
The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: In life, disease is like an invisible enemy, lurking around us all the time. A healthy body and a strong body are our important weapons against the invasion of diseases.

When our body is strong enough, our ability to resist diseases will naturally increase, and the incidence of diseases will be relatively low. However, there are many types of diseases, both those of the internal organs of the body and those of surgery, and their incidence is almost equal and cannot be ignored.

Liver disease, as a type of visceral disease, is of particular concern. Among them, hepatitis is the most common liver disease. According to the World Health Organization, about 350 million people worldwide suffer from liver disease, and more than 1 million people die each year from liver disease.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility

The liver is known as the "chemical factory of the human body", which undertakes important functions such as detoxification, secretion and detoxification, accumulation and detoxification. Once the liver is damaged, its ability to detoxify and detoxify will be affected, resulting in the retention of toxins in the body, bringing serious harm to the body.

Therefore, we must always pay attention to the health of the liver, maintain good living habits, avoid overwork and bad habits, conduct regular physical examinations, and detect and treat liver diseases in time to protect our health and life safety. Only in this way can we achieve the ultimate victory in this battle against disease.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility


What are the functions of the liver in the human body?

The role of the liver in the human body is diverse, it is not only an important metabolic organ, but also involved in many key physiological processes.


The liver plays a central role in the metabolic process, and it is responsible for breaking down and converting nutrients in food, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, to provide energy to the body.

At the same time, the liver also processes and excretes toxins from the body, ensuring that the body's internal environment is stable. This function makes the liver a "chemical factory" in our body.

Blood production and regulation

The liver is also involved in the production and regulation of blood, producing important clotting factors that can quickly stop bleeding and prevent excessive blood loss when the body is injured. At the same time, the liver is also able to break down old red blood cells and release the iron in hemoglobin for the body to reuse.

Store nutrients

The liver also stores a large amount of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as iron and copper. When the body needs these nutrients, the liver releases them to maintain the proper functioning of the body.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility


What are the dangers of liver lesions to the body?

Decreased detoxification function

The liver is the main detoxification organ in the body, and when the liver is diseased, its detoxification function will be affected. This can lead to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, which can cause damage to various organs and systems, increasing the risk of disease.

Metabolic disorders

The liver plays an important role in regulating blood sugar, fat, and protein metabolism. Liver lesions may lead to disorders in these metabolic processes, leading to metabolic diseases such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia.

Blood clotting disorders

The liver synthesizes a variety of clotting factors, which are essential for maintaining normal coagulation function. Liver lesions may result in inadequate synthesis of clotting factors, increasing the risk of bleeding.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility

Weakened immunity

The liver plays a key role in maintaining immune function, and lesions can lead to a decrease in immunity, making a person more susceptible to infections.

Ascites formation

Severe liver lesions, such as cirrhosis, can lead to portal hypertension, which can lead to ascites. Ascites not only affects the patient's daily life, but may also increase the burden on the liver and lead to worsening of the condition.

Hepatic encephalopathy

When liver lesions progress to a certain extent, they can lead to hepatic encephalopathy. It is a serious neurological complication that manifests as symptoms such as impaired consciousness, abnormal behavior, and can even be life-threatening.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility


Is the "detoxification master" a chrysanthemum?

In daily life, when we mention the best way to nourish the liver and protect the liver, many people will first think of the fresh and elegant chrysanthemum. Indeed, chrysanthemum has a place in traditional Chinese medicine with its unique charm, and is known as a good medicine for clearing the liver and eyes, detoxifying and reducing fever.

Its internal adenine, volatile oil, inulin, choline, stacyline and trace amounts of vitamin A substances all endow it with extraordinary health benefits, these ingredients not only help to remove free radicals in the body, reduce the burden on the liver, but also promote blood circulation and provide adequate nutrients for the liver.

However, although chrysanthemum has a remarkable effect in nourishing and protecting the liver, it is not it that is truly a detoxification expert. So, who is the real master of detoxification?

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility


The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility


Coix seed, an ancient Chinese medicinal material, is known as a master of detoxification, and its profound medicinal value has been fully verified in the thousands of years of history of the Chinese nation.

It is often said that medicine and food are of the same origin, coix seed is such a special existence that can be used both in medicine and edible, it not only has a unique taste, but also rich in nutrition, and more importantly, it can help enhance liver motility, and has a non-negligible role in protecting our liver health.

