. In addition, the zinc in beef also has a positive effect on enhancing immunity and promoting wound healing.

Serving suggestion: 1-2 times a week, no more than 100 grams each time. It is recommended to stew and boil the main thing, and avoid high-temperature cooking methods such as barbecue.

Fishmeat: The guardian of the heart

Fish, especially deep-sea fish, is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely beneficial for heart health. Omega-3s can help lower blood lipids and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fish also contains high-quality protein and vitamin D, both of which play an important role in maintaining healthy bones and normal muscle function.

Serving suggestion: 100-150 grams 2-3 times a week. The cooking method is recommended to be steamed and boiled, and it can be eaten with vegetables to increase nutritional balance.

Summer is coming, remind the middle-aged and elderly not to worry too much about money, eat more 3 kinds of meat, and nourish enough energy to enter the summer

Consumption method and amount: the wisdom of health preservation

While enjoying the nutritional benefits brought by meat, middle-aged and elderly people also need to pay attention to the control of eating methods and amounts. The right way to eat meat can maximize the nutritional value of meat, and proper consumption is the key to a healthy diet. Excessive consumption of meat may lead to an increase in the burden on the stomach and intestines, and even affect blood lipid levels. Therefore, a balanced diet and reasonable arrangement of meat intake are the smart choices for summer health. At the same time, it is recommended to mix enough vegetables and fruits to ensure the intake of vitamins and fiber in the diet to achieve a balanced and healthy diet.

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