Coix seeds are rich in proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, all of which are necessary for the liver to work properly. Regular consumption of coix seeds can not only provide sufficient nutrients for the liver, but also promote the metabolism and detoxification functions of the liver, helping the liver to better cope with external challenges.

Cassia seed

Cassia seed, an ancient Chinese herbal medicine, has been a treasure trove of Chinese medicine since ancient times. Cassia seed, known as the "master of detoxification", is not only widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, but also gradually favored by people in modern life.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility

Cassia seeds are rich in nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help promote liver health and improve the liver's ability to detoxify.

Regular consumption of cassia tea can not only help enhance liver motility, but also play a variety of effects such as clearing heat and detoxifying, brightening eyes and lowering blood pressure. In modern society, due to various factors such as environmental pollution and work pressure, people's livers are often in a sub-healthy state. Cassia tea is like an intimate health guardian, guarding our liver health at all times.

Burdock root

The detoxification effect of burdock root stems from its rich nutrients and medicinal value, especially the dietary fiber and a variety of minerals, which play a significant role in promoting health and improving the liver's ability to detoxify.

As an important detoxification organ of the human body, the liver is responsible for breaking down and excreting toxic substances from the body. However, in modern life, due to the influence of environmental pollution, poor eating habits and other factors, the burden on the liver is increasing day by day.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility

In addition, the dietary fiber in burdock root helps to promote intestinal peristalsis, improve digestive function, and has a good effect on preventing constipation and intestinal diseases.


Dandelion, a seemingly ordinary weed, actually contains the magical power of nature. It is not only the messenger of spring, bringing vitality and vitality, but also the guardian of our body, silently detoxifying us and enhancing the power of the liver.

Dandelion's detoxification power stems from its rich nutrient content, which contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that play an important role in the body.

In particular, the leaves and roots of dandelions are a treasure trove of nutrients. They contain a variety of active ingredients such as dandelions, choline, organic acids, etc., all of which help to remove free radicals in the body and reduce the burden on the liver, thereby enhancing the liver's ability to detoxify.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility


These 4 bad behaviors will damage the liver, if you want to nourish the liver and protect the liver, you should try to stay away

Excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol is metabolized into acetaldehyde in the liver, which can damage liver cells and cause diseases such as hepatitis and fatty liver. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can also lead to serious consequences such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore, to protect the liver, we should limit the amount of alcohol we drink and try to avoid binge drinking.

Unreasonable eating habits

High-fat, high-calorie foods can easily lead to fatty liver. At the same time, excessive sugar and salt intake can also increase the burden on the liver. To protect the liver, we should maintain a balanced diet with more nutrients such as protein, vegetables and fruits, and reduce the intake of greasy and sweet foods.

Lack of exercise

Long-term lack of exercise can lead to a slowdown in the body's metabolism and increased fat accumulation, which increases the risk of fatty liver disease. Therefore, in order to maintain liver health, we should actively participate in physical exercises, such as walking, jogging, swimming and other aerobic exercises to promote the body's metabolism.

drug abuse

Some drugs produce harmful substances when they are metabolized in the liver, causing damage to the liver. Therefore, when using medications, we should follow the doctor's advice and avoid abusing drugs, especially those that are harmful to the liver.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility


What are the distinguishing features of liver damage?


Jaundice is caused by the liver's inability to process bilirubin properly and is manifested as yellowing of the skin and eyes. If you notice an abnormal yellow color on your skin or someone else's eyes, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

Digestive symptoms

Liver damage may affect the digestive system, leading to symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. This is because bile secreted by the liver is essential for digesting food, and when the liver is damaged, the secretion and excretion of bile can be affected.

Fatigue and fatigue

The liver plays an important role in energy metabolism, and when the liver is damaged, energy production may be affected, causing people to feel tired and fatigued.

The "detoxification master" has been found, not chrysanthemums, drink regularly, or can help enhance liver motility

Leads to an increased tendency to bleed

Clotting factors synthesized by the liver are essential for hemostasis, and when the liver is damaged, the synthesis of clotting factors may be affected, resulting in an increased tendency to bleed.

Causes weight loss

When the liver is damaged, people may experience symptoms such as loss of appetite and indigestion, which can lead to weight loss. In addition, liver damage can also affect metabolism, causing the body to not be able to make the most of nutrients, further leading to weight loss.

Causes pain in the liver area

The liver is located in the upper right abdomen, and when the liver is damaged, there may be pain or discomfort in the liver area. This pain may be dull, tingling, or swollen, depending on the individual.

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